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A Vet Who Understands the Enemy We Face

Trancecoach says...

I know many Muslims, and the truly thing dangerous about ANY religion, whether it is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or any of the others is the Fundamentalist Interpretation.

He is speaking about gaining a thorough understanding and knowledge about ones combatants which is always a good idea -- regardless of the orientation. Frankly, I'm surprised by the blanket statements said here about Islam based on a selection of fundamentalist sects.

The same can be said of any fundamentalist group.

Openly Gay Student Defends Teacher at School Board Meeting

JiggaJonson says...


"I'd just like to mention that i've read somewhere that the reason the teacher was suspended is because he disciplined (perhaps removed from the room?) a kid for saying that he didn't support gay people.Agree or disagree, that's his right, and if that is true, the teacher is in the wrong. Next, we discipline kids for saying they don't support what... christianity, judaism, atheism? Touchy subject, but the laws of most civilised countries allow people to say "i don't support gay people." It doesn't incite hate, it doesn't preach to others, it's just his opinion, as shit as that opinion may be. If it's true. Source is not verified. well, that's the rub of free speech isn't it? If he'd been against the wall for saying "i don't support black people", then does he really have free speech? In this case, people who are anti-gay will be fuelled by what's happened and ask, "why is the gay guy allowed to express himself freely and i'm not?" I didn't even think that it was illegal to express personal xenophobic opinions in a matter of fact and calm manner.Like i said, touchy subject. I'm sure i'll be chastised before the comments go much further even though i've not even stated my opinion yet,"

^no opinions contained within

And much like the point you're arguing, (if you haven't caught on yet) I'm just pointing out that you can't say something then try to skip out on any associated responsibility associated with what you said. The kid made a remark disparaging an entire sexual orientation of people. I think the teacher was in the right to remove him from class because in spite of my strong support of free speech I dont think his was violated in any way.

The student can have those opinions but students, generally speaking, are part of a captive audience (they have to be there) and different rules apply. If these two kids were out in public the people who strongly disagreed could simply walk away. But being forced to sit through someone else talking about how your lifestyle isn't "right" and how they don't agree with it is not something another person should be forced to do. So in this instance yes, the teacher was in the right IMHO.

As far as you're idiotic bullshit: You can't ramble on and then when people respond to what you're saying, reply with "Well I haven't even stated my opinion yet!!!" If that was practical, how could you ever take what another person said at face value if they could simply follow up with "Well I haven't even stated my opinion yet!!!"

Well wait, I take that back, you CAN do that of course (free speech and all right?) but of course, you'll have to take the consequences of those statements. One being, that I've formed an opinion about the content of your character *slaps danny in the face with a large trout* you sir are a pretentious jackass.

Openly Gay Student Defends Teacher at School Board Meeting

Hive13 says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I'd just like to mention that i've read somewhere that the reason the teacher was suspended is because he disciplined (perhaps removed from the room?) a kid for saying that he didn't support gay people.
Agree or disagree, that's his right, and if that is true, the teacher is in the wrong. Next, we discipline kids for saying they don't support what... christianity, judaism, atheism?
Touchy subject, but the laws of most civilised countries allow people to say "i don't support gay people." It doesn't incite hate, it doesn't preach to others, it's just his opinion, as shit as that opinion may be.
If it's true. Source is not verified.

Imagine of a student had said "I don't support black people and I don't think that black people should have the same rights as everyone else". He would have been removed, suspended, disciplined and publicly ridiculed. It would have been a massive scandal.

Openly Gay Student Defends Teacher at School Board Meeting

dannym3141 says...

I'd just like to mention that i've read somewhere that the reason the teacher was suspended is because he disciplined (perhaps removed from the room?) a kid for saying that he didn't support gay people.

Agree or disagree, that's his right, and if that is true, the teacher is in the wrong. Next, we discipline kids for saying they don't support what... christianity, judaism, atheism?

Touchy subject, but the laws of most civilised countries allow people to say "i don't support gay people." It doesn't incite hate, it doesn't preach to others, it's just his opinion, as shit as that opinion may be.

If it's true. Source is not verified.

Edit: <sigh>
It appears people can't read a comment like this without immediately assuming the person is arguing in favour of anti-gay sentiments. This comment is not anti-gay, nor is it pro-anti-gay people. It's pro-being sensible and not giving anti-gay people ammunition in their ignorant mud slinging conquest.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

Reefie says...

>> ^Yogi:
Like I said in the preview of this Documentary, what has Scientology done that we should care about? I see here some people not seeing their relatives through...choices of their own. And a woman committing suicide...again a choice of her own. Really I can't find any proof that Scientology is responsible for any deaths whatsoever. So why should I care? Let them worship whatever they want with their stupid "All psychiatrists are evil" nonsense, it doesn't matter. Now back to my Sammich.

It appears to all who are reading your post that you have not had any direct contact with someone who has been affected by any cult (let alone scientology), and therefore do not care in the slightest. Having read your replies to the responses that informed you of entirely valid answers to your original question I can see that you prefer to remain ignorant. That's fine by me matey, it's your choice to remain ignorant!

