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VoodooV (Member Profile)

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

garmachi says...

1. My online moniker is the first 8 letters of my high school nickname. The whole thing wouldn't fit on the scoreboard of a late 80s pinball high score board.
2. I was mute for a week with strep throat, and still managed to seduce someone using only physical comedy and facial expressions.
3. I've logged 79 of the 110 Messier Objects.
4. I once killed a groundhog because he was a legitimate threat to my food supply.
5. I can do amazing things with a map and compass.
6. I can do something with my tongue that I've never seen another human do. (This is in no way related to #2)
7. Al Gore once beat me in a foot race.
8. I can sing the theme to Land of the Lost.
9. I live closer to a trailhead than a gorcery store.
10. I am the only member of my family to live more than 25 miles away from where I was born.
11. I owe #10 to my time in the US Marines.
12. When someone asks "are there any questions" I almost always ask "What's the atomic weight of beryllium?"
13. When someone tells me the title of a book they're reading, I almost always ask, "did you get to the part where he dies yet?"
14. I can tell time and navigate by looking at the sky.
15. I love fast, upside down, looping rollercoasters, but the merry go round makes me sick.
16. I once filtered and drank mosquito infested muck as an alternative to dehydrating.
17. I bought my first couch at age 41.
18. I've never purchased a car, although I have bartered for many.
19. I once saw a medical professional use a frozen hotdog to insert a condom into a drunk guy's rectum.
20. I owe #19 to my time in the US Marines.
21. To this very day, I still have dreams about the Leonids Meteor Storm I saw in 2001.
22. I can prove the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
23. My favorite number is 23.
24. I brew damn fine apple cider.
25. I have seen many amazing things.

Largest Urban Bat Population in the World Takes Flight

Largest Urban Bat Population in the World Takes Flight

Largest Urban Bat Population in the World Takes Flight

Largest Urban Bat Population in the World Takes Flight

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

@NetRunner: The old left-right struggle was basically a question of whether the landed nobility should get to have total authority (since they owned all the land), or whether authority should flow from rule of law set by an egalitarian democratic process. The left pretty much won that fight, and ever since the right wants to make the government the enemy, because it gives commoners some sort of power over them.

I don't think we have the same federal government. Last time I checked my government embolden corporatist interests. In fact, even my local government in Los Angeles seems to want to keep the people poor. I work from home and forgot to move my car during street cleaning yesterday - that's one day out of the past six years. Well, I got a $65 ticket. Is that a fair price? I ran a red light by accident five years ago, got caught by one of those red light cameras and received a $400 ticket. I won that in court, but they never paid me back (yes, you have to pay before you're found guilty). I actually made a long trip the courthouse months later to get my money back, but the line for the court teller was so long it wrapped around the outside of the building. True story. I didn't have the time to waste an entire day waiting for repayment on something they should've never taken in the first place.

Funny thing is a lot of the times the street cleaners never come (yes, I've actually watched). But the parking enforcement during that 3 hour window of no parking are out like swarms of mosquitoes. California is about as egalitarian a state as any in the union. Seems to me they aren't trying to hard to help us out with their "total authority" flowing from the "rule of law set by egalitarian democratic process".

I've noticed Democrats seem to love it when government takes our money. Car registration used to cost nearly $400 here in LA before the Governator came in and changed that. Now it's still over a hundred. Parking on my street costs me an annual fee, and I have to purchase annual parking passes for guests. We have meters everywhere, and they're not cheap. Some meters cost a couple dollars per hour.

You claim the Libertarians want a toll road society, which makes me laugh, because we already have that in the Democratic state of California.

Giant Mother Garage Spider

Giant Kitchen Spider

spoco2 says...

See, in my house... with those spiders (looks like a huntsman)... if it is out in plain site, near main traffic areas, then yeah, get a glass, put it over it, slide some card under and let it go outside... if it goes and hide... leave it alone. They're great spiders, get rid of mosquitoes and flies... handy to have around.

Start the summer right: "mosquitoes being killed by lasers."

Laser cannon against mosquitos

Seric says...

>> ^dag:

Brilliant. Great for malaria- and then later- the commercial application of this for backyard BBQs would be very popular.

Surely, use one to help fund the other?

50% of this sale goes towards setting these up in africa

Smokey Phaser 12x

KnivesOut says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

I was honestly thinking of whipping up something similar, Now that I had seen that video of the laser disintegrating the mosquitoes wings, I wish to have a holster and a pistol I can whip out and eradicate some flying intruders such as fly's, moths , mosquitoes and many many other insects roaming the walls.

You just gave me a nerd-on.

Smokey Phaser 12x

BoneRemake says...

I was honestly thinking of whipping up something similar, Now that I had seen that video of the laser disintegrating the mosquitoes wings, I wish to have a holster and a pistol I can whip out and eradicate some flying intruders such as fly's, moths , mosquitoes and many many other insects roaming the walls.

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

Skeeve says...

While indiscriminate spraying of DDT is obviously stupid and dangerous, the rise in worldwide malaria rates in response to the restrictions on DDTs use have killed hundreds of thousands to millions of humans.

Now, unfortunately, it's too late. Like not using all of one's prescribed antibiotics, we allowed mosquitoes to develop a resistance to DDT when we stopped using it and it doesn't work anymore (at least not as well).

By the early 1960s we had malaria cases in India down to almost zero from 75 Million in 1947. Sri Lanka went from 2.8 million cases in 1946 to 17 cases in 1963. Malaria was on the verge of extinction in these places.

Then we lost DDT thanks to Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring". By 1976 there were 6.4 million cases in India. Today it sits between 2 and 3 million cases a year and India is one of the luckier ones. Throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa more than 50% of all children are infected. In Zambia, in 2005, there were 1353 cases for every 1000 children under 5 years old. That means a huge percent of the children are infected more than once a year.

Was DDT dangerous to spray indiscriminately? Absolutely. Was it saving millions of lives? Without a doubt.

Listen up! 160 Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes.

Opus_Moderandi says...

Sooooo much cheese on that ham samich...

"Hey! Christmas tree!" reminds me of those old deadpan Discovery channel commercials: "Hello mosquito." " Hello mosquito." and "Ahhh. The atmosphere. ahhh."

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