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newtboy (Member Profile)

ant says...

I used to hate turn based when I was younger. Now that I am an old slow busy fart, I love them. I can't do these quick reflex and grinding games like I used to. Yeah, computer gaming can be expensive and a lot of work! I don't like the controllers for consoles due to my disabilities. I prefer huge clicky keyboards and mouses that doesn't require me to hold. With my iPhone, I have to use a 360 degrees finger ring holder to hold on my left hand and then my one finger/antenna to input! Also, my hands gets achy and tired from holding too long!

newtboy said:

I haven’t enjoyed a turn based game since Herzog Zwei on Sega Genesis (and I’m not even certain it was one, it’s been so long).
I did the gaming pc thing for a decade, but realized that it will ALWAYS need an upgrade to play the newest games well, and I don’t have infinite money to keep up. Consoles last years to a decade with no upgrades needed or possible, so it always plays the new games just fine…and there’s GameFly so I can play through every game I want to for cheaper than buying 5 games a year.

I still have no cell phone…it’s a badge of honor that I never have.

The Elderly Vote | American Voter

Enough Is Enough

cloudballoon says...

Yeah right, he's the epitome of healthy huh?

True, there are far too many chemicals (declared or otherwise on the labels) and we need to regulate a ton out of the food system, his (Trump/Kennedy) idea is dumb as shit. We need more regulation and less Big Food lobbists in Washington.

I'm Canadian, and let me tell you we aren't that much better nor that different than our Southern neighbor in our diet. Stuff we see & buy in the "Big Chain" (of which 3 companies control like 70% of all groceries) supermarkets are 90% the same stuff (and brands) in the USA. If we live slightly longer and healthier, it's probably about moderation. It's crazy looking at the portions we're served at restaurants whenever we're down in the States. And no amount of regulation, or lack thereof, can change that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another Corrupt MAGGOT candidate caught directly stealing ballots out of voting machines during the machine test.

A “former” candidate because he was caught and arrested.

Shocking, every single attempt at voter fraud has been a maggot…human garbage…again….for at least the 4th election in a row. There have been dozens.

Maga hates America and democracy, proven by the constant attacks against both from the top down, because maga is a fascist terrorist movement, you know it.

I’ve been supplying you with at least one real prosecuted election interference case a day for a while. What fake scandal do you have for me today? You’re slacking.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Let me tell you all about him,

this maggot intruder and Q fan is on video breaking in and attacking Pelosi, admitted doing it, admitted he intended to kidnap, assault, and likely murder Nancy Pelosi based on misinformation he got from the felon about her, has been convicted on every charge, and just got life in prison on top of his earlier sentences.

Once again, every word you have ever said about this assasination attempt has been false, dismissive, insulting, and shows clearly you wish he succeeded in his murder plans…and then you probably go ape shit at the suggestion that your boy led both attackers, drove both his attackers to it, faked his injury (he absolutely did, or he hurt himself, he was not hit) and deserved the attempts (no politician besides his German hero ever did deserve assassination more than he does, and that guy’s own generals tried 3 times).

I hope you’re at least brushing your teeth after eating all that shit, Mr MEGA.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

Apocalypse Z Trailer

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth….check….all 7 in spades

You shall have no other gods before me: (The first commandment, which states that nothing should dominate your life like money, power, or fame)
You shall not make any idols to worship (like golden statues of yourself)
You shall not take the Lord's name in vain (and probably shouldn’t say you are Jesus or better either)
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy (every business he owns is open on Sunday)
Honor your father and your mother (admitted publicly his dad redlined and was racist, squandered his fortune)
You shall not kill (definitely killed many as president)
You shall not commit adultery (possibly his favorite)
You shall not steal (also possibly his favorite)
You shall not bear false witness: This means not lying, especially when testifying in court (another contender for his favorite)
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods (😂)

Check, broke all 10, and breaks at least 4 daily.

It’s hilarious to hear people claim they want him because they’re Christian instead of saying “despite being a Christian”. If you really believe, you are sending yourself directly to hell. Your book warned about exactly this…but you obviously can’t read it.

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

newtboy says...

Still not a thought in your head, just cut and paste nonsense. So sad. Probably why your family left you.

Tell me you don’t understand how the American political system works without saying you don’t know how the American political system works. ER-MER-GERD!

The VP doesn’t make policy, dipshit, nor does she write laws! She votes when there’s a tie in the senate and is a mouthpiece for the boss. Obstructionist republicans led the house the entire time, and refused to do anything at all…Despite that, the Biden administration has been quite successful and avoided the guaranteed depression we were sliding into in 2020-21, invested in America’s infrastructure, overcame covid inflation, and did it all while spending a fraction of what the felon added to the debt.