I used to think the ICOC was one of the worst cults because of their tactics of disconnection (similar to the disconnection practices of Scientology and is exercised early on so that the only people a victim is in contact with are also members of the cult thereby ensuring that complete social disconnection can be enforced should the victim ever become non-compliant) and their requirement of regular tithe payments once they've successfully cut you off from people who aren't members of the cult. These last few years the practices of Scientology make the ICOC look reasonable in contrast.

If you're unwilling to acknowledge that what scientology has been doing is extremely damaging to individuals and much more so than accepted religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and so on then you are deliberately shielding yourself from the media. Wait, that's what scientologists do isn't it? Better be careful there mate, you wouldn't want to be mistaken for a scientologist!

BBC Newsnight investigates the evil of the Catholic Church

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Observant Christians DO support child molesters.
Who do you think pays their wages?
Note I made a distinction between observant and non-observant, I suspect Noam Chomsky spent very little time in the synagogue (though I may be wrong). As I said before, in my experience observant Jews are very supportive of Israel's campaign of genocide. The problem talking about Jewish people is that there's the race and the religion. I have nothing against the race, I have many friends who are racially Jewish. It's the religion I have a problem with.

Then the correct term is judaism, not "the jews" which was my point all along

Islam: A black hole of progress.

rougy says...

I can only think that Islam, to some extent, is like Catholicism or Judaism, i.e. there are many of its adherents who kind of pay lip service to the rules but go about living their lives like "normal" human beings.

I hate the stoning shit. Hate the Saudi beheadings and the hands getting cut off and all that shit. Hate it.

I especially hate the denigration of women.

But, online, I've met a few Muslims, and they were not the fire-breathing militants that the western media portrays them to be.

BBC Newsnight investigates the evil of the Catholic Church

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
>> ^Drachen_Jager:
Don't forget the Jews, what they're doing to the Palestinians is imo worse than the child molestation of the Catholic Church.

"The Jews" ≠ the state of Israel.

"The Vatican" ≠ Child molesting priests
Almost all major religions are evil, their members are either actively participating in atrocities or passively looking the other way and enabling.
I know of very few observant Jews who do not support Israel's position (but I know many who are Jewish by birth but not religion who are against the way Israel treats the Palestinians).

The vatican has, as this video shows, and any fair investigation would show, and any rational person should see at this point, been systematically protecting child rapists, so no, "the vatican" is not a child molesting priest (impossible, since its not an actual person) but its an institution who willingly and knowingly, and systematically protects and aid them. And "the Vatican" or "The Catholic Church" is different from the word "Catholics", as I would never say Catholics in general help priests abuse children or accuse them of any other collective crime..

In exactly the same sense, "Jews" are not a state or an organization, its a word to describe people with a religious/cultural background, so to speak of "the jews" as if it was one entity with common blame is something I thought belonged to another, darker era tbh. When you say "the Jews" you include people like Jerry Seinfeld and Noam Chomsky, and what the fuck did they do against palestinians? Besides, there are just as many, if not far more, Christian supporters of Israel, and what about them? So if you want, you could say "Israel and its supporters" and maybe even stretch it to Judaism or zionism, but not to Jews in general.

Remember the Sabbath

demon_ix says...

Wow, this went on for quite a while before I noticed
Yes, Jews are fucked up. We are. There's no denying that. But to me it's on par with Muslims not drinking alcohol or eating pork, Christians giving up stuff for 40 days (Lent, it's called?), Hindus not touching cows and so on.

Yeah, religious Jews don't drive on Saturdays. They don't turn on lights, don't use computers and so on. The thing that's forbidden here is lighting a fire, and using electronics is close enough for them to include it.

So, my grandmother uses a hot-plate that she sets up on Friday, making Hamin which takes a day or so to cook. And my neighbors at my old apartment don't drive on Saturdays and give me funny looks when I do. And my grandfather's street is closed off on Saturdays, because there's a Synagogue there.

So fucking what? Are these customs really that bad that you need to start comparing them to Scientology or bring up the Palestinians (because of course, Jews are not cooking on Saturdays because we're secretly planning to exterminate them?). I guess if this goes on long enough, someone will say something about Nazis, right?


There are plenty of things wrong with religion in general and Judaism in particular. Observing Saturdays isn't one of them. So please, think a little more about the silly comments here, and grow the fuck up.

Remember the Sabbath

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^IronDwarf:

Yes, I can see the stupidity in it; my beef was with the mean-spiritedness of the video. The fact that the Jews do this has no affect on me or anyone else, so why bother to attack such a small aspect of their religion (which not all of them follow anyway)? Is it just to nitpick and cry out "LOL JEWS!"?

If that was the only absurd belief Jews held and their religiosity never harmed anyone. You would have a valid point.

But you have to understand the implications of such a belief in a larger social context.

It's not -
Lol Jews and their one particularly wacky religious superstition. PWNED

It's -
Wtf?! Jews believe superstition is more important than safety?!
How prevalent is this belief? 1.5 million Wha?!
Wait.. So this is just one minor belief. Are the others as.. *research research* OH damn.

