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New Alex Jones Mad As Hell Tirade

Taint says...

Alex Jones seems to believe every theory that crosses his desk.

He also should be the poster boy for what's happened to discourse in this country at large. Gone are the days when people try and convince each other, now we only try to get the most attention from the side that already agrees with us. A shouting tirade of uninterrupted drivel, and if you shout loud enough, there seems to be no shortage of people willing to put a microphone in front of you.

Oh, and gun rights as a basis to defend yourself from the military is retarded. The military would lay waste to whatever arsenal you've got held up in your compound in Montana. You wouldn't even get a chance to hear the supersonic missile that blasts you and your preparations to smithereens.

In that type of revolutionary scenario, the only hope would be in a fractured military, and none of that would be very pretty.

The sad thing is , Alex Jones occasionally grazes and actual decent point, like about large multinational corporations being beyond national taxes and laws, but it's lost in so much bullshit, who could care to listen to him.

He would do well to focus on something, instead of trying to fit every bullshit crackpot idea someone tried to sell a book on into a five minute conversation.

Doug Stanhope vs. Alex Jones

American products - This is why the world needs 'free trade'

noam chomsky-the left-racism-class and the right

Obama and Bill Gates Created Hurricane Sandy

oblio70 says...

Well, I can see why someone gave him a microphone. Boneheaded miscreant. The Fourth Estate has been taken over by chicanery for entertainment value alone.

Die Antwoord is a ninja. A terrible, terrible ninja.

eric3579 says...

I, I, I
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection

I'm a ninja, yo
My life is like a videogame
I maintain when I'm in the zone
One player one life on the mic
I'm in the dark

Yo, ninja, go

No fuckin around I'm cutting down
Anyone in my path
Tryna fuck up my game with razor sharp
Lyrical throw stars
Killin' my foes like

Hos! Ska!

Wild, outta control

Ninja skop befokte rof taal
Rough rhymes, tough times
Met fokkol kos, skraal
Till I hit triple seven at the ATM
Straight famine or feast,
When you're living on the razor edge
Stay sharp, sharp

Rolling with the $O$
High energy
Never seen zef so fresh
Uh, when we mic check
Hi-def flow's flex
Yo we aren't the messed up
Not fucking the best
We not like the rest
My style is UFO
Totally unknown
You can't fuck with my new Zef flow
I'm hard to miss
"You can't do this, you can't do that"
Yo, fuckin' who said so?
I do what I like
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold
You can't fuck with the chosen one
I-I-I want the knife
I'm a Ninja

Hook x2

Ninja is poes cool
But don't fuck with my game
Boy or I'll poes you
Life is tough
When I get stuck
When my time is up
I push through
Till I break-break-break
on through to the other side
Fantastically poor with patience like a stalker

Ninja is hardcore
Been cut so deep, feel no pain
It's not sore
Don't ask for kak or
You'll get what you ask for
I'm like a wild animal in the corner
Waiting for the break of dawn
Trying to get through the night
Just a man with the will to survive

My blade swing free
Decapitate a hater with amazing ease
This is not a game, boy
Don't play with me
I work my light sabre like a wild fucking savage
from the dark side danger

Yin to the yang
Totally Hi-Tek Ninjas
Motherfucking big in Japan
I seen the future, but I never got nothing in my hand
Except a microphone, big dreams and a plan
Fly-talking, sky-walking
Like a ninja

Hook x2

Fuck, this is like
The coolest song I ever heard in my whole life
Fuck all of you who said I wouldn't make it
Who said I was a loser
They said I was a no-one
They said I was a fuckin' psycho
But look at me now:
All up on the interweb
World-wide, 2009
Enter the ninja
Yolandi Visser
DJ Hi-Tek
Die fokken Antwoord

What's my name?

I, I, I (I'm a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I (yo I'm a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection

I, I, I (Yo I'm a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I (a motherfuckin' ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

spawnflagger says...

Afghanistan = shittiest possible terrain.
You need to be a mountain goat to get around there.

They should make a "Google Glass" android app that will point out where the gunfire is coming from. (there's a humvee mounted version of this tech - uses microphone array and calculates time differences)

13 year old blows judges away on XFactor US

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^vex:

>> ^TheSluiceGate:
OK, 2 things really suspicious about this video:
1) I'm pretty sure I can hear autotune artifacts (I work with audio / vocalists a lot) and a vocal that is consistently too in pitch.
2) Notice at 2:49 the microphone is absolutely miles from her mouth and the vocal is still entirely consistent, no evidence of a change in level or tone that you'd expect a microphone to display (re: proximity effect) - this hints to me at the vocal being pre-recorded. They also cut away at this point which makes me even more suspicious.
3) The US version of the same show, produced by the same production company, has admitted using autotune:
This coming from a person who got goosebumps for the amazing TV debut performances of both Alexis Jordan and Bianca Ryan who were both imperfect, but utterly thrilling.

1. I think you're hearing things. Specifically, some of her high to low runs and a couple rising melodies beginning with low notes at the bottom of her range are slightly off key. The way she leads into notes using the back of her throat creates a slight buzz that makes her voice sound autotuned.
2. The beginning of the word "butterflies" comes out at a lower volume as she brings the microphone to her face.

1) It's the texture of the audio of the vocal and not the pitching that leads me to believe it's auto tune. Autotuning has a sound, and it's not necessarily to do with the pitching of the note. A bit like how tape or MP3s of even a specific type of pre-amp has a specific sound carachteristic.

