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Why the other line is likely to move faster

lucky760 says...

@entr0py @jmd: I think you're overthinking the basic point. If there are 5 cashiers each with a queue of 1 customer, there exists the possibility that your checkout will be delayed due to the customer in the line you chose. However, if you're in a central queue with those same 5 customers in front of you, your checkout won't be delayed unless every one of those customers causes a delay because if any fewer (than all of them) causes a delay, there will still be at least one cashier not delayed and, thus, you can checkout more quickly.

In other words, in the many queue method, your wait time is directly proportional to the checkout speed of your one cashier (which may be fast or slow), but in the central queue method, your wait time depends on the checkout speed of *all* the cashiers (which are not likely to all be delayed simultaneously).

You have a much better chance at a speedy checkout with a central queue.

Baby Otter Plays with a Stuffed Walrus

No Doubt - Spiderwebs

enoch (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Fast Hands in Chinese Card Factory

smooman says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

They're probably paid by the deck.
Still, it's pretty sad that a job that simple is done by people. What a soulless shitty work environment.

QFT, im sure they're paid by the deck, hence the speediness. But ya, i certainly wouldnt wanna work there. That would get old real damn quick

Six New Orleans Cops Charged In Murder Of Hurricane Victims

Porksandwich says...

From third party experience and personal observations of the system, the checks and balances need to be returned into the system. Like I stated earlier, the police department refused to comply with written orders from a judge. And this same judge when shown the paperwork the police department wanted signed said that he'd never seen that paperwork before and that he himself wouldn't have signed it under any circumstance.

There's just too much complication to the system, each part of the 3 wanting to take the powers of the other two upon itself while being completely kept out of the loop as to the other branches goings on. No handful of people have the time to check out the other goings on when they are so busy trying to get more power for themselves.

They need to implement a system in which laws that are reviewed and thrown out when a new law takes over it's function, or if the law is outdated with the times and requires an update to create an update that doesn't require broad interpretation of every word in it. Lots of interpretation slowly becomes the new "spirit" of the law that was never intended to be used in such ways. A lot of the new anti-terror laws were used in such a way to bust drug dealers, hackers, etc that had no affiliation with terrorists.....simply because this interpretation and power struggle has went on for so long that it's second nature. The real problem with this second nature attitude is that more often than not the judicial branch takes a "blind trust" attitude toward police submitted evidence and reports so the check against corruption/common sense/legality there is lost completely without a lawyer to point it out.

And this leads into that you are granted representation in the constitution, they should make sure your representation is fit for duty and has the necessary information to give you a fair trial. Not delay getting you a public defender until the third court date and you only meet him 5 minutes before you go up in front of a judge. There's no reasonable expectation there of anything besides having a very limited time to make some very big decisions concerning plea offers and the implications of one action over the other.

It says you are granted a speedy trial, not that the courts are granted a speedy trial....but right now, the courts put forth the minimal effort but maximize your time investment if you don't admit guilt/pay the fee early on. Hell even small claims court takes multiple months to get you in, and they will hear your trial in about 5 minutes with no one else waiting to go up after you. Saw my dad get screwed there by someone because he was expecting the court to read the submitted material, other guy didn't even show up. And the mistake was the police departments fault for telling him false information (overstepping authority), court didn't care that the police department had aided this other person in essentially stealing 1500 bucks in costs due to their mishandling. This particular court would not allow you to file in small claims court and bring in a lawyer, you had to represent yourself if you were going into small claims. And they would not take the time to ferret out more information that may be pertinent to the trial because as soon as the question was asked the judge said they read it, even though by the comments it was a very brief reading if read at all. This kind of system encourages upstanding citizens to not file to recoup costs because it's time consuming with almost no return for their efforts even if it's a legitimate claim. But allows for criminals and fly-by nights to rip everyone off a few grand at a time and move on. ESPECIALLY if the person who committed the crime is on government support because they won't force them to pay it out of their benefits and you can't take their tax returns until they cash it..and if it never makes it into their bank account you can't get it period.

On the other hand, if the police actually had investigated and found out they gave misinformation and this other person benefitted from it at my dad's expense, and made it clear to the court that the other person owed the money or property back.....or "Admitted they screwed up"....some justice may have been done. But now he has to try to recoup a small pittance from someone who is probably a crackhead and is definitely on welfare..who has already sold the property and made and spent the money from the sale.

>> ^NetRunner:

so what's your answer to all this? How do we fix the system?
I'm all for leveling the playing field so the reality of the justice system hews more closely to its founding principles.
I just don't think trying to preemptively pass judgment on both the cops and the legal system helps. If you're looking for a watershed moment that turns public opinion towards wanting a better justice system, surely there are cases in the past that have more of a pull.
It seems to me that the big problem isn't these officers who maybe intentionally killed some people, and likely covered it up, the big problem is that the people at the top of our social order (e.g. Bush and Wall Street bankers) seem utterly immune to even being investigated, much less charged and convicted.
I'm really disheartened that we can't even seem to come up with a consensus of public opinion that these things need to be investigated, much less that it's of vital importance for our nation's future that we do so.

