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IBM's predictions for innovation in the next 5 years!

FishBulb says...

IBM's predictions for innovation from five years ago:

*We will be able to access healthcare remotely, from just about anywhere in the world.
*Real-time speech translation—once a vision only in science fiction—will become the norm.
*There will be a 3-D Internet.
*Technologies the size of a few atoms will address areas of environmental importance.
*Our mobile phones will start to read our minds.

For mobile device Sifters - do you use the mobile or full version? (User Poll by dag)

How To Walk Down The Street Efficiently In Japan

ghark says...

>> ^Cloudy:

Hey you THIEF! Nice idea with the bell. Just when did you come to my comedy show, steal my idea and try to pass it off as yours? I've been doing that for 14 years in this country you scumbag. There are thousands of people that KNOW that that's my OWN ORIGINAL IDEA. Get a life dipshit. Make up something of you OWN. All those places you did it are the same places I talk about on stage and more importantly do it in real life everyday DICKHEAD!!!!!!! I guess you'll be getting a house type phone next, and answering it when someone's mobile phone rings HUH. WANKER! If you want me to post 1 of the dozens of videos of me talking about how I do that on this sight, I will. They go back years. Take it down SHITHEAD. It's NOT your idea. Cloudy!!!!!!!!!!!

i am good in english, i try my best in doing what i do what i think is best and that im pretty intelligent when it comes to doing this. to be honest its not that hard but i find it easier for me to just write it like this, and i hope it can be easy for people to read this too. i like writing about stuff. i like chicken. i like food. i like eating. eating is great. blah blah blah blah blah. i am awesome. i am cool. i believe im awesome and cool. isnt that awesome and cool?????

iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World

ant says...

>> ^TheGenk:

While I don't want to belittle Steve Jobs' major role in Apple's success, all those documentaries and orbituaries are imho way too Jobs focused, as if he did everything by himself.
IMHO without Jonathan Ive and his design team the iPod would be just another mp3player, the iPhone just another mobile phone, etc..
Ah look at me, rambling on about humanities desire to worship Führer-figures.

Don't forget Steve Woz who is cooler!

iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World

TheGenk says...

While I don't want to belittle Steve Jobs' major role in Apple's success, all those documentaries and orbituaries are imho way too Jobs focused, as if he did everything by himself.
IMHO without Jonathan Ive and his design team the iPod would be just another mp3player, the iPhone just another mobile phone, etc..

Ah look at me, rambling on about humanities desire to worship Führer-figures.

Stupid in America (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dannym3141 says...


I have several reasons as to why banning mobile phones at UNIVERSITY would be a bad idea and should never happen. However let me fully recover from being speechless - the alcoholics anonymous thing coupled with the phones in exams thing caught me by surprise. Exams are an individual test of the skill of a person using only their brain and whatever limited resources you provide, it has no place in this discussion and if you're an educator, you should know that. Let's not waste time with nonsense like that or frivolous analogies.

So, mobile phones are RIGHTLY removed from exams and they ask people not to use them in lectures because if you're making noise, or shining a bright light sometimes, it is distracting to your peers and the lecturer (which impacts on other students); one's own careless mobile phone usage hinders the learning of other students. Careful use of the internet on my mobile phone in physics lectures really helps me understand things at times - not to mention reminders and schedules for assessed work or reading.

At a university you are an adult, you've volunteered to attend, it isn't a school any more. Lecturers are not teachers and teachers are not lecturers; there is a world of difference. The lecturers at my university would certainly agree that it is not their job to make you learn, whilst school teachers have the harder job in that they in a way DO. Uni students are already interested by dint of asking to be there, school students are forced there by law and attend all subjects, not their favoured one.

Not to mention that university policies are DICTATED by students. The universities know that student satisfaction is what can make or break a university's reputation - especially for newer universities (ie. not historic establishments). I'm a student liaison for my course, meaning i go to question and feedback sessions from the students to the lecturers. One thing that gets lecturers listening is when you imply that a lot of students have a bad opinion about something. We've had many policies changed in the first year which has improved our ability to learn and solved many problems. Why do they care? Because if student reviews are bad, they slip in rankings, their uni appears less desirable. Almost all students would hate a policy of mobile phone bans, so you can see how it would go down.

"I know best how to teach students" is an old fashioned and i would even say negligent line to tow. I do not intend that to be an insult, i've tried to be quite polite here and have a civil discussion but i believe this is true based on my experiences. One of the key focuses of our lecturers is that lectures can and should be tailored to best deliver the course content to those present, that is why our lecturers offer us key choices and respond to our feedback, and i believe that is why our university's physics department is growing and becoming world renowned. I think that in all walks of life, it is wise to always be open to adjustments or improvements, and to never ever think that you have finished learning.

This is not important but i feel i should offer this information - i have a teaching family (30+ years in teaching, all of them), school teachers but no uni lecturers. My opinions on schools comes from my life with them and my uni opinions comes from my involvement with my uni. I hope it is at least an "educated" opinion, no pun intended.

/walloftext, sorry, but i did try to present my ideas and opinions well for you.

LG Optimus Hyper Facade in Berlin - Short Version

rich_magnet says...

Also, LG is not demonstrating that new of a technology. Many companies, such as have been doing projection mapping of many things, including buildings for years. They've even done a number of mobile phone ads on buildings.

