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A tanker captain threads the needle...

Zawash says...

He's probably using the well known trick from Ports of Call: the ship turn rate is based on the set speed, not the current speed, so you can stay still, increase the speed to the max and set max turn, and you will turn on a dime. Just make sure you put the speed back down again real quick, or you'll have a nasty encounter with the pier.

The Drinkable Book

Lit_Reflex says...

So in other words the well documented anti bacterial properties of silver which people don't use because medical doses may turn your skin blue for the rest of your life are now being applied to sewage water filled with dissolved nasty solids which won't be removed by the silver therefore making the water drinkable...


An American Ex-Drone Pilot Speaks Up

A10anis says...

Extremely simplistic and naive guy, but he has delivered a great piece of propaganda to the enemy.
He sounds like he is leaning toward the Noam Chomsky school of thought ie; "its all the Wests fault, if we just stopped being so nasty, these lovely people would leave us alone..."

Mhairi Black: 20 year old SNP MP's maiden speech

dannym3141 says...

Fantastic and right - the Labour party abandoned the people; they were so out of touch that they couldn't even persuade some 16 million people to keep out the nasty party. That's why Jeremy Corbyn is doing so well.

For only 3 quid a Labour supporter can vote for Corbyn in the leadership contest. Take the Labour party back from the career politicians and weathercocks.

radx (Member Profile)

radx says...

όχι, bitches!

Or as a cartoon, if you prefer.

Edit: With all the nasty fearmongering by the Greek private media and the corrupt elite, it takes balls of steel to basically tell them to fuck off. The Greek economy is fucked³, politicians from the entire Eurozone were arguing for, even demanding the Syriza government to step down, so they can resume business as usual with either the old nepotic elite or freshly installed technocrats. Piss off, the demos replied.

The result itself doesn't matter that much. The process itself, like the Scottish referendum, might have set into motion a development that cannot be stopped nor undone.

Edit #2: the vitriol and pure hatred from the conservatives and many social-democrats is despicable. What champions of democracy they are. Tsipras and Varoufakis should channel their inner FDR and welcome their hatred.

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

dannym3141 says...

Under a video about an innocent child being killed due to our gradual march towards a police state, you are justifying the need for a police state because people "mouth off" at the cops.

This kid was a satisfactory sacrifice because some people say mean things to the police. We should tolerate people being innocently killed, having their houses partially destroyed, being mistreated and actively hunted because of skin colour, police brutality and everything it encompases. Because sometimes, guys. Sometimes... people say nasty things to the police. It nearly makes me cry that people can be so mean to police officers. I hope this kid learns a lesson from this. I don't know what lesson - maybe "don't let other people be mean to the police"? Might be useful in the afterlife.

bobknight33 said:

We live in a "police state" today because people are assholes thinking that they have the right to moth off at cops and each other with out consequences.

Steam controller looking polished

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

JustSaying says...

See, here's the difference between you and me: you need to be told but I have to know.
While you march wherever you religious leader tells you to ("Looking at those horrible gays! And pay no attention to the man behind the curtain or what he does with the altarboy."), I just ask myself how I'd feel if somebody treated me like I treat others. It's call empathy.
Of course you don't need that, you have somebody to tell you when it's ok to stone someone to death or how to treat your slaves. I actually have to think about that, consider my actions and try to understand how their consequences affect others. Sometimes I even have to be reminded I am an asshole and have to deal with the fallout of making the wrong choices but you don't have to fear that. You have a book that is several hundert years old written by various people who lived at a time where a Walkman would've been considered witchcraft. And since it has been translated and edited a couple of times, it got only better, especially in the expanded universe fan-fiction edition that you consider canon today. How dare those heathens to question you?
It must be great if everything is so clear cut, so black (phew, nearly typed a nasty word...) and white. I actually have to fear backlash if I mistreat the human beings around me. You on the other hand only have to fear that a man (of course, a man), who really, really loves you, condemns you to eternal torture because you kissed a boy and liked it.
You and your damned, old book. Your standard of morality is no better than that of the Quran.
I have to know I did the right thing, you just need to be told you did good. That's the difference between our morality. That's the difference between relying on your faith or relying on your humanity. That's why I refuse to tell a gay kid it's broken and needs fixing or strapping a bomb to my chest, because that shit is wrong and I just know it. No matter what somebody like you tells me.
Get the fuck out with your claims of morality and go clean your temple from the child molesters.

bobknight33 said:

Without Christianity you loose a standard on morality in which all morality is defined by oneself. Unless you desire to replace it with Hindu or Buddha or Muslim.

Since you are a firm believer of debauchery you would desire to pick none of the above and go with self determined morality.

suggest you read "The Myth Behind "Separation of Church and State""

The "wall of separation between church and state" phrase as understood by Jefferson was never meant to exclude people of faith from influencing and shaping government.

Claimed Police Brutality - What is your take?

bobknight33 says...

Stop being a nasty piece of trash. It demeans yourself.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Oh go fuck yourself you old cuntbag.

If @lantern53 told you wait quietly in his cruiser while he fucked your wife and daughter, would you comply?

Of course you would. You must obey all cops, always.

..You'd probably even give him the reach-around as a thank you for "years of loyal service".

Seriously, you two should just go ahead and blow each other..

Cause you definitely already got a circle-jerk goin' on here.

"Hey Buddy, wanna disparage some minorities with me?!"

'Fuck yeah, buddy. Let me get my badge and gun! You can help me falsely arrest someone for "trespassing"... '

What If You Needed Everyone's Approval To Get Married?

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

newtboy says...

