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Dry Ice Hoverboard

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

shang says...

insane, back when I was in highschool there was no cops/guards/etc

We even had a smoking section, and guns could be brought on campus.

For smoking section you just needed a letter from parents that they knew you smoked. and on recess the smokers all hung out there.

To bring gun to school, it was during any hunting season. You had to have note from parents that they know. The gun had to be visible, either gun rack in back window of truck or in passenger seat. Rifles and Shotguns only no pistols.

You had to have your Hunter's Safety Course card, Your Hunting License both on you to give copies at office.

You had to leave your vehicle keys with the front office and submit to random vehicle search of the hunter's vehicles only.

So while everyone could go to their cars at recess, or if you had extra empty elective, some of us juniors would drive up to Hardees before lunch and grab fast food then be back before 4th period started, but the hunters had to leave their keys with front office and they could not retrieve them until end of school.

So much more freedom.

Smoking was banned on campus for students only my 10th grade year, but Teachers had the smoking lounge in building. There was a teacher's lounge on each hall, the back hall F where weight lifting, welding, home ec, and vocational classes were was where the teacher's smoking lounge was. Most students friendly with teachers could sneak in there and smoke anyhow.

crazy times.

I had a 84 Camaro and kept a flare gun under seat my dad owned a boat and had couple extra flare guns. So I had that for some crazy reason thinking if someone attacked me, at point blank range I'd put on a huge firework show

Then there was the stereotypes that were proven right not wrong.

The jocks hung out together, the headbangers/smokers hung out together, the nerds, the band folks like me as my senior year I was drum major
and the blacks stayed together all in separate cliques at lunch and recess and before/after school.

stereotypes even went further.

the only highschool girls with babies (during time I was there I stress) were black girls, they had to build a daycare from the old mechanic shop behind the highschool for them. And even though this was the early 90s in the south, you'd hear over the Intercom every 6 months "All Black female students to gym at this time please" where they'd get lectured on abstinence, or condom use, and std's and such.

the only time rest of the student body went through that was in 10th grade they'd take the boys one day, and girls the next day.

We had a blast though as the guys, the protection/std talk was given by one of the football coaches, and during the talk with the guys and showing various "shock images" of std's on penis on the TV, when he got to the "sex ed" portion, he flipped in a Nina Hartley porn intro where a nude Nina Hartley showed the correct way to place a condom on. haha was hilarious looking back before "political correctness" went out of control.

I loved highschool and college.

Graduated high school in 94, got associates in 96, took year off then got bachelors in computer science in 99.

But 89-94 (our highschool here in the deep south is 8th through 12th) most are 9-12, but not here. It's still 8-12th here. So it's nothing seeing 12th graders dating 8th graders. Freaky yea, but not unusual.

If you got into a fight, if a coach was around he'd let the fight finish, unless it got a bit too over the top then they'd break it up. You didn't get suspended, you lost recess privileges usually 3 days plus the starter of the fight got 10 licks of the paddle in principle office, the other only got 1 to 3, or if person was just dominated and got ass kicked you just got detention.

Kids didn't act up at all most times. And the reason was Corporal Punishment. Not private paddling either.

Once I was having a bad day, me and "highschool" sweetheart were having a bit of a spat. We sat next to each other so we were bickering a bit during class. Teacher had yelled at me to shut up and do the work. I sighed "Leave me the fuck alone"

bad move.

She called me to front of class and I got 5 licks of paddle in front of everyone. They'd stick finger in your belt loop and yank it up tight to put that extra sting on it. Embarrassing as hell! Even female older teachers who didn't paddle hard, it was just too embarrassing to get paddled, so kids behaved.

And of course if you refused paddling which you could but you'd take a zero for the day's work. few of those in a semester and no matter how hard you worked you were flunking that semester.

But the system worked.

It wasn't until they went crazy insane on political correctness, stopping corporal punishment, and putting cops/rent a cops/guards in schools and after the No Child Left Behind was signed into law, they severely dumbed down kids forcing the smartest to learn at the slowest kids pace. Doc's prescribing SSRI's like candy to kids in MASSIVE quantities, that schools in today's culture are crazy.

Scary Coat Rack

Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece

radx says...

Pure quality by John, as usual.

There are a few points I'd like to add, in order of appearance.