Standup: Todd Womack on Texting, Kids' Names and Strip Clubs

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser

direpickle says...

>> ^Deano:

I hate teaser trailers, just a waste of time.
I do hope it's better than the tedium of Dark Knight which I've watched again since the cinema and I genuinely believe it's horribly overrated. T'was a pity as I really liked Batman Begins even if it went a bit Hollywood towards the end. The ending of Dark Knight with that mobile phone plot device still makes me cringe.

I feel the same way. I much preferred Batman Begins to the Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser

Deano says...

I hate teaser trailers, just a waste of time.

I do hope it's better than the tedium of Dark Knight which I've watched again since the cinema and I genuinely believe it's horribly overrated. T'was a pity as I really liked Batman Begins even if it went a bit Hollywood towards the end. The ending of Dark Knight with that mobile phone plot device still makes me cringe.

Kramer tries to cancel his mail

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

@NetRunner I think the point is that if you want to not exist on tax dollars, you don't also get to legislate out competitors.

Big shrug here. I don't really see a problem with that. Maybe if I thought the service we were getting was a bad deal I'd feel differently, but I think we're getting a pretty good deal.

I'm a lot more worried about the near-monopolies we've got in broadband internet and mobile phone service than I am about the USPS's monopoly on 1st class mail service.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
They loose money as well, perhaps it is time to let someone else take a stab at it?

Ahh, do they? Or is their financial situation being weighed down by a requirement Congress saddled them with to pre-fund health benefits?

Again, I just don't see the point in messing with how the Post Office works. It seems like the (half-hearted) efforts from the right to destroy it have more to do with long-term political strategy than an actual effort to make someone's life better.

After all, it's pretty hard to tell people scare stories about how socialism leads to death camps, when one can just point at the postman and say "oh really?"

This is why you don't Text and Drive

Getting to Party Mode: From Zero to 60 in one second

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^ghark:

Wow what arrogance and perhaps cluelessness from the writers, soldiers are over there committing war crimes on behalf of the American plutocracy, and they have the gall to say the forces are there to "restore stability". I'm as big a fan of FPS'ers as the next guy, but if they are going to use real world locations, at least make an attempt to learn about the situation there first.
How would you feel if another country invaded you town or city for its oil, then killed tens of thousands of your women, children, students, reporters etc, but if you fought back you were branded terrorists. Walls are built to divide you from your friends and close family, stealth bombers, Black Hawks, Apaches and UAV's patrol your skies, tanks roll through your streets, yes that's stability we are bringing to you backward folks.
I just looked up the deathcount in Iraq, currently it's sitting at ~100,000 civilians. The people that buy this game and support the developers are basically saying that these 100,000 deaths, many of whom are buried in mass graves, are nothing more than a joke.
A couple from last month:
8th Feb - Father and son shot dead in Al Moushahada, north Baghdad
10th Feb - Mobile phone shop owner shot dead in central Falluja
11th/12th Feb - Student by explosive device in Yaychi, southwest of Kirkuk
15th Feb - Man shot dead in front of house in Kirkuk

Stop being so reasonable!

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

shagen454 says...

It is propaganda, just like a lot of Hollywood war films. And the government loves it - censors out what they don't approve of in exchange for renting out military vehicles to Hollywood for next to nothing.

The funny thing is, I hated that the army made a video game recruitment tool. But, to be honest at least it was difficult as $&&% directly in contrast to these big budget titles that make it "immersive" (immersive as in loud noises and yelling) and easy.

>> ^BoneyD:

>> ^ghark:
Wow what arrogance and perhaps cluelessness from the writers, soldiers are over there committing war crimes on behalf of the American plutocracy, and they have the gall to say the forces are there to "restore stability". I'm as big a fan of FPS'ers as the next guy, but if they are going to use real world locations, at least make an attempt to learn about the situation there first.
How would you feel if another country invaded you town or city for its oil, then killed tens of thousands of your women, children, students, reporters etc, but if you fought back you were branded terrorists. Walls are built to divide you from your friends and close family, stealth bombers, Black Hawks, Apaches and UAV's patrol your skies, tanks roll through your streets, yes that's stability we are bringing to you backward folks.
I just looked up the deathcount in Iraq, currently it's sitting at ~100,000 civilians. The people that buy this game and support the developers are basically saying that these 100,000 deaths, many of whom are buried in mass graves, are nothing more than a joke.
A couple from last month:
8th Feb - Father and son shot dead in Al Moushahada, north Baghdad
10th Feb - Mobile phone shop owner shot dead in central Falluja
11th/12th Feb - Student by explosive device in Yaychi, southwest of Kirkuk
15th Feb - Man shot dead in front of house in Kirkuk

This is because they've sold their souls to the US Military Propoganda Wing (sorry Media Relations) in exchange for their help making the game more 'authentic'. See a video explaining this type of relationship here, as it pertains to Hollywood.
Of course, the trade off for their expert assistance is that they get to veto anything in script that they don't approve of. Any mention of atrocities and civilian deaths at the hands of the US would be the first thing on the chopping block. Look at the latest Medal of Honour for example: reference to the opposing force being named Taliban called for removal. EA buckled to the demand, preserving their ongoing cooperation.
Which isn't to say that you can't enjoy these games for what they are. But do recognise the implicit recruiting advertisments and general support for the war industry.

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