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Your music favourites for the year (Rocknroll Talk Post)

Eklek says...

An overview of various clips ("categorized" by genre) from last year I liked because of the clip and the accompanying music:

Indie pop

Indie rock




Drum'n bass

Various electronica/rock

Noisy Youths Sentenced To Listen To Barry Manilow & Barney

BillOreilly says...

1. Your band sucks, never play outside of the garage. Better yet, sell the instruments to buy food for needy families this holiday season.

2. I know your Pioneer 6X9's are "cool", especially coming off your factory head unit, but I don't want to hear your Kanye West played with 10% distortion and no midrange. Keep your (c)rap to yourself.

3. If you spent more on your 2 12" subs, amp, receiver, capacitor, wiring kit, and component 6 1/2's than your 1992 Corolla is worth, please leave the country, and never come back. Thank you.

Harder Better Barack Obama

laura (Member Profile)

ATB "9 PM (Till I Come)"

Sketch says...

As an American it's always interesting to see that there are actually videos for all of my favorite club anthems. With MTV all we ever get is crap like Jay-Z, Kanye West, 50 Cent and whatever insipid, scripted, faux-reality, nonsensical, this-is-the-fucking-end-of-civilization bullshit "The Hills" is supposed to be.

Estelle ~ American Boy

Cooler than Halo Boy, I Present Yo-yo Boy - plus Daft Punk

Tyra goes undercover as a man (not with a man, as a man)

legacy0100 says...

lol sorta looks like skinny Kanye West

Anyways, I like Tyra for now. I think she's cooky, creative, and very confidant. And you combine these with High life California... everything goes over the top.

Rep. Pete Stark: War Deaths are President's Amusement

Kanye West MTV VMA Meltdown

Zach Galifianakis is the Redneck Kanye

Kanye West Feat. Daft Punk-Stronger

charlatantric (Member Profile)

Snoop Dogg Lashes out at Bill O'Reilly

quantumushroom says...

I like snoop, but if that's the best he can do without a script...threaten violence against critics between joints...pathetic. And the fact some of you see nothing wrong with his threats because after all, snoops is just a po' black former gang member who can rhyme cat with hat, while O'Reilly is the Big Bad White gods, give it up. You can no more judge me than argue with ingested poison.

The line about Holland? It's called a JOKE...HUMOR, certainly not A-list material, but any kind of humor is Public Enemy #1 to these dour-faced liberal intellectuals trying to save the world. Now if you find my stuff offensive you're an idiot, because almost everyone here has watched Chris Rock and Chappelle and both say far worse and no one calls them on it.

Some of these fellows on the left like to pretend they've never said the word nigger; it's against the edicts of the liberal religion. According to liberals, blacks are inferior and deserving of special help, even though black people have been around for thousands of years longer than the racist democrap party. Remember, Republicans FREED the slaves long before liberals re-shackled the minds of far too many with their poor-me victim nonsense.

Not that any of you deserve an explanation, the reason why I went off on Kanye West is because he's a fking moron; he used the time and money of a well-known rescue organization trying to raise money for victims of a national disaster to wax druggetic in a dumbass tirade against the President, who has no control over the weather. It won't ever be known how many would-be donors he turned off with his idiotic rant, and the only reason libtards support this idiot or are afraid to criticize is because he's melanin-enhanced?

What if Mike Myers had gone off on Jesse Jackson like West did Bush...Myers would've have been crucified by the drive-by media.

The tyranny of a minority--hiding behind a certain peoples, using them as shields for so-called "sensitivity"--is what too many lefties are about.

Remember, I put up with many of the characters around here as well: pro-homicide bombing, Palestinian lovers, unrepentant Stone Age Muslims, obnoxious atheists (do you really think more than 2 people watch 2 minutes of those hour-long Dawkins- fests)? and various assorted Green Day-loving high school seniors.

Believe it or else, I really don't have hatred for anyone here...your opinions are your own.

If I were running VS, I would not ban a single one of you for voicing an opinion. Unlike the PC'ers, I don't fear differences of opinion. And many who cyber-hate me feel about the same. Keep going!

Columbia University closes their border to the Minutemen

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