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Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

Xax says...

Insane. What a horrible situation.

>> ^FaerieWhings:
He convinced people that his dog can track a scent underwater? That's just strange that anyone would believe that. It would mean that the dog can breathe under water. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

I think he meant the dog could smell underwater scents while being above water.

JTZ (Member Profile)

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

westy says...

>> ^dag:
What? Apply rigorous scientific double blind testing to the technologies used to throw people in prison? That's crazy talk. I'm sure Jesus was personally guiding that german shepherd- no further testing needed.

that's such an offensive thing to say I think you should be shakeld for a month.

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

FaerieWhings says...

He convinced people that his dog can track a scent underwater? That's just strange that anyone would believe that. It would mean that the dog can breathe under water. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

The Pharcyde - Passin' Me By

MrFisk says...

Now in my younger days I used to sport a shag
When I went to school I carried lunch in a bag
With an apple for my teacher cause I knew Id get a kiss
Always got mad when the class was dismissed
But when it was in session, I always had a question
I would raise my hand to make her stagger to my desk and
Help me with my problem, it was never much
Just a trick, to smell her scent and try to sneak a touch
Oh, how I wish I could hold her hand and give her a hug
She was married to the man, he was a thug,
His name was lee, he drove a z,
Hed pick her up from school promptly at three oclock
I was on her jock, yes indeedy I wrote graffiti on the bus
First Id write her name then carve a plus,
With my name last, on the looking glass,
I seen her yesterday but still I had to let her pass

She keeps on passin me by...

When I dream of fairytales I think of me and shelly
See shes my type of hype and I cant stand when brothers tell me
That I should quit chasin and look for something better
But the smile that she shows makes me a go-getter
I havent gone as far as asking if I could get with her
I just play it by ear and hope she gets the picture
Im shootin for her heart, got my finger on the trigger
She could be my broad, and I could be her (nigga)
But, all I can do is stare...
Back as kids we used to kiss when we played truth or dare
Now shes more sophisticated, highly edu-ma-cated
Not at all over-rated, I think I need a prayer
To get in her boots and it looks rather dry
I guess a twinkle in her eye is just a twinkle in her eye
Although shes crazy steppin, Ill try to stop her stride
Cause I wont have no more of this passin me by

And I must voice my opinion of not even pretending she didnt have me
Strung like a chicken, chase my tail like a doggie
She was kind of like a star, thinking I was like a fan
Dude, she looked good, down side: she had a man
He was a rooty-toot, a nincompoop
She told me soon your little birdies gonna fly the coop
She was a flake like corn, and I was born not to understand
By lettin her pass I had proved to be a better man

She keeps on passin me by...

Now there she goes again, the dopest ethiopian
And now the world around me be gets movin in slow motion
When-ever she happens to walk by - why does the apple of my eye
Overlook and disregard my feelings no matter how much I try?
Wait, no, I did not really pursue my little princess with persistance;
And I was so low-key that she was unaware of my existance
From a distance I desired, secretly admired her;
Wired her a letter to get her, and it went:
My dear, my dear, my dear, you do not know me but I know you very well
Now let me tell you about the feelings I have for you
When I try, or make some sort of attempt, I symp
Damn I wish I wasnt such a wimp!
cause then I would let you know that I love you so
And if I was your man then I would be true
The only lying I would do is in the bed with you
Then I signed sincerely the one who loves you dearly, ps love me tender
The letter came back three days later: return to sender

Leonard Bernstein - Journey into Jazz

A British Guy "Breaking Wind" on a Norwegian TV Show

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

rougy says...

I spent half my youth listening to country-western music, and I'll be damned if I can remember any lyrics to speak of.

The album I remember most is Willie Nelson's "Red Headed Stranger" which was a concept thing that my dad used to play on his 8-track.

And then there were all of the old favorites that fifth-rate bands would play at valley fairs where people of all ages would waltz and two-step on some old, worn-down basketball court in this or that county hall or fair ground.

Cans of Bud, bottles of Jack and Southern Comfort, country girls preening themselves in rear-view mirrors, the faint scent of chewing tobacco, an occasional fist-fight, and maybe getting lucky and caressing a pretty girl's breast in the moonlight, hidden somewhere safe from the crowd.

2 British police officers get pwned by cameraman

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Deano:
Ha ha! The Brummie accent works so well here Good on him.
However section 76 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 doesn't specifically mention photographers and it's argued by some that section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 necessarily covered the same area. The worst problem is that the government is quite happy to allow the police to interpret bad legislation on the ground to whatever ends they like.
The Guardian,
r-laws, reports that "A spokeswoman for the Home Office said the law was not specifically intended for photographers and concerns about how it would be used were speculative. It would be the job of the police and the courts to interpret the law." So an unpleasant incident with the cops may go to court (unlikely in most cases), well after the damage to civil liberties and our relationship with the police has been done.
It's truly remarkable what changes have occurred thanks to New Labour.

Nothing to do with new labour. It's just the pile of shit that happens to be in power. Rather than the pile of shit that isn't in power. Either way we'd be detecting the same scent.

>> ^transporter:
this is not harassment, this is boring...white people need to re-evaluate their definition of harassment

woot race war!!!!! good job playing the race card mate!

Oh and no, MGR, he can film whoever he likes - that's HIS business.

Tiny Mouse Gets Tail Stuck In Honey

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^HollywoodBob:
>> ^Payback:
At 1:02 "OK, I'm gonna put you outside."

