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Ron Paul Denies Theory of Evolution

dannym3141 says...

This man wants to be in control of the direction that the american people - a large representation of the human race - takes in future. He thinks it's inappropriate and unfair for THAT position - control of the future of a large portion of the human race - be decided on a scientific matter.

Let's forget that the question was regarding education, and whether or not the subject be taught in schools for just a moment. The man is virtually poo-pooing the quest to find some substance to our existence.

Where exactly are we going as a human race? In 10000 years time, will we still be working and reproducing until we retire, whereupon we appreciate what our money has earned us when our arthritis isn't acting up, waiting to die? Doesn't that strike anyone as a little sad?

So yeah, it's fucking important what this ass thinks about evolution when he's going to be the first in line to all the strings that are pulled that could lead to our glory or downfall.

"God exists everyone, don't worry, trust me on it. So everyone keep on working your life away, retire, eventually die, and then you'll get to heaven and can chill a little!" Come on people, where are we heading? I want more work into science and technology. I want more space exploration. Calling space exploration off because people might die - where's the pioneering spirit? Thousands died exploring the earth and a lot of them weren't willing travellers.

If we find some proof that god doesn't exist thanks to science and technology, then maybe we'll end up living a fulfilling utopian lifestyle, where no one has to suffer stress and high blood pressure working in an office on the 30th floor of a building.

Get your fucking priorities in order - what ever happened to the bigger fucking picture?

Not fair and inappropriate? You want to fucking lead people, people need to know you have your shit together. I couldn't care less if you believe in god, but i could care less that you think this shit isn't important.

Early U.S Rocket Launches - Successes and Failures

8578 says...

space exploration efforts? lol@the brainwashing ! so when the Iranians build rockets it's to deliver nukes and anthrax, when the yanks build rockets it's for peaceful space exploration. ffs...

The Evangelical War On Science

videosiftbannedme says...

If these people are so anti-science, why do they choose to utilize television or the Internet? I say if you don't want to acknowledge scientific theories and hypotheses, then you don't get to reap the rewards from them. Besides, "God will provide" so they don't need to worry about being without.

It's ok though, everyone. We just need to get our asses in gear, do some space exploration and colonization and leave these nutjobs here on Earth. They don't believe in global warming so we can use up all the fossil fuels in preparation. Once we colonize a few planets we can have our first interplanetary war. Should be over pretty quickly seeing as sticks and stones are no match for a disintegration ray.

NASA Tumbleweed rover tested in Antarctica

NASA - Returning to the Moon

Sketch says...

Yeah, well, unfortunately you need a flashy PR machine to get the average American to get excited about space exploration again. Since we don't have the Soviet scare to outrace anymore, people aren't interested. For a minute it actually looked like Bush was going to be all in on getting back out there, but then 9/11 happened and fit the Neo-con agenda much nicer, which led to us squandering everything on Iraq. Not to mention the renewed and bolstered interest in all things religious (mainly Christian) and the rejection of science and reason.

If PR gets the public to support NASA again than I say give ILM a call and let's get this show on the road.

Eye-Opening Stats: The Global Economy and Computers

djsunkid says...

Space exploration will be much easier once we master nanotechnology, and can upload ourselves into computers the size of dust motes. When we're that size, it will be much more economical to send ourselves into space.

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