Soccer/Football/World Cup - Worst Dives of All Time

kymbos says...

Man, that is hilarious. And the tune is perfect.

During the US/Ghana game, America's speedy stiker was racing up the left wing, and literally tripped over his own feet. No contact from the Ghana guy whatsoever. And he turned his fall into a beautiful swan dive, with double roll, drawing not just a free kick but a yellow card. Unfortunately the Ghanan player was already on a yellow, so he missed the next game. I was aghast.

Here's my solution:

Adopt the tennis approach. Each team in the World Cup gets two appeals per game. If the opposition takes a dive, and a free kick or worse is awarded, you get to call for the video umpire to review the incident. If it can be shown that there was no contact, the player who took the dive gets a yellow or red, and the appeal doesn't count as one of your two appeals. If it is unclear, it gets returned to the on-ground umpire.

Thus, there is finally a realistic disincentive to dive, knowing you could get sent off yourself by the video ref.

AVAILABLE NOW: Cruise Missles Concealed in Cargo Containers

On the Recent Move ... (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We could have forwarded, but the problem was that the old Server and IP was getting shut down completely, and also, as we use full URL's to all links - any links would constantly be going back to the old server first.

I switched to Google DNS too. It does seem really speedy to me.

>> ^MaxWilder:
I know things in the professional hosting realm don't work quite the same as on simple web servers, but wasn't there a way you could just have a single page forward people from the old ip to the new until full dns propagation? The old meta refresh trick? At any rate, I discovered google dns from this experience, and that seems cool.

Post Office refuses to deliver mail to a business

Maddow: They're Getting Embarassed (Kinda)

phoeniciansailor says...

eh, i don't get it. inhofe actually says that speeding up the project is "great news", and that the funds for the project were "necessary". doesn't seem like a slam dunk. you can have an honestly good project funded with "dirty" money from an ill-conceived program; but that doesn't make the good project any less necessary or its speedy completion a bad thing.

the original inhofe article is here

meh, i prefer to get my new analysis from the daily show.

Maddow on the Hypocrisy of the Miranda Talking Point

JiggaJonson says...

The irony of this is the Miranda laws were created initially to protect people who were non-english speaking and were potentially unaware of their rights while being tried in court.

Ernesto Miranda could barely speak english and was coerced by police to give a confession. The police never made it clear that he could have an attorney present during the interrogation. Later the charges levied against him were overturned because, the ACLU argued that his sixth amendment (below) rights were violated.

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district where in the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."

I hate to sound like a talking head for the left but the fact of the matter is Rachel is right, and these republicans (especially the LOATHSOME senator Bachman) are hypocrites.

blankfist (Member Profile)

Mr. 9/11 Forgets About 9/11

Nithern says...

So, Bush didn't have a terrorism attack during his eight years, and Obama did? Which USA is this guy living in? Its not the one from planet Earth.

Let see, if I were to hold you, in a country that is proud of....right to a speedy trial, access to a lawyer, no cruel or unusual punishment given before, during, or after sentencing, right to cross examine, to see ALL information directed towards you, and question witnesses fairly....and then did the following to you:

A) Kept you in a prison without seeing anyone, including a lawyer.
B) Never put you on a trial for charges that landed you in prison in the first place.
C) Waterboarded, treating you as sub-human, electric shock, and other 'approved enhanced interrorgation treatements' that are not considered torture, unless the person doing it, thinks it torture. And then make sure, since your black, that person is a Grand Wizard of the KKK.
D) You are not allowed to see any of the evidence, regardless of how flimsy it is, because its 'national security secrets', 'classified', and 'top secret'. Nor are you allowed to test the authenticity of such evidence.
E) You can only defend yourself within a very limited, and structed enviroment. Your judges (since there are 1-3 of them), are hand picked by the people who captured you originally, and have been torturing you...for months, with impunity.
F) You never get to see the witnesses who say you actually did something wrong, much less, hear their words.
G) You are designated something new, because, P.O.W. would mean you were human.
H) The whole concept, this nation, to which you living in a hellish existance, prides itself on the humane treatment of other human beings. But you have yet, to see once example of human dignity.

Yeah, I can't imagine what would drive someone that saw our country as the evil, satan, after going through that crap for years. And yes, that would give the person, ALOT, of motivation to get some pay back on such nation. Its absurd that those in the conservative end of the spectrum (read: extremist thought), do not understand, that they have just made America MORE of a target, then less.

In recent news, our President is taking responsiblity for things that happen on his watch. When did Mr. Bush, or his minions, take real responsiblity for things they did?

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