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A Typical Conversation With My Mom

choggie says...

Thylan is poised to help out on the roast, but first....

Awww man, I hate to be a wet goddamn noodle....but Thylan???!!
Are you self-linking dude??!
EXHIBITS link to myspace, same name)
AgentXPQ-(youtube monniker, with a load of viddies from Tales of Mere Existence)-assuming you made these?? a collection of Tales of Mere Existence

user Thylan has as 2 of his 3 posts, Tales of Mere Existence

This is fishy, please explain yerself, your understanding of the posting guidelines here on Videosift, and why I am such a dick sometimes.

Then, if yer innocent until proven sneaky, you can choose the names.

Mousetrap reactor

choggie says...

There's an old 60's high school science film of them doing this with a roomful of mouse traps with two ping pong balls poised on each one.....they throw one ball into the room for the reaction to begin....

Moore vs Blitzter

Abel_Prisc says...


While your argument makes some sense from a very greedy perspective (and yes, I know that one of humanity's biggest flaws is greed), I just can’t find myself convinced of it just yet. Have you ever suspected that maybe he actually, i don't know, stood behind his beliefs for reasons other than profit?
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not one to trust anyone, and I expect the worst from people, but something about the whole "Moore is nothing but a money-grubbing asshole that's trying to manipulate society so he gets a fatter paycheck" that I've heard from so many people just doesn't make much sense to me. I guess because his history shows that he's genuinely cared for activism for pretty much his whole life. From being personally effected in the whole Flint, Michigan fiasco up til now. He throughout school did all kinds of positive activism, did some pretty crazy things (without anyone even knowing who he was). And now, having seen SiCKO (through videosift =p), the documentary itself is very genuine.
Will I hold what you said past him, registering it impossible to be true? Of course not, people never cease to surprise me. But I just haven't been convinced of it yet. All I've seen is just a bunch of insults without citation thrown at him because he does what he does, and not everyone agrees with it.

But about all of your other points, I can pretty much easily disagree with about all of them. First of all, it was 9th place at the Box Office. I'm not sure that's 'getting the tar beat out of it', considering it's a documentary. No, I'd think that should be under the "very successful" category. I'm not sure what documentary's you've seen recently that have beaten that (aside from Fahrenheit 9/11, of course).

And also, from my perspective, he didn't go "stomping with rage" at the fact that CNN shared their opinion about the film. He was "stomping with rage" at the fact that there was an entire session of nit picking going on towards his documentary before he was even allowed to speak. Not to mention pretty much the entire segment was proven false, as well. I don't know about you, Slyrr, but I'd be pretty mad too if I had made a documentary, only for some news segment to trample on it with inaccuracies, showing the public outright lies about the film. You're saying you wouldn't be mad about that? I think you would.

"I'm sure he agrees with free speech - but only the free speech that agrees with his point of view. CNN has just seen an example of how 'free' Moore would like speech to be by trying to stomp on them."
A good example of your accusation would be if Michael Moore tried to pay money to have that segment taken off of the air. THAT'd be him not believing in Free Speech. He did absolutely nothing that screamed "My opinion is the only correct opinion!". He hated the segment, got mad at its inaccuracies, and proved it wrong. If that's not free speech, then I don't know what is.

"Even conservative estimates say that for the government to pay for this so-called 'free' health coverage that Moore dreams of, your ever-ready goverment is poised to take at least 50% out of each and every one of your paychecks" Not that I’m supremely educated on this little nugget, but this sounds extremely distorted and very wrong. I'm DEFINITELY going to need citation on that one, or at least more reasoning behind this, because I don't see Canadians getting 50% of their paychecks taken out (Yes, I understand GROSS, not NET).

"We all saw what happened when Moore ran into an opposing point of view - he started gnashing his teeth and stamping his feet in rage. Because he THOUGHT these reporters were supposed to be on 'his' side and say nothing against him." I know, right? Because these guys were SO FOR HIM during his last documentary release, Fahrenheit 9/11. SO SUPPORTIVE that they attempted to rip it to shreds. Damn, I’m surprised Michael didn’t expect a hug from Blitzer before the interview started. Maybe THAT’S why he was upset.

"Fact is, this movie Moore made is so wrong in so many instances, that even the 'news' network that wrote glowing reviews for it couldn't believe all his distortions and inaccuracies." Um, what? First of all, that doesn't make sense. Second, if you're referring to CNN, they simply said "It was good, but these were the minor details that aren’t true…”. Even Wolf Blitzer after the interview admitted that he thought the documentary was especially powerful and overall “good”, and that he liked it. There are so many other sources (both right and left) that researched this documentary and said that it ‘checked out’ as being true. So what exactly are you referring to?

There’s more, but this is entirely too long already. Sorry for this.

Moore vs Blitzter

Slyrr says...

That is just too rich. Michael Moore - a propaganda movie maker - is complaining about being taken out of context. Surely thou wilt say unto me this proverb, physician heal thyself...

And CNN in 'the pocket' of the health care industry? Shut up, Moore. Don't you realize CNN is a 'mainstream' media organization? They're your closest allies! And after his ranting was done, someone obviously took Wolf and Gupta back into the cloak room to give them their dressing down and get them back on the socialist reservation. Who's in who's pocket now?

