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Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

newtboy says...

The right is well aware of this, and are also aware that the black masks "antifa" used can be purchased anywhere, and lucked out when BLM often used them in their rallies too (thanks to Covid) so they were already subconsciously connected. It wasn't difficult for them to buy some black masks and clothing themselves, then commit crimes in the name of antifa at BLM events, so they did, most arrested for shootings and all arrested for bombings were right wing terrorists only dressed as antifa.
They even had manifestos outlining their plan to trigger civil war by instigating riots and committing murders and bombings and blaming their actions on antifa when caught.
That needs to be in the spotlight imo, so people understand the violent mob isn't just leftists, it's also Trumpists in antifa clothing and they're perpetrating (and attempting) the worst violence.

I agree about silencing offensive speech. The right way to handle offensive stupidity is debate it publicly, imo. Does the left at these universities not have access to intelligent knowledgeable people willing to contradict blatant racists or Nazis on stage? Do the universities not have a debate coach willing to moderate? Why not?
Just call Cornel West, he'll do it.

bcglorf said:

Thanks to BSR for having this posted. This is the sort of stuff that needs to get more airtime and eyeballs.

I think that pairs to the worst crime the left has been involved in related to the dumpster fire that is today. The entire notion of de-platforming or silencing 'offensive' speech, and that Universities have if anything been leading the way. Universities need to instead be having guys like the one here getting their views known more broadly, and then point out loudly what is considered bad and dangerous about them. More importantly, to also point out how closely it aligns with Trump and his rallying cries.

When the left could have been discrediting this filth, they have instead been accomplishing the opposite by actively rallying moderates to 'defend' the freedom of speech of these guys.

The passive majority has been watching for a long time as advocates on the left have used force and violence to disrupt speech they don't like. Now, cities are burning and despite it being for entirely other reasons, you have a lot of middle america only seeing the same angry mob of leftists at the same stuff again as before. Demand everyone do things their way or violence will be used. The worst/scariest thing to me is the Dems still seem confused by how people aren't flocking to them in the face of Trumps malice. They somehow can not fathom that there are an awful lot of right leaning people honestly worried that their only choice is between a Trump they loath in most everyway, but on the other side and angry mob of leftists willing to use violence on anyone that doesn't conform. If Trump wins the next election I'll be sickened, but also entirely unsurprised.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

Of course you want to start with those shooting, burning, murdering, and violently attacking. Perfect, let's start with that terroristic group first, Republicans, with multiple wings that are active domestic terrorist gangs shooting police and planning bombings intent on blaming BLM for their actions, complete with written manifestos stating that clearly. Since you support arresting and erasing that, I expect you're already on the way to the police station to turn yourself in, right?

Sealing? Sealing what?

That last statement is not from any comment above I see. You've completely lost touch with reality.

bobknight33 said:

While some love criminals roaming the streets, robbing, looting, raping, sealing. Some want to see safer communities by locking up these people.

From the above comments:
Its amazing how much liberals have their heads up there asses and fail to see reality. Wipe the shit out of you eyes and vote TRUMP.

How it Starts

newtboy says...

The armed anarchists causing trouble are the same right wing gun toters you claim are anti tyranny not the Black Lives Matter protesters, and they're fighting/killing police, children, and peaceful protesters, lighting fires, and building bombs...all while carrying their manifesto which explains in language plain enough even you can understand it that their violent criminality is designed to get BLM and Antifa blamed for their acts and trigger tyrannical government response and race wars.

It worked....but only on ignoramuses so moronic they get their misinformation from Trump and OAN and ignore what police and federal agencies have all agreed is fact. Antifa is NOT the instigator of violence and damage, right wing groups are, consistently.

65% of Americans support BLM, <35% support the response.
You are correct that this isn't tyranny being stopped....because no one's stopping it.

This isn't anarchy being stopped, it's making blatantly fake excuses for why peaceful protests are being attacked by the right and police, and excuses for sliding into tyranny quick before the election. You support armed anarchy when it's right wingers doing it....Bundys.

bobknight33 said:

Where are the gun toting Americans who always claim they're the only thing between citizens and tyranny?

This is not Tyranny being stopped this is Anarchy being stopped .

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Sticking Fox in there as well shows you aren't serious. Fox is pure propaganda to the extent their top rated hosts (they don't have reporters) actually went on the campaign trail with Trump and spoke at his about agenda.