5:10 – Greek default or Grexit could be manageable by the rest of the EZ, economically. Italy looks a bit shaky and Spain still looks like shit, so things could spiral out of control, but chances would be better now than they were in, say, 2010.

However, Grexit would be a political nightmare. EZ membership is supposed to be irreversible, so Grexit would reduce the Euro from a common currency to a peg when viewed from the outside. That's open season on the rest of the PIIGS. If Greek then rebounds, other people might very well decide to give Germany the finger and leave as well. If Greece fails, you have a NATO member turn into a failed state, which not only gives NATO the shivers, but also buries any notion of solidarity within the EU. This union survives because of the promises it makes, which include increasing standards of living and solidarity among different peoples. Without it, we're left with... what exactly?

And nevermind the humanitarian catastrophe taking part in Greece. We've conditioned ourselves to block out the pain and suffering of people in Africa. We even manage to shrug at the cesspool of corruption that is Kosovo. But if we do that to Greece as well, what little moral authority Europe might still have left would be gone then.

5:32 – The last payment Greece received was in August, long before Syriza took over. The previous government was in disagreement with the Troika and therefore transfers were frozen.

5:57 – Troika payments are required to service previous debt obligations. They are separate from what the Greek banks require to maintain their liquidity. That would be Emergency Liquidiy Assistance (ELA) from the ECB, which is a different thing entirely, even though it comes from a member of the Troika.

The ECB is bound by law to maintain and ensure the stability of the banking system(s) within the EZ. If a bank runs into liquidity problems, support is provided by the national bank of the respective country, which funnels funds from the ECB to the troubled bank. That's ELA, and a limit on ELA is a limit on the amount of funds that banks can draw from through this process. If an illiquid bank is cut off from ELA, it goes belly up. Bad idea.

Some argue that the ECB should not provide ELA to those Greek banks anymore, since they are insolvent, and ECB rules forbid ELA to insolvent banks. But as Varoufakis said, even the ECB's own Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) department, which is the new banking oversight, declares the four large Greek banks to be solvent. So there is no reason for the ECB to cut ELA to Greek banks. It's all political, and the ECB is designed to be outside of politics. That's also a reason why its membership in the Troika is so controversial.

The political argument for cutting off ELA is that Germany et al. are on the hook for the total amount should Greece itself go belly up. Somewhere along the line, someone made the glorious decision to install the ECB as a currency issuer without providing it with the attributes of a regular currency issuer. If the Bank of Japan or the Bank of England racks up losses, noone cares. They issue their own currency, they cannot go bankrupt, whatever debt they have in their books is irrelevant, for this discussion anyways. But the ECB has to balance its books, it has to receive funds from its members to balance losses, and in proportion to their economic size.

They made sure that politicians can scare the demos by pointing out how they have to foot the bill for this shit, even though it's the one entity where debt truly doesn't matter at all.

By the way, the funds that Greece is hoping to acquire are meant, primarily, for two purposes: making debt payments and to provide financial room to convert ECB(?) debt into EFSF debt (4% interest down to 1%). That's all. No spending.

6:54 – "Printing" money is generating demand out of thin air. There is a shortage of demand throughout the entire continent. So yeah, if the folks at the ECB could type in a few numbers, that would be swell.

Even Germany has a shortage of demand. We are merely hiding it behind the €200b+ of demand that we steal from other countries, i.e. our current account surplus. But the infrastructure and investment spending over here is at all time lows. We'd need an additional €200b+ just to get the infrastructure back to the state it was in a decade ago.

There is no productivity growth in Europe. The UK actually lost a lot of productivity by its introduction of zero hour jobs and other forms of slavery. Without sufficient demand, there is no need to improve production capacities – they can't even sell what they could produce right now.

Neither Rain Nor Snow Nor Tour De France.....

dannym3141 says...

@vil - well, the Tour starts in a different country each time and the Grand Depart was from Utrecht this year. Perhaps his starting weight was 80 but delivered some of it? Perhaps he has another 40 to deliver after? 20 kilos per bag is reasonable, i've mounted ~40 kilos on a rear bike rack before. I don't know how Dutch postmen dress, but it didn't sound like the security were speaking English to me - the woman at the start was speaking Dutch, as was the man holding on to the bike. And people are allowed to ride the route.

But how did a hard boiled northerner (UK) like this end up delivering huge amounts of post in Utrecht?

Deer relaxing in his pool

newtboy (Member Profile)

radx says...

