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Ride through the House and Garden on a Lego Train

fuzzyundies says...

I had an HO scale model railroad as a kid, so at first watching this I thought "neat". Then "whoa". "Holy shit". And at the end... THAT WAS ALL LEGO?!!! Where the hell was this 30 years ago?!!

Rogue One Teaser Trailer

HenningKO says...

Ah, so what is this? Outside of the big character story lines of Star Wars, but in the universe. Kinda neat. I'd rather see this than yet another Marvel or DC movie, but on the other hand, I'd rather see original, fresh IP than all of them combined.

Dividing By Zero On Mechanical Calculator

Living in a converted gas station.

artician says...

Gas station/automotive esthetics are hideous to me, but I always drive by old commercial buildings and think of neat ways to turn them into residential ones. Props for actually doing it.

We Had No Idea How This Recipe Would Turn Out

Bernie Sanders VS. The Patriot Act

harlequinn says...

Lol. No agenda.

I'm not American, so I have little exposure to American politics (only news snippets). I have an interest in it though, and take notes where I can.

I asked because there are hardly any politicians (or people in general) that won't support the rights they like and deny the ones they don't. And America's constitution is such a strong document, it's hard not to trip up on things like free speech, firearms, non-interference from the government, etc.

It is possible to enact sensible gun control without banning assault weapons. Look to New Zealand for perfectly sensible gun laws that allow assault weapons. They have a lower homicide rate, and lower homicide by firearm rate than Australia.

I just looked up his policies (google neatly summarised it for me - thank you google god). He's got some things that I think are great. Universal health care is the best.

MilkmanDan said:

Should I?


In all seriousness though, no, I don't really have an answer to your question. What I like about Sanders is ...

... I just wasn't clear from the context of your original post if you were asking a question or if you "had an agenda". Now I get it. I think.

SUPER (Videogames Talk Post)

Fantomas says...

You can play the prototype here.

I backed this on KS and just started playing today. It's really neat. Not sure how long it will hold my attention though.

ant said:

Interesting. I have never heard of it before since I am out of the gaming scene. Is there a playable demo?

Perfect FedEx Truck Reverse Parking

Atlas, The New Generation

skinnydaddy1 jokingly says...

A Boston Dynamics engineer was found today, neatly stacked on a shelf in a box along with what authorities are saying could be bits of a hockey stick. The only witness, a 2nd Gen, Atlas robot. is not talking.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I went with mom, dad, and my grandmother. We flew to Washington and drove from there.
It was a neat trip, but I expected more from the expo. With a few exceptions, it seemed like it was done on the cheap, compared to what I had seen in old footage. I expected to ride in a hover car, watch hologram movies, ride moving sidewalks, ride monorails, see some early teleportation, etc. Of those, I got a holographic movie, so I was somewhat disappointed. What do you expect from a 16 year old though?

Posted the other 2 videos in the comments of that one. Feel free to sift them if you wish, I won't be posting them for real.

ant said:

Actually, that video is good quality for a home recording! Hey, post the other parts. Good flashbacks. My family, friends, and I were there too!!

climbing the great pyramid of giza

Why the suspended monorail failed

newtboy says...

He listed at least one reason, that because they are often single track systems, a single breakdown freezes the entire system.

Once it's assumed that it's not reliable or, worse, that there's a decent chance of being stuck in a suspended/elevated train until the whole system can be evacuated (requiring specialized rescue from every train that didn't stop in a station, then being 'down' until the breakdown is fixed or removed), people won't use it, and it will fail.

That doesn't explain why they don't just make all systems 2 track systems like the German one to solve that issue for a bit more money (but not double the money), but it does explain why some failed. It seems to me that they could still be a decent solution in some congested areas where light rail only adds to congestion, and they look neat.

mxxcon said:

Still doesn't explain why they fail.
He listed the alternatives not to build one in the first place, but if one is built, why it fails?

Ehang184-chinese unveil new passenger drone prototype

enoch says...

jesus christ you two!
it is a prototype for fuck sakes!

i am not saying you both are not bringing up valid points,but can you at least put your cynicism aside for at least one second and just marvel at the mere prospect of flying cars,using this technology,in the somewhat near future?

ah well...
i thought this was pretty neat.
then again i am easily impressed.

Why Funerals are a Total Ripoff

Amazing Contact Sword Demo

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