Trump's actions and words are 98% negative, it's who he is. Reporting on him in a negative light IS honest reporting....for Christ's sake, he repeatedly lusted after his under age daughter publicly, how do you report that as a positive? "He has the fortitude of character to not act on his incestuous least publicly."? Can't say the same about his friend's wives or work subordinates, though.

The day of the synagogue shooting, which was targeted specifically because Trump said repeatedly that Jews are paying dangerous illegal aliens to invade the country, and with more bombs still in the mail, Trump again shirked any responsibility for his rhetoric and blamed the media for his named enemies (including the same media) being targeted by people who quoted his words in their manifestos, and again called the news media enemies of the people, the words that triggered the right wing terrorists in the first place. You argue that, by reporting his complete lack of civil leadership and his targeted threats that are being acted on, they are the problem and the one's taking jabs?! Trump didn't hold off media bashing for a single sentence, his call for unity and his blame and attack were in the same opening sentence of his remarks.

Trump is the leader of the free world, but he never once has he lead towards civility, and excessively rarely honesty or rationality. You expect cable news anchors to be the moral compass of the nation, and completely excuse president from that obligation?! *facepalm
Trump ran on being insulting and derisive of any non Trumpian coverage, Jim is just his latest target by proximity, it would be someone else if it wasn't him. Baby needs a bad man to spit up on.

If this behavior warrants removing credentials, Fox, Breightbart, and Alex Jones would have been permanently barred over a decade ago, but they're all more than welcome....largely because they were constant rude assholes to Obama and had zero respect for the office when he held it.
Good luck demanding professionalism and civility now, after 8 years of birtherism that ship sailed with Trump at the helm. Whining about it now like a thin skinned 3rd grader only makes Trump more ridiculous and hypocritical.....which is astonishing as he had already raised the bar of hypocrisy into orbit.

Briguy1960 said:

I would disagree on your description of the news media as it stands today.
I refuse to call it unbiased when I see an agenda,
an obvious agenda to discredit Trump at most anything he does.
CNN isn't the only trashy one.
I stick Fox in there as well but both have moments of clarity when they do simply report the news without adding their own bias to it or even editing out certain parts to make it look worse.
As an example I used to hate that Gutfield character on Fox News but anymore I find I agree with him on the insanity going on.
He has made several jabs at Trump as well.
How can you not call CNN fake news when the majority of their programming is all about Trump in a negative light?
The day of the mass shooting of Jews CNN said one minute they needed to try to cool things off with Trump etc and the next I knew they were right back bashing him.
I'd say about half an hour tops they held off the bashing.
If you are insanely jealous of Trumps winning ways than I can see how you may think CNN is legit.
Acosta wasn't even close to being civil.
Watch the original clip again and see how long he grandstanded for.
He does this far too often.
If you are that dense you need Jim Acosta to harass the President to show you what's up then I feel bad for you.
He could be much more effective if he was more professional and probably a much greater thorn in Trumps side.

Steve Schmidt on Trump 'Stoking And Inciting' Worst Among Us

newtboy says...

How could anyone possibly connect Dumb Donald's continuing public accusations against numerous prominent Jews that they are paying refugees (rapists and murderers), gang members (murderers), and Islamic terrorists (murderers) to "invade America" with the right wing terrorist, Bowers, who authored a social media post before the shooting accusing the organization HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, of bringing "invaders in that kill our people."
There's clearly no connection at all. Just because right wing terrorists are attacking the exact targets Trump continues to designate as the enemy (like calling CNN "the enemy of the people" between when the second and third bomb addressed to them was discovered), and are using his arguments and tweets in their manifestos and internet ramblings doesn't mean they've ever even heard of Trump, no connection.

bobknight33 said:

Such Bull crap. Trump has nothing to do with the shooting.

Dog whistle for the left.

John Oliver - Parkland School Shooting

Mordhaus says...

One way to resolve the issue might be to redirect some of the immense intelligence focus from Islamic terrorism to domestic terrorism.

That is what this is, domestic terrorism. It may not always have a manifesto behind it, but that is not relevant. There were numerous people who said this person was probably a school shooter in the making. He was doing things with white power groups and militias. Why didn't our mass spying that we do catch that? Because it wasn't an Islamic group.

We can ban assault rifles or put limits on them, we can make mandatory psych evals required for gun purchases, or we could do any number of things. While we look into what we can legislate, we should also be looking into how we can use resources we have in place to STOP JUST THIS SORT OF THING.

