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Worst song. Worst video. Best visuals. Ever.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'drake, best i ever had, kanye west, video, boobies, autotune, tas' to 'drake, best i ever had, kanye west, video, boobies, bewbs, autotune, tas' - edited by calvados

Worst song. Worst video. Best visuals. Ever.

Worst song. Worst video. Best visuals. Ever.

Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow

South Park - I'm a motherfu**ing lyrical wordsmith, yo!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'fishsticks equation, kanye west, rapper, dont get it' to 'fishsticks equation, kanye west, rapper, dont get it, fishticks, fish dicks' - edited by cybrbeast

Kanye West on Hurricane Katrina

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Kanye, West, Hurricane, Katrina, President, Bush, retard, Mike Myers' to 'Kanye, West, Hurricane, Katrina, President, Bush, Mike Myers' - edited by mkone

Kanye West on Hurricane Katrina

rosekat says...

Kanye West's brilliant oration. Mike Myers sounds intelligible, Kanye sounds like a moron.

You sound like a moron. Must be nice not to feel empathy. It seems a lot of people only recall the final comment, that 'GW hates black people.' Is this statement so over-the-top that it negates the very real observations made prior? Kanye is literally heartbroken, you can hear it in his voice and you can see it in his eyes. This moment had as much impact on me during the catastrophe as the 911 audio recordings of people trapped in their homes drowning as the water level rose.

New Kanye West video - "Welcome To Heartbreak"

New Kanye West video - "Welcome To Heartbreak"

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

13757 says...

1. i never write anything true about me anywhere ever.

2. one day I saw this blog about writing 25 random things about oneself

3. and no one but me had this mark next to the name that noted my marginal status to the community posting on that blog.

4.It felt awkward,

5. maybe 1/6000000 part of what's like to have a star on a vest...

6. i've felt compelled to participate in a community inside my monitor

7. it's happened when i started reading comments on youtu...

8. on videosift in fact.

9. the more i read on this site throughout several years the less reticent i felt about joining,

10. but at the same time, i knew the secret services were stalking.

11. so it made me realize something

12. yeah, never write stuff about myslef anywhere

13. and when i wrote #12 i realized something else

14. you're paranoid, mister (oops, can be Miss, it can, ah believe this, it can be anything)

15. somehow this guitar riff from a 60's heavymetal band popped in my head

16. where i come from heavymetal bears the dicotomy of boring wannabeism and when foreign heavymetal comes to town it is profusely examined before being applauded or thrown rocks and bottles at ON STAGE fuk yeah

17. i used to like heavy metal when i was a kid and an innocent victim of the anglosaxonic music industry

18. but one day i became a none victim and started listening to coltrane, faaaantaaastic . . .

19. then i saw my father enjoying traditional music from our country so i formed a real band with the best people in the world and we started doing our music, it's not industrialized (yet) and non anglosaxonic so we're pretty much satisfied

20. people consider the band's product qualifiable as artistic (not "Kanye West is an artist" or "best artist of the year mtv award" kind of artistic)

21. but we know better, i'm an art student and what people mean it's that the band's product is aesthetically touching

22. but welcome to the present time, you sell you art, you appear you famous you artist (not verbs i know)

23. I noticed my brain functions in english when i write or speak english

24. I speak several languages.

25. I think that the english language is becoming a global dialect, a tool to global communication and aknowledges less and less its cultural origins since what the globe knows about english in its majority are memes and sterile things as such

Krupo (Member Profile)

Eklek (Member Profile)

Krupo (Member Profile)

Kanye West - Stronger (4:28)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kanye west, stronger, music video, daft punk, harder, better, faster, stronger' to 'kanye west, daft punk, mashup, akira, hype williams, france, usa, 00s' - edited by Eklek

Kanye West - Stronger (4:28)

Eklek says...

Nice video, the song is average though.
The video is made by Hype Williams
and took 3 months to produce:

Failed past attempts:
But finally, thanks to PQ and the 9 votes group playlist, this video will make it, I can feel it, it's getting stronger and stronger!!!


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