My Google-fu was good enough to find out what I was dealing with, and from what I read, the unbearable stench is supposed to last just 24-48 hours. So for the time being, that little fucker has a sheltered place of honor next to my bike rack in the backyard. Temps are very mild these days, so it should be fine.

As soon as the smell of a thousand rotting corpses is gone, it can come back inside. But not a minute earlier. I don't want any of my neighbours to start ripping open the floor, looking for dead rats and whatnot.

newtboy said:

I would suggest putting it outside (not in direct sun) and let the flies go nuts. Congratulations on having a really weird, beautiful, and stinky flower! I hope you grow to like it (if not it's smell, at least it's look). ;-)

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

Fantomas says...

I wear corrective glasses and am colour blind. I get about just fine with imperfect colour vision but would have a horrible time without my prescription glasses.
I think the prescription glasses cost is more justified as the lenses are unique to the wearer, whereas he enChroma lenses seem to be 'off the rack' from what I could tell on their website, I could be completely wrong however.

I wouldn't mind testing out a pair to see the difference, but from what I understand they simply enhance the difference between the hues you have difficulty distinguishing rather than actually improving your vision in any way.
For people like the Dad in the vid the price tag might be worth it, judging by his reaction, so it's all subjective.

MilkmanDan said:

I had never heard of these -- I'm still a bit baffled as to how they could possibly work. I'm not colorblind myself but a good friend is red/green colorblind, I'll have to see if he knows about them.

Assuming $400 is an accurate price, it still really doesn't seem that expensive to me. I'm pretty extremely nearsighted -- roughly minus 8 -- and my glasses (with frames) already cost almost that much just because my prescription is on that far end of the bell curve. Without glasses I can't see a damn thing more than 3-4 inches in front of my face, so I basically *need* them no matter the price.

Actually, I remember having a reaction somewhat like this guy when I got glasses for the first time ("holy crap! I can see *leaves* on trees!"), and my eyes were much better then than they are now...

Manuela's $22k Blooper - The Price Is Right

Lawdeedaw says...

Actually you are quite wrong @poolcleaner

She is pretty with a nice rack. She can make all the dumbshit mistakes she wants. Now if she were ugly she would be fired and sued. Oh wait, capitalism doesn't hire ugly people for stuff like TV...

poolcleaner said:

No, fired. Capitalism doesn't work that way. We like winners, not losers.

Powerless Automatic Wooden Gullwing Gate

BoneRemake says...

The rack you see that the car drives over, the bridge itself that is - IS in fact a Cattle gate.

I will privledge you with learning about them here :

A cattle grid – also known as a stock grid in British English; cattle guard in American English; vehicle pass, Texas gate, stock gap in the U.S. Southeast;[1] or a cattle stop in New Zealand English – is a type of obstacle used to prevent livestock, such as sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, or mules from passing along a road or railway which penetrates the fencing surrounding an enclosed piece of land. It consists of a depression in the road covered by a transverse grid of bars or tubes, normally made of metal and firmly fixed to the ground on either side of the depression, such that the gaps between them are wide enough for animals' legs to fall through, but sufficiently narrow not to impede a wheeled vehicle or human foot. This provides an effective barrier to animals without impeding wheeled vehicles, as the animals are reluctant to walk on the grates.

Enzoblue said:

Why a gate if a cow can get out anytime it wants?

Complementing Breasts In Public

The Most Amazing Taxi

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything

SDGundamX says...

Except the obviously better way to avoid waste in public bathrooms is to not have paper towels in them at all--like here in Japan. While a few restrooms have air driers, everyone is expected to bring their own hand cloth about the size of a handkerchief with them that serves as a towel after you go to to restroom. You chuck it in the wash at the end of the day and grab a clean one off the rack (most people have half a dozen or so at home).

yellowc said:

The TED talk was about reducing paper towel waste in *public* bathrooms. Simply encouraging you to fold one piece instead of pulling 4. Also it works, after that talk I did start folding a single piece and it's working out just fine.

I understand it was to prep the joke but stretched the truth a little far there.

Rhett & Link - My OCD (Song)

Sagemind says...

...Even my closet is colour coded... I may have a problem....
oh, ya, and I got rid of all the odd hangers so all my hangers are exactly the same.
My shirts, all the same, just different colours.., cause it's so much easier to grab the next one on the rack, than choose which one to wear.

Star Citizen - MISC Freelancer

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