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Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Maybe so about the parts ordering, I can’t find that, still wouldn’t sit well with me that my car could order it’s own parts in my name…and I would expect abuse, especially considering the company owner.

I don’t have one to read the warranty directly, but not covering any damages incurred off the pavement even on flat level dirt roads or driveways is not normal for a truck, especially a 4x4. Fords come with an off road package and do not exclude damages/failures that happen on maintained dirt roads or flat level grass (maybe excluding potholes)…and they don’t get stuck on either!

I feel I can safely say no other truck voids the warranty for “exposure to sunlight, wind, or water”, listed on the “warranty”.

Tesla is well known for covering nothing off dry pavement including damage from puddles or mud (neither of which should damage a truck, and don’t damage Fords).

visionep said:

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

visionep says...

The Pinto thing is total BS sensationalist stat mining. They include the guy that tried to blow himself up in the Cybertruck in Vegas as someone who was killed by the truck. Really?

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

The biggest problem with Tesla in my mind is their over-promising and shitty service. I'm not sure how companies get away with promising stuff that isn't available yet but it seems like it is getting more common.

To me it looks like their service problems are a mix of 3 factors.
1. Not enough replacement parts at the ready
2. Service centers are understaffed because of the principal of running at below expected need until shit breaks. Only then can you apply more resources.
3. Service centers were designed to work efficiently but are run by a bunch of idiots that came from other manufacturer service centers so they want to do it "their way" instead of following the efficient hands off model that was originally planned.

Deep Sea Anglerfish Filmed In Shallow Water Off Spain

Giant Pacific Octopus Shapeshifter

Big Bear Bald Eagle Live Nest Cam

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

Already many more arrested for new crimes, including getting caught being a felon with an unregistered concealed handgun, another got into a gunfight with police and died, another on the run for attempted child rapes and repeated solicitation of children for sex.
Tell me again about how immigrants are the ones bringing criminals.

newtboy said:

Pardoned more terrorists including those who pleaded guilty to treason/sedition and violence against police.
Some were re-arrested for more violent felonies they committed under a day after release. He invited these convicted anti American criminal thugs to the Whitehouse.

Building An Omnidirectional Ball Wheeled Auto-balancing Bike

cloudballoon says...

Just looking at the thumbnail and anyone will know how stupid it is as a transport vehicle. I just want to see it hit a speedbump, pothole or just cornering at speed before the balls fly off. Fun engineering project, perhaps. If the "cups" are deeper than the top half of the ball and can grips it tight, then it'll start to make sense.

The look of the thing reminds me Kaneda's bike in Akira though.

We NEED an IRL Kaneda bike, with all those Nikola Tesla's electric tentacles effects.


Husband - 1 / HOA - 0

Fun Ways To Celebrate January 6 (a satire)

newtboy says...

Reminds me of the ass hats that abuse people in public and when someone is about to knock their teeth out shout “it’s a joke!”…they should all end up toothless….for laughs.
Jan 6 was a terrorist attack against America more damaging than Sept 11, it is not a joke.

BSR said:

I like how they had to put (a satire) at the end of the title. Otherwise... well, you know...

That wasn’t very nice

newtboy says...

My dad liked to play “kill the kid” where if he caught me walking in the road he would drive at me at 15-20mph, I would jump on the hood, he would hit the breaks so I rolled off, then he would drive off. He said it was to see what the neighbors would do, but he did it at our ranch with no neighbors to see more than once, so…..
Call it a prank, inappropriate joking, fun between a dad and his weird kid, or serious child abuse, it sure beat how my brother treated me…but yes, it left multiple scars I can still see 45 years later…they’re not the only ones. Growing up in Texas in the 70s was dangerous.
Nobody ever said anything. I know some of the neighbors and my mother saw him do it. That’s way scarier and more scaring than the car coming at me.
(Side note- Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to get me!)

cloudballoon said:

Carrying a bit of cynicism is a good thing in general, as long as it doesn't fall into paranoia. I'm all for siblings & peers pranking each other, but coming from parents... that's a bit much. It leaves scars.

That wasn’t very nice

newtboy says...

As a kid whose family thought it was funny to constantly fuck with me, this creates adults who distrust people both in general and individually.

cloudballoon said:

Haven't we seen this before? Anyway...

Maybe I'm in a taking-this-too-serious mood, but not finding it "funny" when all I can think of this is just a stupid TikTok "challenge" thing... BUT it is facinating social study. Adults using (abusing?) kids as tools for likes & subs. How the kids react to the adult's shenanigans.

Observation? This is the hilarious beginning to the end of civilisation I tell ya! We're not getting a hopeful Star Trek finale to humanity! The end is NIGH! LOL.

How 2025 Will Go - Ozzy Man Quickies

Wow, Real hard rock truck

Have you tried this trick?!

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