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How to Brake

How Russia Stopped The Blitzkrieg

SFOGuy says...

key terms:

Defense in depth: multiple layers of anti-tank guns interwoven with mines, trenches, infantry, and artillery already registered and aimed at killing zones in front of the obstacles. No single hard crust; rather, more like the layers of an armored onion; as you peel one layer, the next one pops up.

"Pak belt": the reference term for anti-tank guns.

Commissar: the political officer who will shoot any man who retreats from their defense of the motherland.

"Shoulders": the sides of the place in the line pierced by the first plunge of the blitzkrieg that have to held by the defense in order to slow it and give the counterattack a wide open flank to punch into.

Reliability: new German tank models were rushed into battle at Kursk at Hitler's direct insistence before they had been debugged. The battle started 6 days after the last just-barely-not-a-prototype Panther had been delivered to the front. The battle began with 184 Panthers on the rolls; by day two, there were 40 operational; by day 5, there were 10 total...

Ironically, the decision to delay the battle by two months, giving the Soviets time to build up all of their defenses (digging trenches and anti-tank obstacles takes time)--was made to make it possible for the Panther to get to the front..

Even Comey's Firing Was All About Trump

enoch says...


falling on deaf ears.
bob's comment is literally ripped from rush limbaugh,hugh hewitt and sean hannity.

they are his heroes.
you are not.

because we all know right wing demagogues not only use "alternative facts" but also reside in an "alternate reality".

Why It's Almost Impossible to Run a Two-Hour Marathon

dannym3141 says...

At no point in the video was there an explanation that came close to answering why it is almost impossible to run a two hour marathon. Or why only a handful of people could ever come close to it.

In fact, a lot of parts seem like they were created in a rush. At one point he says that mid 60s is "nowhere near" 70 or 80. When the average is 40? Is the scale logarithmic? If so it wasn't mentioned.

I'm very grateful for the information i did learn in the video, it was a nice little bit of info about running and runners. But it fell far short of investigating the 2 hour mile or answering the questions it posed. I wish videosift will not become a home for clickbait.

Millennial Home Buyer

newtboy says...

You have got to be kidding me! That's some old bullshit, turning public roads into toll roads. How do you get to own one, because it sounds like a sweet plum.

I grew up in Houston, and that traffic was insane in the early 80's and only got worse. More than once I rode my bike completely across town, +-15 miles, faster than my mom could drive.
I love where I live. Rush hour means slowing down to near the speed limit...we simply don't have traffic except at accidents and road work. It's bliss.

Mordhaus said:

I live about 5 miles inside the city limits, just enough to get taxed good and proper. I told my wife that once she retires from UT we are moving out asap. I'd move now but the traffic is horrible and they keep trying to fix it by adding more buses and screwing around with light rail that only goes to a few places in the city. That and turning roads we already paid for into toll roads.

It's not on par with really bad traffic like in New York or LA, but for a town this size it is brutal. Traffic in Houston moves better than it does here.

tomi lahren from the blaze goes full blown snowflake

Drachen_Jager says...

Funny how the taunts right-wingers use to describe lefties (such as 'snowflake') are actually far more true of themselves.

They value 'manliness', toughness, and martial abilities above all else, but it seems like every one of them found some way to avoid serving in the military (though Ted Nugent literally shitting his pants is still the best example of that particular cowardice).

When it comes down to it, they're all a bunch of lying, cowardly, sissy men, and sometimes I wish Barack Obama would step into the ring with Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, or Donald (or hell, I'd do it if given a chance, but nobody knows who I am, so that's not very likely).

Federal Judge Orrick Had To 'INVENT A VIOLATION'

newtboy says...

But there has been no violation of federal law to withhold funds to address, he's attempting to withhold funds to, in violation of the constitution, force state law enforcement to act as federal agents by illegally holding people for 48 hours without charge for the convenience and at the direction of ice who can't be bothered to show up to arrest those they wish to deport in a timely fashion.
The pills rotted Rush's brain, and unsurprisingly he is bold faced lying about the ruling and the case itself.
His actual position here is that Trump's executive order, that he's intent on spending untold millions of tax dollars to defend in court, was nothing more than a statement that 'we intend to enforce existing laws', and that a federal judge blocked that executive order!?! And people believe that twaddle? They must be as high as he is.
I can't wait until Rush has to admit he's also playing a character in order to prove his rationality and sanity. Amazing he's still around after being caught being a massive pill head for decades. Don't you know that drugs are bad and rot your brains, Bob? ;-)

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

cloudballoon says...

I don't mind Rex's appearance, and I can say I usually agree -- and intrigued when I don't -- with his views, but what irk me most about watching his shows lately (that is, about the past 4~5 years) is his creeping smug delivery. It isn't showing in this particular segment though. But man... when he does it, I always goes "Is this at all necessary?"

Back to the topic at hand. Progressives really needs to get its act together. Juvenile crap like these zerg rushes are not serving anyone or any worthy causes. Just more ammunition for the Right to dismiss your argument.

You think Peterson's a wacko? Then let him talk all he wants to let others form their opinion that he's a wacko. I'd rather listen to him and try to figure out what the hell made him act/talk that way then give him the opportunity to say he's a PC "victim."

Man Survives Being Swept Away In Massive Peruvian Floods

Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

newtboy says...

YET.....but note the left isn't claiming there's publicly available proof, but you just posted some lies and called it proof. There is more evidence daily that indicates they almost certainly colluded with Russia from day one as a group, but I agree, no undeniable proof....yet.

