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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Even delusional maggots like you can no longer pretend.

Either you follow the felon or you support democracy, the two are 100% mutually exclusive.

The evidence of his actions presented yesterday is incontrovertible, in the sworn testimony and physical and digital evidence directly from the White House staff that was involved (his best people).

As sane people already knew, He knew from the start that he lost, and knew that everything he tried was illegal and dishonest, he intended the violence, he incited the violence, he watched and enjoyed the violence, he refused to lift a finger to stop the violence until after it was clear it had failed, and he absolutely intended to end democracy in America even if it cost Pence his life.
The last thing he angrily screamed at Pence…”You’re too honest” because he wouldn’t lie and help steal the election…”YOU’RE TOO HONEST.”. During the call he told Pence “hundreds of thousands will be angry with you if you don’t help me win.” and immediately afterwards reminded his hundreds of thousands of followers to come to Washington on Jan 6, “it’s going to be wild”.

So which is it? Trump, or democracy? Pretty sure I know.

newtboy said:

Holy crap….he’s even afraid to go on 60 minutes?!?
It’s over.

Vance admitted in the debate that he won’t certify the election if he loses and picks Nazi/maga over democracy.
It’s over.

180 pages of evidence of the anti American crimes by the 34 time felon and business fraud released to the public, along with nearly 1000 pages of supporting evidence.
“Sir, if you continue there will be violence.” “Make them riot. Do it!” Nuff said.
It’s over.

Charlie Kirk Struggles To Define A “Man”

newtboy says...

Closer to 2% are intersex, so over 160 million people, over 6 million Americans…and they have rights. You would deny their existence and rights and dehumanize them because they aren’t “the norm” (“they aren’t like me, so they’re scary and wrong!”) and it’s too difficult for you to comprehend that there might be more than a binary system, even as you admit it, and clearly you believe anyone not “the norm” doesn’t matter, shouldn’t have rights, and doesn’t actually exist.
Around 5% (under 30) are transgender or non-binary, that’s up to 400 million people, up to 15 million Americans. You would deny their existence and rights to dehumanize them too in your ignorant intolerance.

Only 1% are in the top 1% platinum spoon trust fund babies like the felon…so if the exceptions to the norm don’t matter or exist, why care about him at all?

Pretty sure the village idiot is the one who made at least 4 grammatical errors in just two simple phrases, not the one who excelled in college level chemistry and English classes in middle school and advanced placement calculus in high school…the same idiot who would deny rights to hundreds of millions because they don’t fit your simplistic thought process. 😂

bobknight33 said:

99% Born with a stick or slit.

The other 1 % are exceptions not the norm.

Keep being the TOOL for the Foolish - You're doing a great job being the village idiot.

The Republican Child Care Plan

Finding Out Your Wife Has Two Boyfriends

James Priest - Electric Sex Machine

noims says...

Hey, I just looked in the mirror and there he was lookin' right back. 😎

Bastard was behind me. I never saw him coming.

(Yes, I know what I said)

BSR said:

Wait a GD minute. I didn't see no "Sex machine"

Wells Fargo Employee Found Dead At Desk After Four Days

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because you have been convinced the economy is tanking despite all evidence to the contrary, I point you to google the JP Morgan article where it’s pointed out that the US is the only major economy that has met or exceeded the pre pandemic 2019 predictions for gdp in the world, and we did it despite one of the worst responses to Covid in 2020 with up to 50% more deaths and far more economic damage than most other countries as a result.
But let me guess…JP Morgan is fake news?

AI You Need is Love

noims says...

I'm not normally a fan of those AI-generated vids, but I'm a sucker for all those puns.

Now shut up, vid, and kiss me.

If Michael Jackson was car

The Onion: Snakes In A Bag - America's Best - Ep. 4

Ozzy Man Reviews: Raygun

Ozzy Man Reviews: Raygun

cloudballoon says...

Why all the hate (not referencing Ozzy Man, the "Interwebz")? Raygun knows she's not gonna win, and Breaking isn't getting another chance as an Olympics event anytime soon, if ever, so might as well have fun. It's not hard to understand.

I found her amusing when I was watching it live, she wasn't mocking anyone or breaking imo, but it did took me a few seconds to "get" the entertaining routine. The judging panel's all-zeroes was harsh but at least I understand it's based on technical merits, not artistic ones. Still... not even .0001 pt? Seems like a bit out of anger/shock, but whatever...

Don't take things too seriously internetz, have some sportsmanship & solidarity for those that know they're there for the "participation trophies" and not for the way-too-distance-for-them medals. All the trolling from the couch potatoes truly reflect poorly on humanity.

Craziest Golf Shot of all time!

Dating as an Android User...

lucky760 says...

Funny how that break-away bottle sounded super fake.

They should have edited the audio to make it sound like actual glass breaking or something.

Totally distracted me.

A woman disappeared mysteriously In front of police

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