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Cinderella 2015 Looks Really Good

radx (Member Profile)

enoch says...

my god...
i have to agree with your assessment and i have been watching putin and his politics for awhile.
that man is one savvy player but as you stated..he knows when to open the table up.
im not giving him a free pass for some serious fucked up shit he has done but we cant ignore his political chops.

i think we all see whats starting to play out and we think to ourselves "no way they would go that far.that would be suicide,on multiple levels".
nevermind the deaths...
or the injured and disabled.
nevermind the collapsed economies leading to death,disease and starvation.
the political fallout alone would ruin many political players...forever.

but i posted a report awhile ago and it has always stuck in my head.its not all conspiratorial and shadow government stuff.its the real power elites and they truly dont care.

the man makes the case that all wars have been bankers wars.
that debt is the new currency and war is their favorite way to enslave a people.
and they have been doing it for centuries.
with globalization and sovereign boundaries not as traditional as they have been,due to the internet and mass communication.
nationalism and religion are not quite the motivating force they once were.

if you look at what russia has been doing with its oil reserves and how it has been dealing with its debt and military.the interview you shared takes on whole new dimensions..and those dimensions are frightening.

its the bankers.

Furchester Hotel:John Oliver has Bad News for Cookie Monster

Bears Fighting in New Jersey Suburb

Unmanned Rocket CATO (Catastrophic Accident on Take Off)

newtboy says...

Ahhh...I see. Nevermind! :-)
OK, tragic waste, yep. Let's hope the late delivery won't be tragic though, just inconvenient.

speechless said:

Umm .. no?
The YT channel that this video came from is what I meant.
I assumed it wasn't yours.

And yeah, not tragic loss of life but tragic waste and also those supplies aren't getting there when anticipated, tragically.

Canadian Sergeant-At-Arms back on duty the next day

Payback says...

Really? I've never met a Liberal (I assume you mean the US swear word, not the Canadian political party, most of those clapping are "Conservatives", btw) who wanted all police officers (and he is one, a long, storied and honourable career) to be without a sidearm.

Oh shit, I didn't see who I was responding to... nevermind... I thought reason would work.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals applauding a murderer with a gun when its their hide being saved.

Funny how liberals quickly change their mind when its their life on the line, then it's ok to have a gun.

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

newtboy jokingly says...

Could...but don't. With the exception of 'toll roads', which usually use public funds and always use public services to nevermind, not toll roads either.
So please, stop leaching off us 'statists' and quit using our roads, firemen, police, electricity, water, and internet. Once you've done all that, and moved to your utopian island community in Alaska I'll start listening to you again....Oh, but you won't be on the internet or have access to phones or the mail, so....

blankfist said:

@VoodooV: "Every one of these youtube crusaders are comfortably enjoying the perks of a system they despise."

What perks? Like roads and firemen? You know, it's not like we couldn't have those things without government.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

Barbar says...

I feel like the problem isn't necessarily religion, but rather dogma. It just so happens that religion is full of dogma. The fact that Islam contains an attempt to immunize itself against reform serves to make it more dogmatic, as reformists can be shown, in black and white, to not be observing the religion as it was intended.

Dogma creates incredibly extreme behaviour. Once people believe they hold an absolute truth, almost anything becomes justifiable. It isn't limited to religion, as evidenced by the 20th century's forays into communism, but it is clearly present in religion, and particularly in Islam.

Comparing Canadian Muslims with Saudi Muslims is a false comparison, as I expect everyone can see. There really is a difference between living in a country as an extreme minority, versus living in a country as a member of the extreme majority. Nevermind living in a theocracy based on the religion. It's a completely different environment, and if people didn't behave differently, they wouldn't be tolerated very long.

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

dannym3141 says...

Do all of your family talk a lot of empty meaningless crap?

This very vague comment could be applied to literally every arbitrarily selected set of a group - both you and i would be seriously fucked if everyone "stopped caring" about us as we'd have to survive off foraged and grown food/drink and self-built shelter in non-private wild areas. Every day would be a constant struggle to shelter, heat and feed ourselves. That's why we have society where people work with other people for a greater level of overall comfort. Did i really have to explain any of that? (Now imagine you don't get the same share of the overall produce of the society you're in because you've got different coloured hair..... just nevermind)

I love how unspecific the promise of the threat is. There's going to be .... a wake-up call. There's going to be some serious alarm bells people, so just ... just watch out, that's all i'm saying. Cos when this wake-up call happens, everyone will then be awoken, and there's no going back to bed, no lie-ins. But it'll only happen when people in the country "stop caring" about black people - as opposed to every other day when black people are a primary care concern for everyone. Let me point out the obvious that they are only different in their skin colour, they don't radiate psychic concern-potential; you can care about them as much or as little as every other white person you know... unless you're racist.

lantern53 said:

My brother said something very interesting last night. He said he got it from Thomas Sowell. He said, if the white people in this country ever stop caring anything about black people, there's going to be a huge wake-up call.


"Scottish Colloquialisms" featuring Karen Gillan

Pranksters hotwire WW2 tank in Ukraine - it roars into life!

Engels says...

Smells of some sort of publicity stunt. Nevermind the fuel, just the oil required to lubricate the pistons couldn't possibly still be viable.

How do bystanders respond to domestic violence?

Edward Snowden NBC News Full Interview

The first rock star ever to come out

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