What Moore isn't saying, the lie he wants you to buy into - is the notion that if the government takes over health care, then everyone will get medical coverage 'for free' because 'the government will pay for it' - like they do in socialist utopias like Cuba. (Movie makers have gone to Cuba to profile the lives of the average people there - the people Moore didn't want you to see because they're miserable. Ah yes - thousands of refugees are fleeing from Cuba to the US on anything they can keep afloat because they're just so durn HAPPY with the 'free' medical care they get in Cuba that they can't stand it anymore)

The lie is - there is no such thing as a free lunch. Somewhere - somehow - someone has to pay. Even conservative estimates say that for the government to pay for this so-called 'free' health coverage that Moore dreams of, your ever-ready goverment is poised to take at least 50% out of each and every one of your paychecks - and that's GROSS, not NET. And your ability, or inability to pay all your other bills with the pittance that's left over will be of no concern to them.

And what of the healthy people? The ones who don't go to the doctor all that much? How is it fair for them to get half their paycheck sucked away for medical coverage they'll never use?

Never forget people - the government never pays for anything. Where does the government get it's money? They don't have two pennies to rub together until they tax it out of YOUR pocket. So when Moore and his cohorts say 'the government should pay for it', always remember - YOU are the one who's gonna take it in the shorts.

But why should Moore worry? He's already got his pile. He's asking for an INCOME tax from the goverment to pay for all this. But change that to a WEALTH tax, and Moore will start shrieking in fury against it. Because then HIS millions would be targeted by the government instead of your paychecks. And he would sooner part with YOUR blood than HIS money.

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Nice Guy Tosses Woman From Her Own Car

choggie says...

...repo men are scum like any other finance grunt....bottom-feeders-he shoulda been cool, u-turned, and give the delinquent customer her poise back.....could'a dropped it out the window......punk.

Evolution?--Three Republicans in Debate Don't Believe in It

choggie says...

videosiftbannedme ......what a wonderful name....Look agnosticators.....

The dems are weak-ass posers, like the repubs, in that, they play for their team....the job of both is to convince you all that there is one team, better than the other, on points near, and dear, to your confused little hearts-

you folks who place some contrived, semantics-twisted faith in the dems over the repubs, place your faith in another beast poised to ass-rape you for all you can give, for they are ass-rapers ready to whore to whomever will suit them for the moment........I am embarrased to live in a country with so many morons....who would bother to waste valuable muscle, grey matter, and time, to picking one that best who pick have been engineered to follow and parrot, the mythical lemming, who suprisingly, shows more balls than brains, when it comes to survival......PICTURE A ROOMFULL OF HUMAN BANGING THEIR HEADS AGAINST A WALL AND CALLI911NG IT GOVERNMENT.....and you have America......

ego is so easily fed, with a happy meal-Junk Food is the anitchrist, and minions are her red carpet, to oblivion....

Carpet Cleaner Can and A Shovel

choggie says...

"I can't see!"

Hey boys and girls, wanna have some real fun???? Cheap fun?? Explosive fun??

You will need:

1 can of starting fluid (ether)
1 newspaper
a lighter
some wire, any will do

wrap the can of ether with the news paper and the wire
light fuse (newspaper) from the bottom with the can poised someplace interesting, or in a wide open area, then, get futher away than these youngsters did with their toy.....a lot further

if you dont want to wait on the paper fuse, a candle and a bb gun, will make you look like ol' Morpheus, when he unloads into the bottom of the albino twins' Mercedes

-taken from the out of print handbook, "Hero of the Subdivision", Vol 2

Chris Marker: La Jetee (1962)

Demo: Nuclear Chain Reaction with Balls and Mouse Traps

choggie says...

..saw a film in high school science, where t5hey unleashed a room, bout ten thousand traps, with two balls a piece poised upon the about yer domino stackin' obsessives...."coooool!" said the kids stone din classs

An Inconvenient Truth Trailer, Gore's Global Warming Film

choggie says...

An inconvenient crock of absolute shit!

"Global Warming, is a tick, upon the hairy, un-groomed ass, of Gaia, poised to fist-fuck into oblivion, the short-armed, reachers, attempting to excise her, before identifiing her, as a malignant carcinoma."
-Choggie Kendall

Wong Kar Wai - 2046 - Beautiful version of Casta Diva

British MP smacks down US Senator in hearing (5/17/05)

baseballlord14 says...

Ok, the reason the army has benefits as it does it because of the risk factor. You do what your told to, thats part of what joining the army is, so dont complain about the repercussions, there are plenty of other ways to pay for college.

Now, about my harping, your first link didnt work for me for some reason so if could send me the text or summarize it that would be great and ill get abck to u (I really do wanna hear what your argument is, im not just here to start fights)

The 2nd 1 basicaly said, making a bomb from two chemicals that are harmless seperated, yet explosive together is really hard. So is hijacking several planes and flying them into buildings and being succesfull in 3 out of 4 instances... Simply because its hard, that doesnt mean its not impossible. Think about this, these terrorist groups are hiding in caves all day thinking up complicated ways to commit mass murders without getting found. I think they have time on their hands to figure out how to make these complicated bombs, its not like they're wasting their time going to see "You me and dupree"... they are 100% committed to killing us...

Pre-9/11 we never would have thought that there was going to be a hi-jacking resulting in thousands of deaths, so of course we're gonna have the same attitude about this warfare technique before its actualy carried out. (I realize that they probably didnt chemicals like that german guy in die hard with a vengance, but i would bet they have enough fire power to take down a plane, who knows, maybe they even supplemented it with some poiseness snakes) <--- Thats how bad your jokes are when your this tired....
Also, first people said that i was too old to join the army, then i was too young, you guys dont even know if im in the army or not, dont speculate on the characteristics of me, lets just talk politics (and you guys can make fun of my spelling too)

Lastly, when you guys make a post in response to me, i adress every issue which you covered, if your gonna criticize me, dont do a half assed job, use your entire liberal ass...

Ok, now i know i said i wouldnt check this for a while because i would be busy but now i really mean it, see you hippies in a few days.... im going to bed...

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