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Girl In Tears 'Cuz She's Tired of Bronco Bamma & Mitt Romney

Maddow: Romney's Reversal a Disqualifying Character issue

volumptuous says...

Lame. You are entirely wrong about everything (once again).

Let me enlighten you:
>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^entr0py:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I'm not excited about a Romney presidency or anything, but I think it's pretty much over. That is, unless the Obama campaign has an October surprise up their sleeves.

I'm not sure which polls have you convinced, but you have to remember that the only thing that matters are electoral votes, and the president still seems to have a lead there. It's tricky to know which polls to give weight to, but betting markets seem like a good aggregation and they still have Obama ahead.

Well Florida and NC and Virginia are very likely to end up with Romney at this point. Obama has lost ground everywhere and Romney is nearly even with him in Ohio and Wisconsin. He is tied in Iowa. The latest Gallup polls have shown him 5 - 6 points ahead of the president nationally. Even if he lost Ohio he could make it up with Wisconsin and Colorado. Obama needed a reset in the last debate and he didn't get it; the momentum is still Romneys. The presidents campaign is just frankly out of steam. They spent 100 million dollars creating a caricature of Romney which Romney dispelled in an hour and a half in the first debate. Besides "kill Romney" the president hasn't had any ideas to move this forward. Now he is going around talking about "Romnesia" which shows he has nothing left up his sleeve. So, with everything trending Romney I don't see what else the president can do to stop the momentum from swinging this Romneys way. That's why I say that he has had it.

Maddow: Romney's Reversal a Disqualifying Character issue

shinyblurry says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^shinyblurry:
I'm not excited about a Romney presidency or anything, but I think it's pretty much over. That is, unless the Obama campaign has an October surprise up their sleeves.

I'm not sure which polls have you convinced, but you have to remember that the only thing that matters are electoral votes, and the president still seems to have a lead there. It's tricky to know which polls to give weight to, but betting markets seem like a good aggregation and they still have Obama ahead.

Well Florida and NC and Virginia are very likely to end up with Romney at this point. Obama has lost ground everywhere and Romney is nearly even with him in Ohio and Wisconsin. He is tied in Iowa. The latest Gallup polls have shown him 5 - 6 points ahead of the president nationally. Even if he lost Ohio he could make it up with Wisconsin and Colorado. Obama needed a reset in the last debate and he didn't get it; the momentum is still Romneys. The presidents campaign is just frankly out of steam. They spent 100 million dollars creating a caricature of Romney which Romney dispelled in an hour and a half in the first debate. Besides "kill Romney" the president hasn't had any ideas to move this forward. Now he is going around talking about "Romnesia" which shows he has nothing left up his sleeve. So, with everything trending Romney I don't see what else the president can do to stop the momentum from swinging this Romneys way. That's why I say that he has had it.

Maddow: Romney's Reversal a Disqualifying Character issue

entr0py says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I'm not excited about a Romney presidency or anything, but I think it's pretty much over. That is, unless the Obama campaign has an October surprise up their sleeves.

I'm not sure which polls have you convinced, but you have to remember that the only thing that matters are electoral votes, and the president still seems to have a lead there. It's tricky to know which polls to give weight to, but betting markets seem like a good aggregation and they still have Obama ahead.

Henry Ford's Hemp Plastic Car (1941)

Yogi says...

Someone on NPR was saying that Obama won't even talk about legalizing Marijuana because it's so controversial. Is that really true? I was under the impression that most people wanted it legalized...just like free healthcare. I know the media works really hard but we've gotta be smarter.

Bill Moyers: Correcting Bill O'Reilly

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bill Moyers, Bill Oreilly, PBS, billo' to 'Bill Moyers, Bill Oreilly, PBS, NPR, Telemundo, Univision, tax dollars, funding' - edited by xxovercastxx

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

rottenseed says...

I'm sorry, man...I just don't get what you're trying to say. It looks like you're trying to shoe-horn an agenda — albeit an honorable one — on a video about poor sportsmanship.

Maybe we should be made more aware of the reality of kids' concussions. I would have to do more research though because that NPR article has NO information as to where the "estimated" number comes from. I hate to be that guy, but honestly, that guy is why we know that the earth is a sphere and it travels around the can't just believe everything you read.