2) I think that any slight dip in volume is because it's a low note outside of her range, but my point was not to do with volume, but to do with proximity effect. With the exception of omni-directional microphones the frequency response of a microphone changes with distance from the source of the sound- simply put: the further the mic is away from the person's mouth the thinner and less bassy it becomes. Even a change in gain / volume will not mask this.

13 year old blows judges away on XFactor US

vex says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

OK, 2 things really suspicious about this video:
1) I'm pretty sure I can hear autotune artifacts (I work with audio / vocalists a lot) and a vocal that is consistently too in pitch.
2) Notice at 2:49 the microphone is absolutely miles from her mouth and the vocal is still entirely consistent, no evidence of a change in level or tone that you'd expect a microphone to display (re: proximity effect) - this hints to me at the vocal being pre-recorded. They also cut away at this point which makes me even more suspicious.
3) The US version of the same show, produced by the same production company, has admitted using autotune:
This coming from a person who got goosebumps for the amazing TV debut performances of both Alexis Jordan and Bianca Ryan who were both imperfect, but utterly thrilling.

1. I think you're hearing things. Specifically, some of her high to low runs and a couple rising melodies beginning with low notes at the bottom of her range are slightly off key. The way she leads into notes using the back of her throat creates a slight buzz that makes her voice sound autotuned.

2. The beginning of the word "butterflies" comes out at a lower volume as she brings the microphone to her face.

13 year old blows judges away on XFactor US

TheSluiceGate says...

OK, 2 things really suspicious about this video:

1) I'm *pretty sure* I can hear autotune artifacts (I work with audio / vocalists a lot) and a vocal that is consistently *too* in pitch.

2) Notice at 2:49 the microphone is absolutely miles from her mouth and the vocal is still entirely consistent, no evidence of a change in level or tone that you'd expect a microphone to display (re: proximity effect) - this hints to me at the vocal being pre-recorded. They also cut away at this point which makes me even more suspicious.


3) The US version of the same show, produced by the same production company, has admitted using autotune:

This coming from a person who got goosebumps for the amazing TV debut performances of both Alexis Jordan and Bianca Ryan who were both imperfect, but utterly thrilling.

Mars Curiosity Descent - WOW This is Beautiful!

Cool 3D Sound Experience

swedishfriend says...

The up and down freaked me out. I have never heard that work that well before. doesn't seem possible but worked great. I wonder if this uses the fake head with microphones inside of fake ears to simulate your ears as well as possible.

"Flash Robbery" at Wal-Mart

TheDreamingDragon says...

Oh don't hate them for their race.Hate them for their Player Class--Gangsta,where anyone who figures out how to string a dozen words together in front of a microphone feels entitled to Phat Lootz,or they blame "the Man" for their failures and consider random acts of violence and theft their Just Retribution we somehow owe them. I can appreciate Good Music of any sort,and acknowledge the Art and Craft of its creating auible sculpture with sound and voice. However,I will say I can do so without buying into a whole subculture that thinks wearing your pants half off is a fashion statement. I don't see the Enya Posse in Blue Wold on their faces and sporting designer kilts running around(although we should!). To quote a line from Animal House "Stoned Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life,son.",and that's what the subtext of the subculture amounts to. Flashy glamour is nice,but none of it matters in the face of Real Work and the instinctual Need to get it done. This seperates the Artist from the Mob,wanting to devote time away from a constant party and to physical and emotional labour to conjure something meaningful magical and new. Stepping back to admire the fruits of your handywork is a high no mass of shiney strangers can ever hope to beat. Someone in that Flashmob has orginizational skills...300 people is quite a turn out. Wouldn't it be Nice if they had much enthusiasm for something Positive,like a neighborhood watch? twittering about crimes happening to the police can help keep their neighborhoods safe,which are crawling with drugs and shoot outs."Yo Dawg! The Bruthah from that Bodega Shooting is here on Main Street!" Maybe if the "Hood wasn't such a Scarey Place,businesses would come in. And if they didn't feel it was their right to steal,they might find good jobs from the new businesses and earn a living instead of demanding one.

But one has to have Morals for that. I see none in that video. People who don't mind rampaging in front of a sea of security cameras.Can you convince such people to Play Nice at all,or past the point when doing the right thing inconveniences you?Do people sometimes need the threat of Guns even to keep civil? Suddenly snide remarks about Evolution suddenly make SENSE. But its SOcial Evolution at play here,and at fault. WE are Rome trying to convince a native of the Province they conquered to kindly not shit in the street. Sometimes you need clubs for that. But something tells me these people need their lives managed for them. Maybe wall up a ten block radius of a poor neighborhood,move all the families out nd let them play hip Hop as a live action video game where the bullets are real and cameras everywhere record the drama Live! The ultimate Reality TV Urban Experience fully packaged and ready for heavy merchendising! They can compete for resources and earn fabulous prizes,and hopefully only shoot themslves instead of the rest of us just trying to get on with life.

The Hip Hop experience...Unrated on Pay Per View.Visit our Website and Twitter your opinion on the utterly SICK way DJ Do Wah Ditty Diddy Dum Diddy Do had his ear shot off in the fight for the corner of 134th street and Avenue F! Log in with your SmartPhone and soak up all the sleeze with the HoodieCam!

It'll happen. You'll see. It's very Roman.

Karen Gillan's Dalek impersonation ~ Comic Con 2012

Bumper Cars -- but the other car is a train

schlub says...

Really, do they NEED to add the fake crash and tire-squeal sounds? I'm certain those onboard cameras don't have microphones (what would be the point? All you'd hear is wind and noise)...

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