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That Mitchell and Webb Look - Diana Assassination

That Mitchell and Webb Look - The Aliens

BicycleRepairMan (Member Profile)

Lets Have a Space Day! (Science Talk Post)

chtierna says...

I have been thinking and it would be cool to have it on a significant date related to space. July 20th is the anniversary of the moon landing but maybe its a bit close, I havent been able to dig up any great space videos to kick the thing off with, and Im not sure how many are interested "Build it and they will come" indeed but I can't find the proper building material

Here are some important dates:

July 20, 1969 First Manned Moon Landing
August 20, 1977 Launh of Voyager 2 (yes! it was launched before Voyager 1)
September 5, 1977 Launch of Voyager 1
September 12, 1959 First Spacecraft to Impact on the Moon
September 15, 1968 First Moon Orbit
October 1, 1958 NASA is Born
October 4, 1957 First Artificial Satellite
October 4, 1959 First View of Moon's Far Side

Anyone have some great ideas on how to attract some attention to a space day? Build up some excitement?

Glenn Beck Has A Brief Moment Of "Self-Awareness"

NetRunner says...


If I oppose health care, I'm against the poor; if I oppose their ridiculous climate change bill, I hate the planet and I'm a flat-Earth, moon-landing denier; if I oppose illegal immigration, I'm anti-Hispanic; if I oppose the stimulus package, I'm against the president because he's black; if I oppose the massive deficit increasing exponentially by this administration, I loved it the previous eight years; if I support the troops, I'm a war-monger; if I attended a tea party, I'm crazy; if I favor traditional marriage, I'm a homophobe; if I oppose abortion, I'm against women; if I oppose the Fairness Doctrine, I hate diversity; if I oppose strong-arm unions, I'm against workers.

So, taking all of their arguments, one by one, and adding them all together, I guess it would be safe to assume that according to the inclusive, diverse progressives that I'm just a crazed, poor person-hating, flat-Earth believing, moon-walk denying, deficit-loving, homophobic, xenophobe, who is a homogenous, women-hating, racist, that loathes hard-working, blue-collar Americans.

Oh, did I mention I'm a warmongering, jingoistic fatso? That hates children? And puppies? And spits on trees? And shoots gerbils, just for sport?

And if I don't hate, I'm simply dangerous. A fearsome, mob-inciting, redneck, flesh-eating monstrous, rhetoric spewing, out-of-control religious zealot, bent on blowing something up, maybe even before the end of the show.

U.S Soldiers Are Waking Up!

Confucius says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:
The moon landings were faked. The secret service was complicit in the Kennedy assassination. UFOs regularly abduct and anal probe people.
Pick any of the above. Believe what you want, if you won't hold rational beliefs there's no point in trying to discuss anything with you.

This is exaclty how I feel. Quotes and speeches like this (the vid) are just a mark of unoriginal thought and recycled rhetoric. This vid could have come straight out of the 60s.

People who buy into this crap have the Historial depth of a kiddie pool and a narrow-minded and mule-stubborn understanding of geo-politics.

People like this believe they are liberal and open-minded when in fact they're just as fanatic and close-minded as right-wing tea-baggers.

Peace and love!!!! War is bad, everyone put down their weapons, think of the mothers and crying babies and think of..."Wait....Whats that?"

Apparently Im only allowed to continue this comment in Chinese due to new regulations from the newly conquered and created Peoples Republic of America.

Somebody forgot to send them the memo about the Man and War being the real enemy.

Well I suppose Free Speech had a good run.

U.S Soldiers Are Waking Up!

Yogi says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

The moon landings were faked. The secret service was complicit in the Kennedy assassination. UFOs regularly abduct and anal probe people.
Pick any of the above. Believe what you want, if you won't hold rational beliefs there's no point in trying to discuss anything with you.

I'd also like to point out I don't believe any of the popular "Conspiracy Theories" and just writing me off is rude and a pathetic attempt to bury my opinions that are supported by facts.

U.S Soldiers Are Waking Up!

Yogi says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

The moon landings were faked. The secret service was complicit in the Kennedy assassination. UFOs regularly abduct and anal probe people.
Pick any of the above. Believe what you want, if you won't hold rational beliefs there's no point in trying to discuss anything with you.

Wow...ok then I guess I was trying to solve that with the 9/11 Truther comments. I'm only using what our own government is saying that they didn't know who was responsible. Even if they were that doesn't justify bombing civilians to demand someone be turned over to them.

U.S Soldiers Are Waking Up!

Drachen_Jager says...

The moon landings were faked. The secret service was complicit in the Kennedy assassination. UFOs regularly abduct and anal probe people.

Pick any of the above. Believe what you want, if you won't hold rational beliefs there's no point in trying to discuss anything with you.