Assuming that it's close to correct...or even if the actual number is 25% of all pre-college football players have experienced concussions, then I would agree that something should be done to fix it. But, like I said, this isn't a video about kids getting concussions, nor is it a video about bounty-gate. The fact of the matter is that those things are bad — hence why people have been fired/suspended. Despite the physical nature of the sport, the intent to maliciously hurt somebody is frowned-upon by a majority of the NFL. There is a big difference between seeing a good solid hit between the numbers, wrapping up the player, and taking him to the ground, and taking out his knee cap. I don't see what's hard to understand about that.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

You're inventing a narrative of what I've said that isn't consistent with reality.
I never said I didn't like football.
I never said I no one should play it.
I never said everyone had to adopt my point of view.
I never said kids are playing football against their will.
I did say that the certainty of concussions is reason enough not to play.
I did cite statistics about concussions that happen to adolescents PRE-college
"of the nearly 5 million adolescents playing football below the college level, it's estimated that half have sustained concussions, a third of them on multiple occasions"

Stop being a pussy and let that virulent feeling of bloodlust wash over you when those players go down. As you said, they're paid as much as they are because they know the risks involved. If that's the case, this should be celebrated as part of the game, no?
I'm arguing for safety, but I'm a pussy. And you're arguing for the game, but dont want players to get hurt. I'm sure the Saints bounty scandal was limited to that team and nothing like that happens anywhere else. Oh wait...
Cheer for the injuries that are part of this culture or call for better safety, I say.

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

JiggaJonson says...


You're inventing a narrative of what I've said that isn't consistent with reality.
I never said I didn't like football.
I never said I no one should play it.
I never said everyone had to adopt my point of view.
I never said kids are playing football against their will.

I did say that the certainty of concussions is reason enough not to play.
I did cite statistics about concussions that happen to adolescents PRE-college
"of the nearly 5 million adolescents playing football below the college level, it's estimated that half have sustained concussions, a third of them on multiple occasions"

Stop being a pussy and let that virulent feeling of bloodlust wash over you when those players go down. As you said, they're paid as much as they are because they know the risks involved. If that's the case, this should be celebrated as part of the game, no?

I'm arguing for safety, but I'm a pussy. And you're arguing for the game, but dont want players to get hurt. I'm sure the Saints bounty scandal was limited to that team and nothing like that happens anywhere else. Oh wait...

Cheer for the injuries that are part of this culture or call for better safety, I say.

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

rottenseed says...

So? Climbing trees is the result of broken arms and legs...what the fuck do you want? Stop pussifying this country. Very rarely are kids playing football against their will. Especially at the level where concussions are happening (high school and up). Stop trying to force the world to adopt your views on everything. You don't like football so NOBODY SHOULD PLAY IT? What the fuck kind of view is that? You might as well be a Christian telling me that we should be teaching creationism in school. Different points, same obnoxious tenacity and narrow point of view.>> ^JiggaJonson:

I stand by my original comment, and the risk is more than likely, it's a near certainty. You're supporting a game that is the sole cause of roughly 2.5 million concussions diagnosed in adolescents each year. Roughly 1.5 million of those kids will sustain multiple concussions.
There's also Kurt Warner's telling NBC that his son's playing football is a thought that "scares [him]" But hey, I guess you'd probably expect that from someone who feels as though "Playing through concussions is part of the game."
I feel like a decent human being would try to stop them from putting themselves in harms way, not hoping they don't get hurt when they play with fire.
From my point of view, you're the one cheering on the cock-fight. I'm just happy to see one of them go down because it refocuses the issue of the dangers in the sport for meatheads like our video's Eric Winston. Sure, he cares now, but I can just as easily see him saying "One more play! You gotta play through head injuries like that!" ala Kurt Warner's insider info on the culture of the game.
That said, I doubt the crowd was thinking this far into it. They were probably just bloodthirsty.
Finally, Quote where I imply that risk = celebrating human suffering, from my comments.

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

JiggaJonson says...

I stand by my original comment, and the risk is more than likely, it's a near certainty. You're supporting a game that is the sole cause of roughly 2.5 million concussions diagnosed in adolescents each year. Roughly 1.5 million of those kids will sustain multiple concussions.

There's also Kurt Warner's telling NBC that his son's playing football is a thought that "scares [him]" But hey, I guess you'd probably expect that from someone who feels as though "Playing through concussions is part of the game."

I feel like a decent human being would try to stop them from putting themselves in harms way, not hoping they don't get hurt when they play with fire.

From my point of view, you're the one cheering on the cock-fight. I'm just happy to see one of them go down because it refocuses the issue of the dangers in the sport for meatheads like our video's Eric Winston. Sure, he cares now, but I can just as easily see him saying "One more play! You gotta play through head injuries like that!" ala Kurt Warner's insider info on the culture of the game.

That said, I doubt the crowd was thinking this far into it. They were probably just bloodthirsty.

Finally, Quote where I imply that risk = celebrating human suffering, from my comments.