Odd, because it did work for me, as I can't even see @speechless's comments due to one particularly nasty, insulting conversation we had one day that ended in my ignoring him/her. Now there's no way to un-do that if I wished to, without having lucky do it for me.
Agreed though, stricter enforcement of the 'rules' would have made my requesting this feature (yes, I requested this...go ahead and blame the Newt) moot. The people that constantly made the site a place I wasn't sure I wanted to visit, IMO, violated the rules repeatedly...but my opinion is only, like, my opinion man, and if the moderators don't think they've crossed the line, this feature was the only way I would be able to continue here...since I was unable to ignore a few members (now I'm not talking about speechless) because their inflammatory hate speech was so often quoted and commented about, so I would click 'see it anyway' out of curiosity, and often ended up replying.
Now that I don't see them at all, I feel much better about being here. It does mean that I no longer contradict their insanity publicly (or at all), so they get to spout their hateful ideas with less opposition, but there came a time when enough was enough and I realized that I was only giving them the attention they were seeking just by replying, and certainly not making a dent in their ignorance or hatred, and it wasn't doing me any good either.
Since they know how far they can skirt the rules while still being as annoying as possible, this was the best option I could think of....and I'm quite grateful to Lucky for implementing it for me (and others).
I think it sucks ass that most of the dissenting (right wing) voices here have become so angry and hateful that they aren't worth listening to anymore, and seem to only post here to get a rise out of others, not to inform or discuss. I wish that was not the case, but since it is, for me it was either stop reading them altogether (requiring this addition to 'ignore'), or just leave like so many others have. I was not ready to abandon the sift and let them 'win', so this seemed the best alternative.

It would be nice if you could see who you are ignoring on your profile page somewhere, and had the ability to choose to un-ignore on a person by person basis by one's self. Who knows, it's possible that some of them might go to the lounge (where ignored users can still be seen), indicate they had changed, and make me interested in reading their comments again. As it stands, I would have to go to @lucky760 for that 'un-ignore' would be better, I think, if we could do it ourselves without bothering him, but I don't know how possible or reasonable that really is.

Beer Ad with Amy Schumer

poolcleaner says...

Naw, don't be confused. Lots of people fuck beers. You don't have to feel confused or embarrassed.

The first time I fucked a beer it was right in front of my girlfriend. She did not like me fucking a beer, let alone in front of her. Ew!

Then I met my wife. She doesn't mind me fucking beers. In fact, she can be a nasty, cheap slut and watch me fuck a 24 pack of bud lite. But, then again she loves it when I go to town on a couple of dogfish heads.

Wait, this hasn't become an awkward conversation now, has it?

ChaosEngine said:

Fucking a beer?? That's just... I mean.... it sounds wrong.... but...

awwwww, now, I'm confused.....

Key & Peele - Negrotown

lantern53 says...

these guys usually do race-neutral comedy but this one panders to black fears a bit, too bad

Apparently Negrotown is not a happy place, but actually the county jail. If those guys go there, they'll find a lot of black people who have nothing in common with them, in other words, poor, black, uneducated, criminal. Also will be some nasty white folks who have made a whole mess of their lives with drugs and bad choices, same as the others.

Watch this catamaran sailboat surf into port

ChaosEngine says...

He would have had enough power to maneuver, but not enough to outrun the waves. If there was a big enough break in the sets, yeah, he could have just motored in.

The skill here was in timing the power to get in front of a wave and then steering it to keep on the wave. It's not actually that difficult to do, but the consequences of getting it wrong are pretty nasty.

Payback said:

Unlike a surfboard, I fail to see where this captain had any input whatsoever over this. You know, other than floating around until the wave happened. If he had the engine power to maneuver, why bother surfing? Unless he's just trying to capsize, sell the boat to the insurance company...

Crash Course - Taste and Smell

MilkmanDan says...

Very interesting...

I'm one of those people who is highly sensitive to perfumes / scents, which is sometimes called "multiple chemical sensitivity". I know that it isn't technically an "allergy", but other than that I honestly have no idea whether this whole thing is psychosomatic (all in my head), "real" but with a lot of additional input from mental/emotional states, completely real and tied in some way to the smells themselves, or completely real and tied in some way to the actual "chemicals" (in a chemistry sense) in the air. All I know is that there are a LOT of triggers for me where I can get one small whiff of something and know that I'm going to get a pounding headache.

Aggravation with that has often caused me to wonder if it would be possible to surgically or pharmacologically destroy or impair my olfaction senses, like what happened to the woman in the video, and cure the headache triggers. If the smells themselves are the triggers, it seems like that could work. If it is largely or completely psychosomatic, it could still work because I wouldn't know that I was being exposed to the smell triggers; one thing that I've considered is that I also get very angry if I'm in a private place like my home or otherwise trying to avoid triggers and somebody wanders in wearing some nasty shit and compromises the integrity of my safe zone. In public I know that I can't control what other people wear so I just try to get away very quickly from trigger smells, but in my own home I get ultra pissed if somebody comes in and stinks it up. I have wondered if that anger exacerbates or maybe even in some cases is the actual primary source of the headache symptoms. But anyway, even if that was the case, being able to cap or cut off my sense of smell would solve the problem.

The only way that the problem could persist AFTER surgically eliminating my sense of smell would be if the reaction is really to the chemicals themselves in the air. And then, that would be worse because I wouldn't have the warning system of smell telling me to get the hell away from perfume counters, ladies wearing the stuff, dudebros wearing shit like Axe, etc.

All in all, I don't actually think it would be worth the downsides. BUT, I must say I've really wondered about it when I've got a pounding headache after simply walking by somebody wearing perfume in line at a grocery store or whatever...

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