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Zawash (Member Profile)

Zawash (Member Profile)

Unintended Consequences

noims jokingly says...

I think this is more evidence that we need to allow abortions with fewer restrictions, not restrict them further.

Yes, but in Nebraska it would be legal up to the 57th trimester.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Here’s your daily dose of Republican debauchery….Pervster, (real name is herbster), Trump’s pick for Nebraska, accused by 8 women of groping in the last 5 years, 6 corroborated by witnesses, many stating so publicly well before he was a candidate including a Republican state senator.

Who doesn’t care about law, morality, or ethics again?

luxintenebris (Member Profile)

Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine?

luxintenebris says...

well...don't see categorizing dung, in the crap column, as spreading the right's meadow muffins. thought it was showing the bigotry, xenophobia, phantom fears that have been an American past time. (also have these ever left the rights' playbook?)

of course, it's boogie-boogie-all-night-long for the right. just tried putting it in the context of other hairy scary nothings that have been hawked - - then and now.

[should have put in a better link for the Nebraska case. the writing of the SCOTUS' decision is enlightening. almost apologetic.]

Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine?

luxintenebris says...

off-subject slightly...but how can american history be taught w/o ratting out all the bad american history?

crt isn't much different than this...
...lead by hatred against americans w/german names

even pride in great americans can lead to some dark truths...
...that's someone whose life was worth a chapter in a h.s. history books itself.

all of it !?

how different can american history be that much different than today's news?! a lot of todays' spectacles are hard to behold.

it's all on a scale. bad w/the good. why be afraid?

Rollerblading across the U.S. to restore faith in people

MilkmanDan says...


I was interested enough to try to find information at, as suggested at the end of the video. Nothing immediately popped out at the top level domain, but a google search found a short story there where the last line was a link to her personal webpage:

She's currently in Nebraska, with 169 days on the road and 2747 miles traveled. Not sure if she had phone/GPS issues or what, but there's a jump from day 93 to 119 as her position went from roughly NYC to Buffalo in that time.

I wonder if she's done any wheel and/or bearing replacements in her skates. Her frames/chassis look like Wizards (nice heavy-duty but light aluminum) with a quality boot that I can't recognize for sure but might be a Seba. Anyway, looks like relatively high-end, durable gear!

Dealing with a scammer

moonsammy says...

I like messing with scammers. Had someone try to get me to accept an "award" cruise. I asked if it could go anywhere, because I've been hearing a lot about space tourism and have always wanted to see the moon. They said it was a cruise, and I asked to visit Nebraska.

Years ago when trying to get people to switch long distance carriers was a thing, I told someone from AT&T that they'll have to beat free, as I sold my soul to Satan for free calls.

Seth Meyers Opens 2018 Golden Globes

ChaosEngine says...

The electoral college is part of the problem certainly, but even that could be done better. Even the way Maine and Nebraska do it would be a vast improvement.

I don't believe it's "rigged", it's just a bad voting system, and it suffers from all the problems with FPP voting systems in addition to its unique crapulence.


newtboy said:

I don't know what you mean if you're talking about the electoral college. I agree, it's outdated and it's time to toss or rewrite it, but I don't think it's so rigged that he couldn't win.

Senator Ernie Chambers The "N" Word at Omaha Public Schools

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Racial Slur, Ernie Chambers, N Word' to 'Racial Slur, Ernie Chambers, N Word, nebraska' - edited by MrFisk

Alton Brown's Blind Taste Test: Italian Beef Sandwich

Great Dane Stuck In Tree

Getting Overtaken On The Autobahn

Last week Tonight with John Oliver - Lessons in geography

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