The Rumble 2012 - Jon Stewart vs. Bill O'Reilly

shagen454 says...

Ok yeah took me a while to finish that one as well. Bill O flip flops on his ideas all of the time.I mean Bill O was one of the main people fighting on the airwaves to go to war in Iraq... how soon people forget. Now he thinks it was a bad idea..

He has the audacity to say capitalism is the problem with discourse saying it creates fakes and he was the one saying that we should not pay for NPR, why? Because NPR does not tout the same temporary quote issues unquote as the FOX agenda? It really seems to me that Bill O doesnt have any sort of real opinions that have not been bought and paid for, which is another reference he kept making.

Killer Mike REAGAN

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

quantumushroom says...

This guy who? The guy who doesn't understand what "Liberal" means?

Not sure who you're referring to.

The Left in this country doesn't exist at the top level.

That's hard to believe with Obama in the Red House and Congress under taxocrat control since 2006.

Which is why everything that occupy accomplished isn't reported on. And yeah I know you're going to say "They didn't accomplish anything" you believe that because you don't actually know the facts of the situation. You would if their was a Left Wing bias in the media.

Well, here's your chance. List 3 things the occupoopers accomplished. Hope these achievements outweigh the chaos, drug-dealing, rapes and deaths it caused, plus the expense of keeping society safe from these trust fund barbarians and other nogoodniks

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
The liberal bias exists enough for this guy to have noticed it in his 30 years at CBS.
Are we counting NPR and PBS? Moyers and Suzuki selling Left on the taxpayer dime?
Chomsky? No thanks. It's hard to believe a wealth redistribution socialist who protects his own assets with a trust.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX reveals the rest of the media for what they are and have been from the start: propagandists for taxocrats and left-wing dogma. And that's not counting the fools in hollywood.
The whole 'Liberal is to "WHAT bias?" as Fish is to "WHAT water?"' will not be rehashed here.
Koppel and Friends failed the American people before there was even a FOX. They lost the trust (and ratings) through their own betrayal of objective journalism.

Actually it will be rehashed here. The "Liberal Bias" does not exist in any study that has been done about it. What has been found is a bias for the State, and War, and a defense of what America does regardless of consequences.
Pick up some Chomsky QM.

This guy who? The guy who doesn't understand what "Liberal" means? The Left in this country doesn't exist at the top level. Which is why everything that occupy accomplished isn't reported on. And yeah I know you're going to say "They didn't accomplish anything" you believe that because you don't actually know the facts of the situation. You would if their was a Left Wing bias in the media.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

The liberal bias exists enough for this guy to have noticed it in his 30 years at CBS.
Are we counting NPR and PBS? Moyers and Suzuki selling Left on the taxpayer dime?
Chomsky? No thanks. It's hard to believe a wealth redistribution socialist who protects his own assets with a trust.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX reveals the rest of the media for what they are and have been from the start: propagandists for taxocrats and left-wing dogma. And that's not counting the fools in hollywood.
The whole 'Liberal is to "WHAT bias?" as Fish is to "WHAT water?"' will not be rehashed here.
Koppel and Friends failed the American people before there was even a FOX. They lost the trust (and ratings) through their own betrayal of objective journalism.

Actually it will be rehashed here. The "Liberal Bias" does not exist in any study that has been done about it. What has been found is a bias for the State, and War, and a defense of what America does regardless of consequences.
Pick up some Chomsky QM.

This guy who? The guy who doesn't understand what "Liberal" means? The Left in this country doesn't exist at the top level. Which is why everything that occupy accomplished isn't reported on. And yeah I know you're going to say "They didn't accomplish anything" you believe that because you don't actually know the facts of the situation. You would if their was a Left Wing bias in the media.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

quantumushroom says...

The liberal bias exists enough for this guy to have noticed it in his 30 years at CBS.

Are we counting NPR and PBS? Moyers and Suzuki selling Left on the taxpayer dime?

Chomsky? No thanks. It's hard to believe a wealth redistribution socialist who protects his own assets with a trust.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX reveals the rest of the media for what they are and have been from the start: propagandists for taxocrats and left-wing dogma. And that's not counting the fools in hollywood.
The whole 'Liberal is to "WHAT bias?" as Fish is to "WHAT water?"' will not be rehashed here.
Koppel and Friends failed the American people before there was even a FOX. They lost the trust (and ratings) through their own betrayal of objective journalism.

Actually it will be rehashed here. The "Liberal Bias" does not exist in any study that has been done about it. What has been found is a bias for the State, and War, and a defense of what America does regardless of consequences.
Pick up some Chomsky QM.

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