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oxdottir (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

I'm not trying to "self-destruct." I haven't discarded anyone's videos or made whiney SiftTalks.

I wasn't even trying to make thepinky shit a matter of public discourse. That was burdturgler. As for the argument of profile's being public, how many were aware of the spat until burdturgler aired it, honestly.

We can all wish for peace, but that is an alien and impossible concept. If you don't think that's true, look around you.

I don't pander to anyone's idea of the image I should portray. I just am.

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
I haven't been around during the time you've been here. I wasn't here when the drama between you and pinky started. I'm way behind and out of touch, and honestly, not all that interested in catching up--I can't follow feuds without getting bored (honestly, even when I am one of the participants I have trouble keeping interest long enough to track).

...but... I just spent some time reading your blog, and I like your style. I might not approve of some of your forms of communication, but you are smart, and interesting, and I hope you stick around and don't self-destruct.

No reason you should care what I think: you probably know even less of me than I know of you.

But it's just a fact: I look forward to reading your words again, though I would certainly prefer that the point-to-point between you and pinky morphed into a dissipating mucous-scented fog.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

oxdottir says...

I haven't been around during the time you've been here. I wasn't here when the drama between you and pinky started. I'm way behind and out of touch, and honestly, not all that interested in catching up--I can't follow feuds without getting bored (honestly, even when I am one of the participants I have trouble keeping interest long enough to track).

...but... I just spent some time reading your blog, and I like your style. I might not approve of some of your forms of communication, but you are smart, and interesting, and I hope you stick around and don't self-destruct.

No reason you should care what I think: you probably know even less of me than I know of you.

But it's just a fact: I look forward to reading your words again, though I would certainly prefer that the point-to-point between you and pinky morphed into a dissipating mucous-scented fog.

Escape From City 17 Part One

Christian "Bashing" Vs. Gay Bashing

Seric says...

>> ^solvent:
who cares??? about either sides...

Quite a few people I'd imagine. Those wishing to debate equal rights, symantics, definition, homosexuality and religion.

Anyway, I'm not sure if this debate has evolved or if people are just missing the mark. As previously mentioned, he's not trying to reclaim the word or win a competition of 1-upsmanship. He's trying to convey his opinion that the definitions of 'bashing' used within the CADL are inappropriate.

However, you can't really invalidate the use of 'bashing' in cases of verbal attacks (I use 'attack' for reference rather than a descriptor) by giving evidence of physical attacks as a counterpoint. Even if you're trying to prove definition, which I'll get back to later.

>> ^burdturgler:
This is a quite unfair.
It's popular to make fun of Catholics but, believe it or not, not every priest is a child molester and most Christian's are not the psychos people make them out to be. The truth is, good, caring Christians have been tortured, murdered and have literally had their brains bashed in long before any gay person thought they coined the term "bashing". They paid for concepts like "intolerance" while they were being eaten alive by lions at a time when homosexuality was completely accepted.
Don't let one list from one group about events in one nation confuse you into thinking that Christians are not "bashed" all the time, around the globe, every day .. and have been for many hundreds of years.
I'm an advocate for gay rights and that's evidenced by my video submissions and comments on the sift. But that's because I'm an advocate for human rights. Being gay doesn't make your suffering more important than others when you are discriminated against or worse .. bashed. Why would any gay person want to own "bashing"? Shouldn't any of this kind of treatment be abhorrent to everyone?
I feel like this video does a disservice to the gay community. Gay people should not be trying to win a "I've been hurt more than you" contest. All this accomplishes is alienating more people to their cause. Which should be everyone's cause .. the fair treatment of all.

Whilst this comment isn't really relative to mine, I'd like to point out that historical terms of discrimination cannot be used effectivly to reference modern socialogical arguments or positions. Using that logic you could argue to the same degree/direction for black/jewish/muslim/intelligent/aristocracy/chinese whatever. Unless theres a definate example of a similar case in modern society, the point of homosexuality/christians only serves as a point of irony.

Saying that, stating that 'Gay people should not be trying to win a "I've been hurt more than you" contest.' after giving examples of christian hardship also has a scent of irony about it.

>> ^notarobot:
The video's author has instead focused on returning the use of words to their definitions so that their meanings are not diluted into obscurity. What would someone say in a call to 911 when their friend is being a assaulted or having their brains bashed in when the meaning of both words was reduced to mean "insult" or even less? Would police rush to the scene of a reported name calling? Should new words that actually have mean something be invented to replace the words we have once their meaning is reduced to nothing?

That depends on how you define the 'definition'. And if its the definition thats not being observed here or the context.