Why didn’t HE do anything he promised…fix social security, Obama care, make taxes a postcard, fix immigration, build a wall and have Mexico pay, infrastructure week, anything but tax cuts for the rich? He was president with a complicit congress….why didn’t HE fulfill more promises…or any that didn’t personally benefit himself?


bobknight33 said:

*telling us you don’t understand the American political system without saying “I don’t understand the American political system”*

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

surfingyt says...

im baaack

and im awesome thanks for the reminder to look at me!

you have no clue who i voted for or if i even voted yet or if i even vote. im here to fuck with you and you only.

the flip side of that coin is a male who required sex for advancement.

fuck off snowflake, one thing is certain your boy gonna lose bigly with or without my vote lol ya twat.

bobknight33 said:

Look in the mirror -

You voting for a loser with no track record.

A person who slept her way to the top.

A women who has had more dick in her than the urinals at Yankee Stadium.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The felon is AGAIN trying to bribe Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their illicit affair and the illegal felony payoff by Trump to interfere with the election.
It’s in writing sent to Daniels lawyer by Trump’s….the campaign is pretending reporters got this info from Iran and is threatening anyone who reports it, they do not deny it….too bad it came directly from their lawyers, not Iran.


This is severe elder abuse. He had no idea what was happening or where he was as he swayed to the biggest gay anthems of the 80’s for 45 minutes in leu of answering questions and reminisced about partying with EPSTIEN and barely teen girls when it was new.
He had no idea who he was talking to when he rambled incoherently to the editor of Bloomberg and tried to say the editor of Bloomberg, who has forgotten more about economics than the felon ever knew, didn’t understand tariffs or taxes or gdp, and could not answer a single question, and devolved into personal attacks instead of answers as he always does.
He didn’t even realize Andrew Schultz was ridiculing him and laughing in his face (when he made the claim he is an honest person Schultz nearly fell out of his chair laughing)…he was so clueless that he extended the interview and ended up cutting a campaign commercial for Harris when asked “what happened to Mike Pence?” and he answered “he couldn’t cross the line of doing what was right.”…YES, HE ADMITTED THAT ON CAMERA…PENCE WOULDN’T CROSS THE LINE AND STEAL THE PRESIDENCY FOR HIM SO HANG MIKE PENCE.
This entire campaign is elder abuse.

PS- another fake “town hall” of “undecided female voters” on faux, highly edited, hosted by the Georgia RNC and filled with only known Republican paid operatives and delegates….even so it had to be pre-recorded and edited down to make him look less out of it and remove “hi, I’m a Trump voter and will be voting for you in November, can I ask you ….?” from nearly every questioner. Why do you idiots bother with this theater? It only convinces morons who are already convinced, and turns off everyone else. Thanks…but why?

SUDDENLY THE CAMPAIGN IS CANCELLING ALL RECENT AND FUTURE EVENTS AND INTERVIEWS INCLUDING 60 MINUTES, CNBC INTERVIEW, DEBATE #2, FOX INTERVIEW, NBC INTERVIEW, CNN TOWN HALL MONDAY, AND THE NRA EVENT ON TUESDAY. It seems the campaign agrees with me and is trying to stop the elder abuses after great grandpa went loopy and swayed on stage for 45 minutes nearly catatonic. It’s clear why he won’t release his medical records, or taxes, both will prove he is entirely unfit.


newtboy says...

That high school auditorium is less than half full.
Let me guess, he estimates that’s at least 75000 with another 100000 outside that can’t get in, right?

Brock Samson/Car Rage/Venture Brothers

Should negative votes count for top comment ranking? (User Poll by newtboy)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You brain dead dishonest slug.
FEMA does not use any of its disaster assistance money for immigrants. That money comes from a completely separate fund.
This lie has been debunked by every single news organization as a pure fiction, a baseless lie told by Trump and repeated by braying morons like yourself that never think to look into his accusations that every single time are really an admission.
“ Back in 2019, Trump used money from FEMA’s disaster fund for migrant programs at the southern border. In August 2019, the Trump administration told Congress it intended to shift $271 million in funding from DHS -- including $155 million from FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund -- to pay for detaining and transporting undocumented immigrants and temporary hearing locations for asylum-seekers.”
Biden has done no such thing, The Felon did raid FEMA disaster relief for his failed immigration policies, now he’s saying it’s terrible he did that, you sniveling idiotic fucktard.

Here’s one of 3 dozen articles saying the same thing, it’s another bullshit lie you bought.
And since I know you’re going to say “biased ABC, give me a break!”

That’s what YOU’RE voting for, a party that put America last over and over and lied about it to no end, and is still lying and projecting about it to this day, the party that would end elections altogether.

Ready for the next once in a generation hurricane…two in two weeks but absolutely not because of human caused global warming? I’m hoping it turns hard left up the coast just for you. Don’t bother looking for any government assistance, you say there is none, don’t waste your time checking.

OMG! The moron went to an Oct 7 event and tried to sign the Torah!

bobknight33 said:

FEMA used most of its $ for illegals and now not enough $ to help flooded Americans.

That's what your voting for a party who puts Americans last.

Kenzo World (2016)

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