And the fact that proof has yet to be made public actually makes it sad this red herring is more, now admitted, bullshit. If only it were true we would have that proof of collusion....but no worries. We record all telephone conversations the ambassador has in America, and clearly Trump's people were unaware of that, having already repeatedly been caught lying about conversations that are on tape, so eventually the recordings will be leaked by an intelligence agent that's a true patriot. That's why they rushed to secure that evidence/intelligence before Trump took office, it was clear he would just destroy it.

bobknight33 said:

And there is ZERO proof of any colluding of trump and the Russians. FAKE NEWS you can believe.

Navy SEAL on real martial arts

poolcleaner says...

Yes, it's SO true, bjj will reform your ego. I have lost track at how many times I have been choked out. I'll go back to bjj after I get my hakama in aikido. No rush, I'm not a warrior, just an individual that appreciates complex human movement. The movements in aikido are more interesting to me + bokken and jo = neat.

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

newtboy says...

Actually, it was created because a horrendously racist senator that advocated lynching from the Senate floor was maligning a Jr. senator for considering the annexation of the Philippines. The Jr. Senator heard, rushed to the floor, and accused the Sr Senator of telling "willful, malicious, and deliberate lies", and the Sr, Tillman, rose and attacked the younger Jr Senator violently ending in a brawl on the Senate floor. technically, it was created to protect senators from the lies of racists....but it's now being used to protect and hide the racists' lies and actions.

Another rule that's a rule, when a law is routinely not enforced, it becomes legally invalid. This rule has been used once in over 100 years, and consistently ignored for the remainder of it's if the rules of the Senate are law, and I think they qualify, this one is no longer valid.

Drachen_Jager said:

Except in this case the rule was created specifically to protect members of the senate from cries of racism.

When fascism and totalitarianism take over and the rules are written by bad people for bad purposes simply saying "rules are rules" is naive and dangerous.

Still waiting on some specific examples from you on how Obama "ruined" the country (or for you to admit you were wrong). Your words have no weight so long as you run away from the slightest hint of a counter argument. I can see why you like Mitch's move here, it's exactly the sort of thing you'd pull.

You fear words because you are wrong, Bob. If you stopped to pay attention you might actually have to reevaluate your position and you're too much of an intellectual coward to do that, aren't you? Prove me wrong, by the way, let's see an open discussion, rather than your usual drive-by commenting followed up by hiding in the basement from any cogent dissenting argument.

has rachel maddow lost her mind?

enoch says...

while i agree that russia is the aggressor in regards to crimea,can you provide evidence that our election was hacked by russia?

was there actually cyberspying going on?
probably,all major nation states play that game,and all deny participating.(looking at you china).

because i see a LOT of accusations,and declarations of russian hacking,but i don't see any i remain skeptical of the russian hacking meme,and am even MORE skeptical that the hacking was intentionally to give trump an edge.

and you are right,maddow simply reported the troop deployment in poland.she reported that this deployment was rushed,and before schedule,,,

and then she did something very curious.
she posits the question,and implies that it will answer a previous question..that she does not actually STATE..but "after all the worry.we are actually about to find out..if...maybe..russia has something on the new president"?

this is the old "i am not saying your sister is a whore..i am just saying your sister is a whore".

she never directly speaks of russian hacks.
she never directly accuses putin of influencing our election.
she just puts it out there,that if trump withdraws troops,then maybe..possibly..he is sucking putins cock.

i'm juuuust saying.
with all due respect...
your sisters a whore.

look man,i adore maddow and i love her analysis,but can we have a moment of honesty here?
she is fairly biased,and is particular on the stories she will cover,and during the run up to the election and even during..she has engaged in some serious apologetics in regards to hillary clinton.

as for the host from secular talk.
this is just his opinion.maybe he did take some liberties,and made some assumptions but i agree with him on calling maddow out for her dog whistle tactics.

lately the democrats have been beating this drum like indians on meth,and when i see so many tv pundits all beating the same tune,without providing tangible bullshit alarm starts to go off.

8 years of Democrats failure to the rule of LAW.

bobknight33 says...

Ah yes Trump opened a can of whoop ass.
Up until 10pm election night every Democrat and main stream media outlet knew in their hearts that Hillary wold win Smug ass media....And that did not happen. Ultimate FAIL..

What a false argument you give.

Its like saying in football terms:

We ran more yards .
We has more time possession of the ball.
WE had more rushing.
Hence we should have won.

These, like your argument don't mean squat -- its the final score that matters.

newtboy said:

3000000+ more votes (and not one of them proven fraudulent) than Trump is hardly getting their ass whooped and more like having their pocket picked.

Meryl Streep on the Press, the Arts & Empathy. Vivisection.

Phreezdryd says...

Trump likes to mock people, and also likes to wave his hands around while doing it. The guy in the video says the reporter is disabled and has deformed hands. He fails to mention or show that the reporter shakes uncontrollably from his illness. Trump wasn't just waving his hands around this time. He was mimicking the uncontrollable shaking of a disabled person because it was someone he thought deserved to be mocked. This looks like the same thing Rush Limbaugh did when mocking Michael J. Fox.

Edit: I went and looked at videos from the past and discovered that Serge Kovaleski doesn't appear to suffer from uncontrollable shaking. When this happened a year ago I could've sworn I saw video of him shaking while talking to a reporter. I still think Trump mocking people like this is childish and wrong, and still believe there was some exaggerated mimicking of a disabled person.

bobknight33 said:

Was Trump mocking a disable man or is this just Trump being Trump?
Meryl Streep being duped by Media Lies.
The Fake news machine is working.

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