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Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here

enoch (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here

Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here

enoch says...

shine on you crazy diamond shall be played at my funeral.
i called it FIRST!
no copycats!
wish you were here is a quintessential pink floyd album and is a must-have for any fan.
going to listen to that album now...
you all should do the same.

lurgee (Member Profile)

Mumford and Sons - Roll Away Your Stone

RFlagg says...


Mumford & Sons is one of the few bands I would pay good money to see... and that list is shortened by the fact that some of them simply can't tour with the proper lineup (Pink Floyd, the Beatles), others likely would never (classic Genesis with Gabriel, among the few single acts I would see)... Some I might see only if they were part of a larger festival, but these guys I would see on their own... if the unique combo of time, money and location ever came together.

Discovered them here on the Sift a couple years ago when The Cave was first posted and have been a fan ever since. So thank you Sift.

>> ^carrot:

>> ^GDGD:
Wow. WOW! Can I give you a NON-GAY-FOR-THEM love letter, to pass on to them?
>> ^carrot:
Have to upvote - I know the bango player!

No sorry I am under strictest instructions to only pass on gay love letters...

ghark (Member Profile)

Buddha Bart Ft Bliss "Wish You Were Here"

Recipe For Success On The Sift (Education Talk Post)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Tyger - Awesome short movie by Guilherme Marcondes

Dole Banana With Pink Floyd Will Make You Feel Weird

"The Scream" Animated Artwork (with Pink Floyd)

"The Scream" Animated Artwork (with Pink Floyd)

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