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Aardman turn to the Darkside for Pink Floyd - Teaser

Pink Floyd's Money arranged for NES

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Your very first video made top 15!! What a great start...and it looks like your others are headed in that direction also! I might as well just quit now - you're taking over the site.

I enjoyed watching your videogame violence one and your marijuana one too (that was a long one but worth the watch)...I really like how you choose things that promote discussion...I hope there will be many more comments on them.

As for the music...I wasn't sure if you grew up listening to that music or not and if that is why you liked it. Though I like the new stuff, I still have a special fondness for 80's and 90's music because it brings back so many good memories when I listen to it. I still think Pink Floyd kicks ass though, (when I'm in the mood for it).

My favorite Pink Floyd song:

Procrastinatron said:

Thanks! I'll try to get some more interesting stuff up since (I think) I've still got another empty queue spot.

And really, to be perfectly fair, I've only started listening to some of these old classics very recently, so I'm sort of still in that phase where the love is all hot and bothered.

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

You didn't disappoint me!!! I'm only on for a moment, but came by just to see if you had posted something new. Another wonderful choice! You are so good at this.

I agree that you can't really compare Daft Punk to Pink Floyd or Jimi Hendrix, but there's only so much classic rock (I guess it would fit into that category) I can take before I start to become bored. I like new, I crave new music - something I've never heard before.

Gotta run...will be back later.

Procrastinatron said:

Aye, aye, ma'am!

And few bands have aged as gracefully as Daft Punk. There are others I prefer for their amazingly awesomely spectacularly essentially fantastical musical brilliance (Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix, to name a couple), but it's hard to match Daft Punk for sheer catchiness!

"Voices In My Head P3" Tales Of Mere Existence

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

deathcow says...

This is like comfort food. Like fried chicken... it clogs your arteries and kills you but takes you back to grandma cooking dinner in Georgia in the 1970s. This stuff was what was playing when I got my first car, was mobile for the first time, out of school for the first time, freedom. So I associate a powerful good with all this stuff. Tripe.... yes.... but good times around it. In my own car, would have been YES, Pink Floyd and Rush around this time.

chingalera said:

...wait a minute, DC?? I thought you said you liked the mid-eighties pop?

Seth Lloyd on Programming the Universe

Sniper007 says...

I think I read all short sentences backwards. I misunderstand the vast majority of video titles on first and second readings. I was looking at the thumbnail trying to figure out how a guy in a dress shirt and tie had anything to do with the Pink Floyd documentary, Programming the Universe.

Kids React To The Beatles

CreamK says...

I guess the concept of "pioneer" is totally lost on you...One very influential factor is multitrack recording techniques that opened a way for musicians to tell totally different tales. Pink Floyd or Queen, they would not exist without Beatles. Without them you got no Muse.

So while you continue to underrate Beatles, the music you have in you favorite player wouldn't exist without them. Just picture, worlds #1 band starts to experiment with music and what did we get? A revolution in music, away from the catchy pop tunes to art rock.

cluhlenbrauck said:

well the Beatles are still over rated.

Pink Floyd ~ Sheep

Pink Floyd ~ Sheep

Fletch says...

The first Pink Floyd album I bought.

I was watching WKRP in Cincinnati way back in the day, and there was a scene where the bosses walked into the studio and Johnny Fever was listening to "Dogs". It blew me away. I didn't catch the name of the artist or the song, but they showed the album cover. I went down to PayLess the next day and started in the "A"s, looking at every record until I found the one I had seen on the show. Paid $7.99 for it, took it home, and listened to it for the next 30-some years.

I love all that is Pink Floyd, especially Roger Waters era, as well as his solo stuff.

deathcow (Member Profile)

Pink Floyd - Mudmen (de La Vallée)

Trancecoach says...

I like the Pink Floyd soundtracks ('La Vallee' and 'More'), mostly because it was music of an era and so unlike anything before or since...

(Little known 'rumour' is that the 23-minute epic on the B-side of the Meddle album, Echoes, was composed to serve as a soundtrack to the final sequence of Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" -- entitled Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite. A different song was ultimately chosen for the film, but one can, if one was so inclined, cue up the song at the title card for this sequence and notice how nicely it fits with the psychedelic imagery of this portion of the movie.... Not so unlike Dark Side & the Wizard of Oz).

*audio (Audio Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

I first started with the light stuff — you know — Barney, Sesame Street, maybe some Elephant Show. Then some lady I knew, we'll call her "mom" to protect her identity, introduced me to some shit that blew my mind. At first she pushed the less harsh brand of audio like Mr. Mister but that quickly elevated — as it does — when she introduced me to dealers of the brash, sometimes heady, audio like Billy Idol or Pat Benatar. By then, I was in deep man. I still hung around "mom", but soon started mixing in with the likes of another crowd. Leader of that group we'll call "grandma". She wasn't as gentle as "mom" was when getting me hooked on her personal audio dealers. Dealers like "the Moody Blues," "the Rolling Stones," and finally "Pink Floyd." At that was game over.

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here

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