The video is informative. It's meant to give the general public insight into the mindset of a particular religion or way of thinking.

In this video the mindset is Judaism. In another it's scientology.
Will you defend those flagrantly absurd superstitions as well?

"The fact that scientologist perform life-long obligatory "auditing" in their highly secretive HQ/compound has no effect on me or anyone else, so why.."

Remember the Sabbath

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'thinking, atheist, Jewish, Kosher, Oven, work, Tweaker, You Gotta Be Shittin Me' to 'thinking, atheist, Jewish, Judaism, Kosher, Oven, work, Tweaker, You Gotta Be Shittin Me' - edited by kronosposeidon

Thunderf00t: BURN MUHAMMAD BURN!!!!

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^joedirt:

You banned choggie because some faggot got all butt hurt over taking some "come down out of trees" joke as meaning gays are like monkeys....
But then you allow this bullshit nonsense spurred on by ignorant Thunderf00t spreading racism and hate based on painting a billion people with one brush.

"Fuck islam. Fuck their pedoprophet."
No, fuck queers, fuck jesus lovers, fuck creationists.
How about fuck black people? How about fuck towelheads? Fuck tribal africans.
Fuck jews. We should burn them.

You same assholes would be offended if there was a video about how jews should all burn. This isn't much different.

Again with the defending of Islam by classifying it as a race. Its not a fucking race, its a fucking religion. And yeah, fuck it. And fuck Christianity and fuck judaism too. these are medieval, patriarcal, racist, sexist, inhumane and inhuman ideologies with "values" that belongs NOWHERE in the 21st century.

And yeah, the Prophet Mohammed was a kiddyfiddler. fuck kiddyfiddlers. Religion, or the number of people following it, is no excuse to leave the subject alone, infact it makes it even more important to point out how wrong childrape is, because apparently, when the rapists are devout, people seem to have trouble seeing whats wrong with it.

As Tim Minchin put it: if you protect a single kiddy fucker, then pope or prince or plumber, you're a fucking motherfucker.

Thunderf00t: BURN MUHAMMAD BURN!!!!

Skeeve says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

He's constantly sarcastically labeling Islam as the "religion of peace." And you know what? It ain't a religion of peace. (GASP!) But neither is Christianity. Nor Judaism. Nor Hinduism. Nor even freaking Buddhism, if you can believe that. They all have lovey-dovey peacey-huggy teachings, but they also aren't afraid to pick up the sword whenever they deem it necessary for whatever god-awful reason. So why is he singling out Islam?

Maybe you should watch his other videos. He is singling out Islam lately because of the Southpark vs Islam thing but historically he has been a lot more anti-religion in general and more specifically anti-fundamentalist Christian.

Maybe hold back on those attacks until you've done some research.

Thunderf00t: BURN MUHAMMAD BURN!!!!

kronosposeidon says...

At 0:31 he says, "Although many* Muslims struggle, I mean really struggle with this new-fangled technology of making fire." It doesn't sound like he's differentiating between flag-burning Muslims and the rest of them. He's casting a blanket assertion that most Muslims are so retarded that they can't even make fire.

But it's more than just that. He's constantly sarcastically labeling Islam as the "religion of peace." And you know what? It ain't a religion of peace. (GASP!) But neither is Christianity. Nor Judaism. Nor Hinduism. Nor even freaking Buddhism, if you can believe that. They all have lovey-dovey peacey-huggy teachings, but they also aren't afraid to pick up the sword whenever they deem it necessary for whatever god-awful reason. So why is he singling out Islam? Because he's a bigot? Yes, most definitely.

And that's why I'm sick of this guy. Fuck him. He's the West's counterpart to Ahmadinejad or bin Laden. Put them in Thunderdome. Except let no one come out.

*Bold face my emphasis

>> ^MilkmanDan:

I tend to think his "so stupid they can't even light a fire" was directed more specifically at the flag-burners themselves, and less at Muslims in general. He referred to the group as an "angry Islamic mob"; presumably he would take less issue with a "peaceful Islamic mob", or a "collection of average Muslims". "Maybe the Koran would burn better" could be offensive to Muslims in general, but I would assume particularly so to the flag-burning extremists.

Muslim Student vs. Horowitz: Major Student FAIL

longde says...

I define her opposition as the people on the other side using extrremism and killing to achieve their ends. Perhaps I have defined it too broadly. I certainly don't think it encapsulates all Jews or Isrealis, but I do think it includes the Israeli government and military.>> ^escape421521:

This girl's 'opposition' isn't the Israeli Government, Military, or even Pro-Israeli groups. Her opposition is every single Jew currently living. She did not say "Israel shouldn't exist" (a debatable point.) "Israel should stop expansion," (a point which I agree with) or even "Israel should stop use of excessive military force." (Debatable.)
My issue with the girl (and your point) is that her argument isn't "Israel is wrong," but that "Judaism should not exist."
Jews and Muslims aren't the problem. Neither are those people who call themselves Israelis, Palestinians or anything else.
>> ^longde:
The only difference between this girl and her opposition is that her opposition can hold large public rallies freely espousing and rationalizing mass murder. With total impunity.

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