She was probably just saying that for the camera. What really happened was she turned off the camera, slipped off one of her shoes, and proceeded to rain blows down upon the vermin, leaving only a furry and bloody heel print on the counter top, which was quickly disposed of with a citrus scented disinfecting wipe.

...while listening to Whitney Huston, or possibly Genesis, I would imagine.

Tiny Mouse Gets Tail Stuck In Honey

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^Payback:
At 1:02 "OK, I'm gonna put you outside."

She was probably just saying that for the camera. What really happened was she turned off the camera, slipped off one of her shoes, and proceeded to rain blows down upon the vermin, leaving only a furry and bloody heel print on the counter top, which was quickly disposed of with a citrus scented disinfecting wipe.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I was, but then I'm what some people would call a "web stalker".

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
I'm not trying to "self-destruct." I haven't discarded anyone's videos or made whiney SiftTalks.

I wasn't even trying to make thepinky shit a matter of public discourse. That was burdturgler. As for the argument of profile's being public, how many were aware of the spat until burdturgler aired it, honestly.

We can all wish for peace, but that is an alien and impossible concept. If you don't think that's true, look around you.

I don't pander to anyone's idea of the image I should portray. I just am.

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
I haven't been around during the time you've been here. I wasn't here when the drama between you and pinky started. I'm way behind and out of touch, and honestly, not all that interested in catching up--I can't follow feuds without getting bored (honestly, even when I am one of the participants I have trouble keeping interest long enough to track).

...but... I just spent some time reading your blog, and I like your style. I might not approve of some of your forms of communication, but you are smart, and interesting, and I hope you stick around and don't self-destruct.

No reason you should care what I think: you probably know even less of me than I know of you.

But it's just a fact: I look forward to reading your words again, though I would certainly prefer that the point-to-point between you and pinky morphed into a dissipating mucous-scented fog.

Give Me Some F**kin' Milk

Make Me Laugh Saturday (pilot episode) (Parody Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

The Onion

This New Toilet Paper Is So Soft And Absorbent!

By Ted Roman
Amazed Customer
May 3, 2000 | Issue 36•16

You probably won't believe me when I tell you that new Cushy™-brand bathroom tissue is the softest, most absorbent bathroom tissue you'll ever try. Heck, I was skeptical at first, too! Even after learning about Cushy's™ specially quilted "Moistu-Weave" inlay, I still thought, "Come on! How much better could one bathroom tissue be than another?" But once you've felt for yourself the heavenly sensation of a folded-up wad of Cushy™ sliding across your excrement-smeared anus, you're sure to agree: Cushy™ is the most luxurious tissue you'll ever wipe your ass with!

Wow! When it comes to getting your rectal opening clean as a whistle, removing every last trace of stinking, disgusting fecal matter from the puckered surface of the human anus, Cushy™ just can't be beat! Its patented, three-ply "Feces-Grabbing Action" has been specially designed by scientists to wipe away 30 percent more human dung from the anal region than the leading brand–even in those problem "hairy" areas where tiny balls of shit can get trapped for days! When it comes to making sure my asshole's been wiped right, I trust Cushy™. As the commercial says, "With Cushy™, I Know My Ass Is Clean!®"

And Cushy™ is more than just the most absorbent product ever designed, manufactured, and marketed for the purpose of wiping human waste from the rectal region; it's also the softest. I can't believe how good it feels pressed up against my asshole! Sure, I thought the leading brand was good, but after trying Cushy™, I could scarcely believe the difference! Compared to the sumptuous comfort of Cushy™, the leading brand feels like a portable electric belt-sander grinding my ass down to a chafed and bloody pulp! Wiping with Cushy™, on the other hand, feels as if the defecation residue between my legs is being spirited away on the back of a pillowy-soft cartoon cloud! It's enough to make a person open up a window and shout to the world, "Shit, I Love This Ass-Paper!®"

Cushy™ goes the extra mile to make sure my anus feels pampered like a dainty princess. That's because Cushy™'s not just about getting your ass free of shit particles. It's about treating your entire backside to a feeling of cushiony goodness. It's what the good folks at Global Tetrahedron Forestries, manufacturers of Cushy™, like to call "T.A.C."–Total Asshole Comfort.™ Doesn't your asshole deserve a little T.A.C.?

Your anal region, from your ass cheeks to your dilated sphincter to the interior of your anal column itself, works hard for you each day. Isn't it time you gave a little something back? With Cushy™, my asshole feels as if it's being gently wafted skyward on a freshly scented summer breeze! Try getting that level of comfort from those bargain brands!

Do the other brands offer patented three-ply quilted comfort? Are they lightly perfumed and softened with soothing aloe-based moisturizing lotions? Do they offer Cushy™'s exclusive "Complete Asshole Guarantee®"? Of course not. Whether you've got a thin, runny liquid, a huge, bulky chunk, or even one of those hard-to-wipe, viscous-sludge-type defecations, Cushy™ not only has the absorbency needed to wipe your ass completely free of sticky, after-shit smears and stains; it's gentle enough to make your puckered butthole feel like the King of Siam, reclining on a mound of the finest silk pillows in all of Asia.

Sure, Cushy™ costs a bit more than less ass-pampering brands, but my ass is worth it! Cushy™ is so soft, sometimes I want to take a shit even when I don't have to! Once you've seen for yourself how wonderful, how majestic, how truly awe-inspiring this new bathroom tissue is, you'll know why people say, "Cushy™... You're Gonna Shit Your Pants!©"

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