As anyone who knows me knows, I am a hardcore supporter of the right to bear arms. I am not an NRA member, because they aren't really concerned about the right to bear arms, just that they keep getting money from gun manufacturers. I still think we can keep AR type rifles, but we should have a national mandate on clip size, number of clips allowed, and we should have a mandatory psych eval required if you plan on purchasing anything other than a hunting rifle. Yes, that includes handguns.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

First of all, you realize that you posted nearly the same reply twice in a row? Are you copy&pasting replies now?
Second, sincerely, fuck you Bob. You don't get to put words in my mouth. You're a white american and you have to own your shitty, racist past.
It's not about reperations or blame, it's about your unwillingness to own your countries' racist, slave-owning, segregationist past.
The ancestors of white americans invaded, stole, raped, murdered, kidnapped and enslaved brown people to get where they are today. Your ancestors did.
If you refuse to own this, you make yourself an accomplice. You help the perpetrators to get away with it.
I own my countries past. I'll tell you all I know. It may be too little, it may be not good enough but at least I'll try. Go visit Buchenwald. I did it twice and I must say, the first time I was too stupid to understand what it meant. I'm ashamed of that.
I stood in the doorstep of a tiny little room where people would enter, believing they were there to have their height measured. They didn't know there was tiny opening in the wall where they stood. They didn't know that on the other side of the wall there's a man with a pistol waiting to shoot them in the neck. They burned the bodies in a large oven.
I want you to know this. I want everybody to know this.
I'm not at fault. I wasn't around. I'll be an accomplice if I wouldn't tell you about it. I know about a crime and I will tell you all I know about it. That's why I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand, stand in a puddle of blood (haha, you're a clown called Puddles) and deny anything's wrong.
Maybe you didn't own slaves. Maybe you never lynched a black man. Maybe you're not a cop who shot a black person for no reason. Maybe it's not your fault.
But you help them to get away with this by telling me there's no crime.

That's the difference between us two, you don't mind the blood on your hands while typing your manifestos on the internet. I do. I'll tell you all about it.

bobknight33 said:

Oh I understood Just wanted to know if YOU did.

Thank you for clearing this up. The sins of our fathers are that of the father and not carried generationally.

With said Today Americans do not owe jack to ancestors of slaves.

American can just get along and move past BLM and all the white privilege bull shit that you and your leftest ilk are promoting.

Thank you very much... Don't for get to inform you leftest friends.

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

dannym3141 says...

So this is relevant because of a recent surge in support for "radical left" (i.e. democratic socialist, centre-left) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who has had a huge surge in popularity in recent weeks in a general election campaign he was expected to catastrophically lose by all mainstream sources.

Since winning two Labour party leadership elections in 2015, voted in by historic margins by ordinary members having their say for the first time, he has faced hostile criticism from all mainstream media sources and most politicians including his own party.

The grass roots, which helped drive his earlier victories, appears to be doing the same thing for him in this general election campaign. The grass roots involvement has included youth musicians, artists and activists coming together from multiple campaigns (Save The NHS, WASPI, most unions, including teachers, fire, police and transport, and far too many other interest groups to mention, including multiple disability campaigners). As well as individuals, parents, elderly, and Momentum - a group formed in the afterglow of his leadership win.

On the other hand, Theresa May's and the Tory party's campaign has gone from disaster to disaster. After claiming to be the party of economic security, they released an entirely uncosted manifesto (Labour's was fully costed, other party's included some costings). After trying to make it a match of personalities, she has gone from robotic gaffe to robotic gaffe, dodging questions whilst Corbyn's easy charm and honesty has gone quite a way to show those weaknesses up. She has claimed to be stable and strong, and the best hand to negotiate Brexit, but performed u-turn after u-turn and is now avoiding all but mandatory press contact because her and her brand have become toxic, thanks to things like the "Dementia Tax" and a promise to vote again on allowing barbaric fox hunting. She has been caught out, and regardless of the results of the general election, Theresa May is finished as Conservative leader. Potentially, the back of austerity has been broken and exposed. A movement has been started and even if the Tory's win, watch out for a mass people power'd intervention over their heinous plans.

God i could go on, this has been amazing to watch. Obviously i'm biased towards Labour, and whilst a centre-right opponent might describe things differently, the facts are the same.