1. the act of beating, whipping, or thrashing: a series of unsolved bashings and robberies.
2. a decisive defeat: We gave the visiting team a good bashing.
3. (used in combination)
a. unprovoked physical assaults against members of a specified group: gay-bashing.
b. verbal abuse, as of a group or a nation: feminist-bashing; China-bashing.

According to, both versions are covered. Context is a fundamental concept of using language, which this video has neglected to observe.

Essentially, the video proposes an argument, in an unfair manner, disreguarding context of language, and substituting severity of case as a valid counterpoint. To quote Stephen Fry; 'Wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong'.

As for our debate. Either way, I think we're all in agreement that discrimination is wrong, English needs to be used correctly, and that both groups have their points, but neither are really compatable with each other.

Now, time for a cup of tea.

"You Need a Penile Douche"

True love between cat and rat

14184 says...

"Toxoplasmosis - it only reproduces in the feline gut. Cat poop gets eaten by rodents, and the toxo has to find a way of getting its rodent host into a cat’s stomach.

So it seems the rodents seek out cats, rather than running in fear from them. When I first heard that idea, I thought it was unlikely - that the rodents probably are just careless around cats, or maybe they just can’t run away as effectively when they’re sick. The scientists thought of this too, and there is now a lot of experimental evidence supporting the idea that rats very specifically seek out the smell of cats.

Rodents normally avoid cat scent. Even born-and-bred lab animals that have never met a cat in their lives show an innate aversion to the scent. Except, that is, if they’re infected with toxo. There is even a dose-response curve like you would see with a drug.

And meanwhile, everything else about the rat is normal. Its sense of smell, its social behaviors, its ability to learn, and even its ability to learn to fear things. Its anxiety about other stimuli (everything dangerous except cats) is completely normal. The effect extends to the smell of both domestic cats and bobcats, but not to the scent of other animals they’ve tested, including dogs and humans."

I've heard that this virus is also harmful to pregnant humans

The Best Way To Hide a Fart!

Burger King’s Beef-Scented Cologne Sells Out Fast

U2 "Miracle Drug"

calvados says...

I want a trip inside your head
Spend the day there…
To hear the things you haven’t said
And see what you might see

I want to hear you when you call
Do you feel anything at all?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
And walk right out

Freedom has a scent
Like the top of a new born baby’s head

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I’ve seen enough I’m not giving up
On a miracle drug

Of science and the human heart
There is no limit
There is no failure here sweetheart
Just when you quit…

I am you and you are mine
Love makes nonsense of space
And time… will disappear
Love and logic keep us clear
Reason is on our side, love…

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I’ve had enough of romantic love
I’d give it up, yeah, I’d give it up
For a miracle, a miracle drug, a miracle drug

God I need your help tonight

Beneath the noise
Below the din
I hear a voice
It’s whispering
In science and in medicine
“I was a stranger
You took me in”

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I’ve had enough of romantic love
I’d give it up, yeah, I’d give it up
For a miracle, miracle drug

Miracle, miracle drug

Guy Lives With A Fox

netean says...

i was at an animal sanctuary the other day where they have a number of foxes. apparently they turn up in shelters all the time.

Mother has cubs, but when ppl approach she ducks down in the den, leaving cubs behind. folks come along, think cubs are abandonded and "rescue them". Take them home and keep them as pets, until they mature and start scent marking. Then they take them to shelters - because they're now tame they can't be re-released so are "put down".

Apparently 100s are put down every year, perfectly tame, perfectly happy foxes that just smell (a lot).

If you have some outdoors for them to live, "most animal rescue centres would love you to have them" so they don't have to be put down. (was what I was told)

marinara (Member Profile)

rgroom1 says...

This video is NOT:
Spacy - contains no content relating to the clouds or beyond
Philosophical - unless you acknowledge that this man is pursuing knowledge, like almost all of us
Obscure - there are plenty of anatomy and TED videos on this site.
You're lucky that i'm only bronze, or i'd * nochannel you like crazy.

TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

8350 says...

>> ^vairetube:
i love being human..we are so far apart yet connected at all times to all's horribly lovely, fantastically awful. i like how this guy sounds certain vowels.
oh yea also this is awesome.

I have reason to believe you are, in fact, a cat.

TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

gargoyle says...

I just finished reading The Emperor of Scent: A Story of Perfume, Obsession, and the Last Mystery of the Senses, written by a journalist about his theory. It was excellent! Can't wait to read his guide to perfume, where he describes and rates perfumes. What a great video to add this little tangent in my reading adventures.

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