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What it feels like to have a Stroke

Quentin Tarantino: 'I'm shutting your butt down!'

legacy0100 says...

I like the discussions, but don't lose your heads now.

Quentin had the same weird fit when he was interviewed on NPR. I'm sure he's got good reasons for doing the things that he does, but he always get all crazy and uncomfortable describing the reasons. I don't know, maybe he's doing drugs or deep down he knows that things are way over his head.

He's not comfortable revealing himself out in public, yet he's constantly out there revealing his private self and gets an anxiety attack each time he is asked a private question. It's Quentin's job to know his way around this charade. He's in charge of his own reigns. You can't blame every jokester out there who shoves a microphone to your face if you've agreed to be a public figure making internationally well known movies.

The interviewer is no champion of journalism, that's not his job. He's just some douche with well connected parents to have made it that far up the social ladder to have a seat on Channel4-BBC. Emotional interviews by public figures like these are amusing to watch, and that's exactly what the interviewers want. Amusement translates into ratings quite nicely.

If he's not feeling comfortable getting the same questions over and over, just prepare an answer for them that would satisfy them. Or stop revealing your real self that gets you uncomfortable in the first place. It's all games, gotta play it well.

What are you, Detroited? - TDS on the bridge to Canada

braindonut says...

And Michigan Radio (our NPR station), local news stations and our own government spent TONS of time leading up to the election trying to fight the misinformation about the bridge.

AND Prop 6 was written in such a way that it would apply to ANY new bridge, requiring a vote for each bridge...

And it still got 41% of the vote.

WTF is wrong with my state?

Quentin Tarantino: 'I'm shutting your butt down!'

kevingrr says...

Tarantino is just tired of being asked the same questions ad nauseam.

NPR ran into the same roadblock with him during their interview with Tarantino, but they handled it with much more tact.

15 year old wins NPR Snap Judgement prize

David Rakoff in The Invisible Made Visible

artician says...

Gah... Ira Glass writes in that same, stuttering, talking-down-to-the-audience voice that he narrates with. I hate that guy.
What's worse, ever since he became popular, more and more NPR hosts are popping up that have adopted his ridiculous pattern of speech.
God I hate that guy.

Become the Balance

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

Louis CK - NPR Fresh Air Interview

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Lann (Member Profile)

Justice Has Been Served -This Bad Driver Got Busted

Yogi says...

>> ^lucky760:

She was ordered shamed by wearing a large sign that reads "Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus."


Not really sure the sign has to be a dick about it. Sort of Racist as well, doubt they would do the same if this was a white man, he'd just get a ticket.

Justice Has Been Served -This Bad Driver Got Busted

QI - Why Can't We Walk In A Straight Line Blindfolded?

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Maybe our legs are not perfectly equal to the other or we rely on one dominant leg over the other and therefore more effort is put forth with one leg, lending to an overcompensation on one side causing us the walk in curves.

I don't think so. In this link, they show the whole animation that you see here and that similar experiments have been done with swimming and driving. So whatever is going on, it's not simply because of the legs.

Romney silent on climate change

PHJF says...

Coincidentally they were talking about the candidates' climate change positions on NPR yesterday. Obama himself is very quiet about it this election, too. And Romney said he agreed with scientific consensus (and even took methods to restrict carbon emissions) when he was guv in MA... funny how running for president suddenly changes everything.

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