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Kimbo Slice TKO'd in 14 Seconds

Japanese Gas Station - Full Service!

kronosposeidon says...

^I guess you haven’t been to the rest of America lately, because while Oregon might only have full-service fuel stations, I can tell you from first-hand experience that the following states do not, as I have driven in every one of them:

New York
Washington, DC
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Mexico
South Dakota

In all those states, I only recall visiting ONE full-service station. It was on I-90 in New York state, in the summer of 1989. It was a station that was full-service only, and you had to pay the extra quarter per gallon for it too. Even then, they didn't clean your windows, empty your ashtray, or halt traffic so that you could safely re-enter the road. They just pumped the gas, and then they expected a tip too.

So while full-service may be the norm in the Oregon, it isn’t anywhere else I’ve been, nor is it the norm for most non-Oregonians.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Commercial?! FTW!

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Commercial?! FTW!

thinker247 says...

Joe Pesci should really stop letting people take him to uninhabited places. He always ends up whacked.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
I'm originally from Nebraska, so I'll give you some friendly advice, son:
Don't fuck with Big Corn. Unless you want to be chopped up by a combine then scattered just west of Nebraska City by a manure spreader, just let it go.
Don't let Big Corn do this to you.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Commercial?! FTW!

kronosposeidon says...

I'm originally from Nebraska, so I'll give you some friendly advice, son:

Don't fuck with Big Corn. Unless you want to be chopped up by a combine then scattered just west of Nebraska City by a manure spreader, just let it go.

Don't let Big Corn do this to you.

MrFisk (Member Profile)

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Really? I graduated from high school in 1985. Who knows, maybe we ran into each other once. While you were in Omaha, if you ever bumped into a man who was so handsome that he made you want to become gay, well, you guessed it: I bumped into him too.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Catholic school and Nebraska? No wonder your messed up. I used to live in the Omaha area too. from 1984-87. I was lucky though, I can't remember much of my time there.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Wow, I'm originally from Omaha. Grew up at 3639 Hascall St, went to Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School on 32nd and Ed Creighton Blvd, then went to Gross Catholic High School, and graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. So it's safe to say I'm an Omaha boy.

That town's a lot bigger since I left there in 1994. Now it has TWO traffic lights.

Glad to hear your back on your feet.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

Catholic school and Nebraska? No wonder your messed up. I used to live in the Omaha area too. from 1984-87. I was lucky though, I can't remember much of my time there.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Wow, I'm originally from Omaha. Grew up at 3639 Hascall St, went to Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School on 32nd and Ed Creighton Blvd, then went to Gross Catholic High School, and graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. So it's safe to say I'm an Omaha boy.

That town's a lot bigger since I left there in 1994. Now it has TWO traffic lights.

Glad to hear your back on your feet.

Update on my situation (Blog Entry by Obsidianfire)

kronosposeidon says...

Wow, I'm originally from Omaha. Grew up at 3639 Hascall St, went to Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School on 32nd and Ed Creighton Blvd, then went to Gross Catholic High School, and graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. So it's safe to say I'm an Omaha boy.

That town's a lot bigger since I left there in 1994. Now it has TWO traffic lights.

Glad to hear your back on your feet.

Good Eats - The Beer Show

choggie says...

The unwritten rules are like this:

Dag worries, with good cause, that one asshole's letter, from one asshole law-ya, will drain whatever coffers reserved for the goddamn inevitable.

Mr.Fisk, ya whining child-wonder all you ya will, this slippery slope affects your personal passion for beer, and tomorrow, if this site was not here, you could slink back to yer puter mommy got you for xmas, making yer swill stovetop beer, in bumfuck Nebraska or where ever the hell you live, and your memory, as well as ours of you, would vanish as quickly. I like ya, so take it personal, or not.

Go buy Alton's dvd's, go read a beer-makin' book, or wander up to some local enthusiats and get tips...collect bottles, get the gear (it's cheap)-fun hobby.

My hobbies are making people think outside their comfort zones, and pissing against high southerly winds.....and I have made beer.

The Onion: Pretend You Give A Shit About The Election

thinker247 says...

What I like to do is talk about politics as if I actually care, even engaging in a frantic debate full of O'Reilly-like tirades, until election day. Then I sit at home and watch my Simpsons DVDs. The next day I re-emerge, ready to debate about whichever douchebag just won whatever election was being held in some place like Nebraska's third district.

Vote NO on corn subsidies for minority farmers!

Thats Not A Thunderstorm - THIS Is A Thunderstorm!

Wild tornado chase through downtown Kearney

evil_disco_man says...

Wow, very cool - my sister and I were driving right behind that storm along I-80 on our way back from Colorado. The severe part of the storm was traveling east perfectly in line with I-80, so we got a good view of the extent of damages. We saw over 10 semis blown over, power line poles snapped in half with cables strewn across the highway, a few trees uprooted, metal guard rails wrapped around columns of an overpass, a large aluminum shed ripped to shreds, and we counted over 20 divots in the corn fields completely twisted apart and blown over.

We only experienced gusty winds and a little rain, but were so close behind the storm that they were calling the mile markers off on the radio where the tornado warnings were... between markers 369 and 381, right as we passed 360, etc. Literally ten minutes after passing certain portions of the interstate they were being closed down and re-routed. Despite living in Nebraska for 23 years now, I hadn't ever been that close behind the path of a tornado (at least while still being outside), so it made for an exciting finish to our torturous 8-hour ride back home.

Wild tornado chase through downtown Kearney

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