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Old Lady Overdubs Adult Films

California Ending Death Penalty to Save Money?

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

There's very little California statist idiots don't f--k up.
138 million seems a little steep for making an inmate dig his own grave, then shooting him with a couple of 50-cent rounds, all within 2 weeks of sentencing.

I bet that last sentence is the last thing you think before your orgasm splutters all over the concrete floor of your red white and blue bomb-shelter. Your exhausted pants echo through the empty room and then your tears start to roll down your cheeks, dropping to the floor and briefly dissolving the layers of previous ejaculations.

The Abyss ~ Alternate Ending

budzos says...

Worst edit ever?

Either way the end is kinda weird, the way everyone is orgasmically happy when the rig surfaces on the belly of an alien spacecraft. Ontological shock would probably have me in the fetal position.

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

alien_concept says...

>> ^messenger:

Maybe he is, but that's not the question he asked. He asked how to last longer. "Ages" wasn't in the question.
You and Dan have both made some assumptions about the guy asking. He might already be great in bed and fully confident in himself and his ability to please his partner, and still want to last longer. Maybe he'd like to be able to enjoy several minutes of intercourse, rather than three strokes before blowing his wad. Maybe his partner would like to get pounded longer. Methods for delaying orgasm is a valid question, and deserves a straight answer with no assumptions made about his overall performance or self-esteem.>> ^alien_concept:

Well maybe what he's pointing out is that there is no need to last for ages through penetration alone if you concentrate on doing other stuff in between. Anyway, unless a woman is lucky enough to be able to orgasm through penetration, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Maybe that's just me though

Yes the writer could have been asking for any one of those reasons you gave, although I think you're being a tad pedantic. Let's face it, usually when a guy is worried about not lasting it's because he feels either embarrassed at his performance and/or is worrying how his partner feels about it.

And even if he wasn't asking for that reason, Dan Savage has never been one for just replying to the individual specifically. He uses the questions as a springboard, so that he can give his advice on the more widespread and common issues about sex and relationships that plague so many people. Then effectively he has helped maybe hundreds of people, rather than just one.

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

messenger says...

Maybe he is, but that's not the question he asked. He asked how to last longer. "Ages" wasn't in the question.

You and Dan have both made some assumptions about the guy asking. He might already be great in bed and fully confident in himself and his ability to please his partner, and still want to last longer. Maybe he'd like to be able to enjoy several minutes of intercourse, rather than three strokes before blowing his wad. Maybe his partner would like to get pounded longer. Methods for delaying orgasm is a valid question, and deserves a straight answer with no assumptions made about his overall performance or self-esteem.>> ^alien_concept:

Well maybe what he's pointing out is that there is no need to last for ages through penetration alone if you concentrate on doing other stuff in between. Anyway, unless a woman is lucky enough to be able to orgasm through penetration, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Maybe that's just me though

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

alien_concept says...

>> ^messenger:

Except Dan instead answered, "How can I make the sex event last longer?", which is a different question entirely. The audience member wanted the answer to, "How can I keep pumping my partner without orgasming so quick?" (delay ejaculation during intercourse). Any idiot knows that if you stop the intercourse and do other stuff that you won't cum. This was no help at all.

Well maybe what he's pointing out is that there is no need to last for ages through penetration alone if you concentrate on doing other stuff in between. Anyway, unless a woman is lucky enough to be able to orgasm through penetration, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Maybe that's just me though

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

messenger says...

Except Dan instead answered, "How can I make the sex event last longer?", which is a different question entirely. The audience member wanted the answer to, "How can I keep pumping my partner without orgasming so quick?" (delay ejaculation during intercourse). Any idiot knows that if you stop the intercourse and do other stuff that you won't cum. This was no help at all.

Faking it can be fun!

Faking it can be fun!

10 Questions For Stephen Hawking

Lawdeedaw says...

1-How do I enlarge my penis?
2-How can I have 50% more orgasms?
3-How can I get harder erections?
4-Bigger breasts the natural way?
5-What can't Chuck Norris do?
6-Magnets, how the fuck do they work?
7-What the fuck is a clock?
8-Blankets? How the fuck do they work?
9-How do I prolong sex?
10-How can a man fit his hand in a woman's vagina?

Skeeve (Member Profile)

Subway Improv Band Using Only iPhones

Just a video of Kate Upton being timeshifted.

Just a video of Kate Upton being timeshifted.

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