Significant things are happening in the UK right now, not wholly dissimilar from the rise of Sanders, only this time it's for the actual prime minister position - Corbyn managed to outmaneuver the corruption of his party. If the election was 2 weeks longer i would predict a huge Labour landslide. After being so ridiculed by a hostile media for so long, election bias rules have forced the press into giving Corbyn a fair hearing and the more people see, the more they appear to like. The question is, have people already cast their vote by post? Will people turn up and vote? A big turnout is expected to favour Labour. A strong youth turnout will be hugely beneficial to Labour.

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Asmo says...

@newtboy irt "I have to think there's something missing what he actually posted that he's being charged with. Did he make threats? "

The video notes that the complainant in the case admits that the accused did not send her anything libelous, threatening or sexually related. That kinda covers all bases on harassment grounds, so if the only offense is "sending tweets", I would humbly suggest that she doesn't use twitter where.. people send you tweets... = \


I removed the last line of your post. You're entire rant/spiel/manifesto sans the dig about the accused perfectly describes the state of play with feminism as the bully. Irony is delicious... =)

@enoch irt your description

I think the difference between the racist and this guy the scale of consequences to the act they committed.

Losing a job because of a racist spiel openly given to a video camera = probably disproportionate, but it's the companies choice over who it hires, right? He has not been charged from what I could see (being a racist prick isn't a crime in the US right?), although I suspect his facebook page is gone because it got jumped on.

Losing a job, huge legal bills, facing jail time and a permanent record as a convict for having a difference of opinion = yeah, entirely disproportionate.

Activism is not inherently evil, much like a large gathering of people isn't inherently evil. It's when it get's abused.

One hopes the judge in this case sees sense and that the accused can sue the complainant for the damage she has caused to him.

krelokk said:

Fighting evil does not make you evil. Fighting back against a bully does not make you a bully, it makes you a deliverer of consequences. Many bullies and bad people ADORE the 'hey you can't give me consequences or talk back to me, that makes you as bad as me' backwards talk bullshit... and that is all it is... a bullshit copout being said by shitty people and should be disregarded. People who support these people are just perpetuating terrible, repulsive behaviour within humanity. Normalizing it, supporting it, and ensuring humanity remains the garbage it is for that much longer. Telling victims they should lower their eyes/heads and take the harassment if fucking disgusting.

CNNs Reporting Of The Oregon Mass Shooting

Babymech says...

Uh... wow. Not investigating their 'reasons' for killing? That sounds... insane. You know that there's a difference between uncritically reading the killers' manifestos on air, and trying to look into 'why,' right?

Also it's not hypocritical, or clueless, of CNN to name the killer - you might think it's wrong, but it's definitely a choice they made consciously in line with their editorial policy. What the sheriff said and what the killer said doesn't dictate policy.

newtboy said:

I think not EVER saying his name, or investigating his 'reason' is the ONLY way to report these crimes now.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

The Labour Party Manifesto is quite the mixed bag, if the Guardian's bullet points are reasonably accurate.

Some good ideas in it, but looming over all, again, is the one-two of deficit reduction and "competetive" (aka miniscule) corporate tax rates. Any guess on how many of their decent ideas would be scrapped due to budgetary constraints? My money would be on 70%+.

Authorities Seize Family Home Over $40-Worth of Drugs

Pastafarian denied his religious rights

newtboy jokingly says...

May we all be touched by his noodley appendage.

It sounds like it's time to start mailing cooked pasta messages to ICBC (whoever they are). I bet once they stop being able to enter their offices because they are filled with noodles, they'll see the error of their ways and send that license along promptly.
I'll be compiling my macaroni manifesto.

May his sauce be to your liking.

I wish I could give you a *quality I loved this.

Russell Brand talks politics and revolution on Newsnight

alien_concept says...

Paxman is a great political interviewer in general, but his inability to take a non-voter seriously, wildly dismissing some superb points of view, as if somehow vote abstinence means that people can't have a clear concept of what's going on is fucking dumb.

I am so bored of the ancient rhetoric on democracy and voting. It doesn't even mean anything when whoever you vote for is not beholden to their manifesto in any way shape or form. They can and do change their position at any point once in power and what can we do about it? Vote against their decisions? Force them to practice what they preached? Nope! We have to suck it up. Democracy my arse.

truthout-schools are the dead zones of imagination

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