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Very Cool Rare BridgeType - The Newport Transporter Bridge

Rubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage fools Penn & Teller...

kceaton1 says...

As for more ideas; I didn't hear if the Rubik's Cubes were random (as in P & T went and bought their own for this trick). If he brought his own Cubes, then things change again. Since after all he could be engineering Rubik's Cubes with some added perks.

It'd require some pretty good "quirky" engineering knowledge (and BTW, this is quite common with magicians)... But he may be able to make a Rubik's Cube that with a touch to a button, change in acceleration, heat & cold, etcetera, perform many simple yet crucial tricks to complete his act.

Anyway, it all depends on what his goal is for the Cube. He may NOT want a Cube that solves itself instantly with a press of the button (plus that may be a little too much over-engineered). But, you could have stickers that switch color via various means, like a switch based on temperature.

It all depends as well as what is available out there. There are a lot of very tricky things you could accomplish if you truly had the ability to get some of these items.

It's very hard to tell you what types of abilities this Cube could have; it's probably easier to tell you what features it wouldn't have based on the performance we saw (like I said, one that "solves itself" would more than likely be over-engineered)...

But, to me it's far more easier to see it via a extraordinary ability in sleight of hand and an extreme amount of experience with a Rubik's Cube (go look at Rubik Cube videos; there are a lot of people that do very neat things with Rubik's Cube...).

Warcraft Movie - Skies of Azeroth (Stormwind) 360º Video

Conan Goes to Comic-con Mad Max Style

rancor says...

They should change the name to Line-Con, the convention of long lines to get into huge panels that have nothing to do with comics! Seriously, if you want to get into any of those panels, you will be in line for entire days. I live in San Diego and gave up on it years ago, and will never go again unless they do something about those lines (like a lottery).

Still, walking around the main convention floor is cool (no lines, just shoulder-to-shoulder people in costume), and all around downtown are really neat ticketed events (like CONAN) at other locations such as Balboa Theater. I saw me some live @midnight with Chris Hardwick last year! And no line for that one! POINTS!!

Sagemind said:

Want to go to San Diago Comic-Con so Bad!!!!!
The mother of all Cons!

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

GenjiKilpatrick jokingly says...

Bill Clinton invented tact & politeness.. ?

And it's the fault of liberals that..

..some people choose to be diplomatic and not belligerently attack anyone who doesn't share their same worldview?

Neat! Wow dude, you're full of sh-- facts.. lots of facts

bobknight33 said:

No it started under the Clinton. And it is the fault of liberals.

Mountain biking with no chain

HenningKO says...

I know, but why, in this sport, is it important that everyone only gets the one run? No do-over in the case of a mechanical failure right out the gate? There's no NEED to accept the bad luck... it's neat he won tho.

JustSaying said:

Dude, he won the race! Why on earth would he like another go? He could only beat himself.

Something flew into orbit over Perm region in Russia

automated orange and kiwi peeling machine

Functional Copper Clad Steampunk .22 Gatling Gun

Making Sand Coffee Looks Like Magic

Elon Musk introduces the TESLA ENERGY POWERWALL

spawnflagger says...

Inspired by this announcement, I started looking at solar panels yesterday. Actually I learned that there are also "solar shingles" that replace regular shingles, and blend in better, but are not as efficient as PV panels.

I signed up to be notified on the Tesla site - would be neat to own.

I also learned that northeast USA has more average sunlight (~4 kWh/m^2/Day) than Germany, which leads the world in solar adoption. Obviously places in southwest are better suited (~6.5 kWh/m^2/Day)

Chilly Gonzales Deconstructs Pop in 2015

HenningKO says...

I don't think he meant to be pejorative about it, Sage. Just... here's something I noticed, isn't that neat? The artistic choice to choke back on the scale in "I'm so Fancy" and deliver it like a taunt certainly fits... in any other context, we'd probably be saying whoever made that choice is a genius!

EXTROPY - Speedhack

spawnflagger says...

reminds me a bit of the "motorcycle" chase scene from Terminator Salvation.

Some neat ideas, and might be a cool movie when it's done, but I wouldn't back a kickstarter (or similar) for it because it's just 1 guy.

I upvoted just to say "welcome" to cyberpunk amidst his attempted banination.

Spinning A Top In A Vacuum Chamber

lucky760 says...

Neat. Makes me wonder how long it would spin in the other extreme, surrounded by air but with zero friction. In my naive mind, I imagine it'd go considerably longer. And of course with zero air and zero friction it'd go on indefinitely.

Air resistance vs. friction. Who will win out?!

3D printing 100X faster and inspired by the Terminator movie

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