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Jennifer Lawrence Wet The Bed At Age 13

Russell Brand Interviewed By A Very Excited Fan

alien_concept says...

See, I think that was just a bonus. I cracked up when she was getting him to plug she's a journalist by the end

artician said:

That really brought a smile to my face. I personally don't know how to act around people I meet in every day life, so interactions with disabled people have always been extra difficult. I do my honest best to be a kind person to everyone, but I fail miserably in that (phobias and avoidance, nothing mean, ever). I dig Russell Brand for his insane dip into celebrity and then the rationalization and intelligence to come out the other side seeing things as they really are for everyday individuals (politically, etc).
This video just makes my day because he's so wonderful to this girl, and she makes my day for pursuing her goals so honestly (or deceptively, in terms of affection).

Why everyone wants to date Asian women

ant says...

I am a male asiANT! I don't care which female race it is. I just want her <3, caring, being legally young, attractiveness, Christian, etc.

Haha, that asiANT guest is funny and silly. That's my type. I also plug my nostril with tissues too. My tutor/teacher used to say I look like a dragon.

The Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) Makes Its Debut

Sarzy says...

Actually a lot of people think about that. There was a pretty big outcry when it was announced that the Kinect for the Xbox one would essentially be on all the time (or at least would have to be plugged in all the time), and Microsoft eventually had to come out and say that they had gotten rid of this requirement.

artician said:

I love the gameplay implementations of things like these cameras, but technology has been so quickly turned around and aimed back in our faces. No one thinks about the privacy implications. Our TVs having the ability to watch and listen to everything in our home is just too similar to certain literary warnings in history.

Electrical Fireball On The Move

Ultra HD 4K Porn - Kiera Winters Teaser

The Best DJ in the World...wait for it

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yep, there's clearly a plugged-in device/mixer in front of him (i.e. between him and the unplugged silver-coloured mixer). You can see the wires, and the curved side of it just next to the laptop-like device. So, no fail here.

The Best DJ in the World...wait for it

chingalera says...

Ok-If you look closely, there's a black unit sticking-out from the right side of the back of the unconnected mixer-Looks like he's got that un-plugged mixer blocking the one he's using. I think yer right.
Why would anyone fake being a party DJ atta Mexican fiesta??

Oh and, DJ's react to the music while they tweak's part of their cult-of-personality thingy tied into the whole performance aspect of making 'new' music. Dubstep DJ's for example, consider themselves artists and performers. They usually have egos large enough so that they don't have to wait for fans or critiques to suggest or ascertain this either....lotta douchebag in the DJ industry.

RFlagg said:

I'm wondering if what he's messing around with is possibly in front of the unit that has no wires going to it. There are some wires on the right hand side of it between it and the laptop like device that one of them seems to go to, the other I can't tell, either goes to a microphone of a block to the side. The angle makes it hard to tell for sure, either way it looks like he's more reacting to the music than controlling it.

The Best DJ in the World...wait for it

Man Builds Rocking Chair Using No Power Tools

BicycleRepairMan says...

Very very cool, but it seems to me that the structural integrity seems to be compromised at the back/seat joint. He uses quite massive blocks for the two. Sure its good for a sitting or two, but the strain of many seatings.. those small plugs, even combined with the armchair rest will not be massive, to say the least. I would have chosen cutout thick spikes in the back (Think of the back part with as a massive E, like "IIIIE" all in one part, with the spikes of the E going through three square holes in the seat.

BEST of the WEB September 2013 (Videomashup)

Lethin says...

so ads mashed up to make it almost a story using the ME3 theme? god i hope this doesnt get past beggars canyon... isnt there a rule against self plugs?

Honest Trailers - Iron Man 3

ChaosEngine says...

@VoodooV, nooooo! Say it ain't so.... we can make up...

I would call myself a low level comics geek in that I'm reasonably well versed, but I don't follow everything and Iron Man was always just below my radar in comic form. So (unusually for me), my first real exposure to Iron Man was the movie...
and I loved it. It was just such a nice break to see a superhero movie that was having fun with the premise. Don't get me wrong, Nolan's Batman movies are awesome (well, the first two certainly), but variety is nice.

So I had no investment in the characters or existing storylines, and maybe if I did I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much.

That said, I still think it was an interesting take.

and I think this (shameless plug) *related= sums it up well for me.

War Thunder trailer

ForgedReality says...

This game is cool and looks pretty good but it needs a lot of work. It's certainly not a "plug-and-play" affair, as you'll need to do a lot of fiddling with control schemes and keybinds and whatnot. It also doesn't seem to like being non-windowed at certain resolutions. It's not something I could recommend to someone who isn't a hardcore gamer.

To Canadian sifters - Easily bypass US only region blocking (Canada Talk Post)

SDGundamX says...


This is so awesome! Thank you! We live in Japan and don't want to have to pay for a VPN just to get NetFlix and Hulu working (there's no Japanese version of NetFlix and the Hulu one has an extremely limited selection of movies/shows, though they keep adding more every week). This did the trick for us!


That's weird, it worked just fine for me. Usually I get re-directed to the Japanese Hulu site, but I was able to sign up for the American one no problem after downloading the plug-in.

Canadian Drive-by: Good Guy Motorcycle Rider

bmacs27 says...

I live in Texas (as 'Merica as 'Merica gets). There was a vet with a rascal that had a dead battery. Dude weighed around 400 pounds. I pushed that son of a gun half a mile to a grocery store where he could plug in. Meanwhile in Canada some Inuit was called a harpoon chucker.

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