Anderson Cooper Confronts "Birther" Arizonan Representative

Huygens' Probe Landing on Titan

NicoleBee says...

>> ^Peroxide:
I can't believe that I'm the only one who noticed the footprints at the end, Far left picture!
Is that the moon landing????

(Two years later)

Yes, it's a shot of the moon landing alongside the final images to demonstrate scale and distance of the picture.

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

I guess when I first saw your name I misread it and now I´m dyslexic to it, all I see is a mechanical duck. That wont change back, ever. Anyhow there is more poetry in a fingernail of a graverobbed raped corpse than in all 1.200 norwegians together.
It also means you didn´t win, somehow.

>> ^Ornthoron:
>> ^NeuralNoise:
Ornothron, wow, now THERE is some research and effort! Congrats on the trainee who did your job. Having my fraudulent narcisistic ways exposed by a mechanical bird´s apprentice is the moon landing to my neil armstrong. And yes, it is excruciating reading through you people´s comments in order to find even one worth mentioning.

Does this mean I won the roast, even if you can't manage to spell my name correctly? But I guess it's too much to ask to comprehend these complex norse names for someone whose first language is descended from murderers, pirates, rapists and grave robbers.

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

>> ^NeuralNoise:
Ornothron, wow, now THERE is some research and effort! Congrats on the trainee who did your job. Having my fraudulent narcisistic ways exposed by a mechanical bird´s apprentice is the moon landing to my neil armstrong. And yes, it is excruciating reading through you people´s comments in order to find even one worth mentioning.

Does this mean I won the roast, even if you can't manage to spell my name correctly? But I guess it's too much to ask to comprehend these complex norse names for someone whose first language is descended from murderers, pirates, rapists and grave robbers.

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

Gullible sifters! I could be the joseph fritzl of brazil and you´d be all gooey, "he is so nice."
I´d spit in your roast, but it would likely be enough to put off the roasting fire and you´d never figure out how to make the "magic heat that bites" again. Morons.

Now, mano a mano:

Laura, the BBQ Wolverine image you´ve posted is so bizarre it makes me want to roast myself. Better, to self-immolate. twice.

Thinker247, yeah two favorite memories. In your face, you who can only think of peggedbeas´s dry vagina, Dags waxworks and child molesting. No, that´s three memories. you win.

Blankfist you are a fake. We know you are the picture model for the goatsee and as such you never grunt when taking a dump. or even notice it.

Rougy, we may clean motels now, but we also invented them motels. We did. And your mother was there.

Inflatablevagina, you are so cute trying to be mean, I´ll help you out. Worse than pompous, both of my cats names are bad puns. (Meaow-Tse and the "Laconic" one who would only say "mee" instead of "meaow").So please execrate me as puns are humour´s low-life white trash cousins.

Ornothron, wow, now THERE is some research and effort! Congrats on the trainee who did your job. Having my fraudulent narcisistic ways exposed by a mechanical bird´s apprentice is the moon landing to my neil armstrong. And yes, it is excruciating reading through you people´s comments in order to find even one worth mentioning.

Gwiz, because you like futurama, I won´t mention your excessive concern about my body hair.

Therealblankman, except for choggie all roastees were chosen by god. So if you pray hard maybe He will listen to your high pitched whining.

Haldaug, yes, I masturbate to furry porn. but cmon, you and your wife are so hot!

Peggedbea, those were your titties covered in shit? No wonder it all seemed so normal I didn´t know the roast had even started.

kulpims, you can be the mother of my next daughter.

Choggie, when I said gullible sifters I meant you. Also you should know that when you scream fuck you we hear "good morning"

Don Juan, jump off the bridge, dont jump off the bridge, you guys please make up your mind already so i can mindlessly follow, wtf.

Dotdude, the only place I´d fear a candiru is inside my urethra, whereas spiders are scary everywhere. Also the Amazon River is closer geographically to your new orleans house than mine in sao paulo.

Rottenseed, after I wipe my tears I´ll tell you that at least (or even) blankfist know we speak portuguese, not spanish. And if I was fritzl dressed as santa you´d sit on my lap.

MrFisk, or should I say "imelda marcos", I may lure young single moms to my moms basement but you are the guy who marries them afterwards.

Lann, it was great that you put my two best memories together, thanks. Now someone explain to this "person" what is a roast.

So that is it.
Thanks for the roast, morons!

Now, Laura, you promissed I´d be tied up and filled with herbs.
never fail me again, ok?

and "Mr jester", these pitiful crowdlings dont have enough venom, so please make your dice choose easier prey for the next roast, such as Hitler
(Godwin´s law does not aplly here)

Digital forensics shows Oswald photo was not faked

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