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Interstellar - Honest Trailers

RedSky says...


It just felt like a bait and switch. They feed you in with in fact very plausible concepts of time dilation and black holes as we best know it, then hit you with a deux ex machinima so implausible that it makes my brain hurt.

I mean, we're meant to believe that future humans, in order to effect their continued existence create an eloborate, highly risky and convoluted system like this 'tesseract library' thing, with the completely unfounded apparent knowledge that Mcconaughey's character will both willingly jump into it and somehow know how to use it to communicate with his daughter, who will pick up on highly cryptic and unlikely signals, and know how to interpret them?

And then Mcconaughey's character also gets saved. Obviously. Why not just convey the information in a far more direct way? And by the way, I will say that the argument that there is a paradox (future humans save themselves in the past) that the video makes is not strictly true given Hathaway's team survives and it's plausible that while Earth perishes, their team eventually redevelops human society.

To me the way that the story suddenly becomes ridiculous at the end when the first half is so rooted in real actual science makes it pretty clear what happened. Some producer decided to overule the script writers and insert in an ending that is happy, sees the characters reunited lest they offend the crucial female demographic.

One of the Best Press Conferences Ever - Marshawn Lynch

kceaton1 says...

Onto a secondary topic, it includes the "media frenzy" and the contract clauses that force players, coaches, and others to appear before the media... Plus the media in general, when it comes to the Superbowl (but, this has to do with our country; or at the least certain segments and populations of our country). But, really it's about the general stupidity and levels we have turned this ONE event into!

Only a few interviews are worth looking at typically and they tend to be AFTER a game, not before it (as that amounts to "what ifs", "probably might", "we sure can try", and "if I win, I'll go to 'insert Measleland or another place here' with my wife/kid/family/parrot"). I absolutely hate the fourteen hour pre-game show that the NFL and the channel hosting this *thing* that apparently people watch, that is quite like a: "super-fabulous-orgasmic-serotonin ovulating-dopamine excreting-heroine junkie nerve conduction transfer-fourteen people high at a rave experimenting in an orgy with all the holes and toys available"... OK, so maybe that is a bit too far, but still...! It really is the most "grandiose" setups for a game, that doesn't need such a grandiose setup.

The should just make it a damned national holiday already--everyone already stays home or is basically forced to, since one half of their family is probably glued to the TV for quite awhile.. Although I know we always "had" these interviews on the TV, but we never really listened to them, because they bring out 40 people who essentially ALL say the same thing (the only difference is if it is a different team and or if they are extremely religious--they will then tell you how their team will win, " matter what...", and then if they are religious proceed to randomly give you the, "God is on our side...", mantra...which always made me laugh--literally, out-loud).

Then they cut back to the ex-coach's and arm-chair quarterbacks who have been given a one day opportunity to tell the world what they think, and how he game will go (and it never does).

Needless to say, I HATE, with a passion, the "pre-game show" (which didn't exist in it's ridiculous form for a VERY longtime until the late 80's and early 90's). I'd rather them move all of their prime-time TV shows that will not be shown that night, due to the game, to that period of the day and let us watch that instead before the game (then they can give us a modest 45-30 minute pre-game; not this 5-hour marathon of ads and marketing, with a bunch of talking faces trying as hard as they can to make a name for themselves in that time-span).

Only people like "Beast Mode" can save that time allotment and make it worthwhile (if you think it is "entertaining", you REALLY need to stay away a bit from Football, and I'm saying that as a concerned friend...)--because right now, although a lot of people flip their TV over to the channel with it is a massive waste of money and time--that somehow generates massive amounts of money (talk about "very careful" and "orchestrated" money setups and schemes; but luckily they have idiotic companies paying them gigantic sums of money for their commercials to air...even before the game comes on...). And, I wish people wouldn't just flip over to it, to have it on in the background (as most of the time I've noticed, whether it's a game at my house, someone else's OR an actual Superbowl party--no one watches that crap, it just sits on that channel...making them "think" they are getting ratings, but they actually aren't. It's kind of like saying that people go to Tailgate parties to park cars and see how neat the cement is...

What are the approved video hosts? (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

It's a user-by-user decision. Some people may not care/worry about inserting our JS embed into their sites. We, as a site, do care/worry.

Iframes can also be potentially harmful, which is why we never used to accept any, but now accept just a few (from sources we feel are very unlikely to have anything malicious in them).

I don't feel we'd need to take an anti-JS-embed stance as a general principle just because we don't want to risk using JS embeds of unknown origin ourselves.

Think of it this way: If my kids received apples on Halloween, I'd throw them out for fear they contain razor blades. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't necessarily hand out apples myself. And if I did that and recipient kids' parents threw my apples out, I wouldn't hold it against them.

speechless said:

Just struck me as weird that VS considers JS as globally unaccepted from external sites, yet it's the only type of embed you provide to external sites.

I mean, why should any other site accept VS JS code as an embed? If it was just meant to be used internally, I would understand. But, the message when you hover over the embed link seems to suggest it's meant to be shared elsewhere.

But, I know fuck all about any of this, so please forgive my ignorance.

David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong

What He Saw On The Star Wars Episode VII Set

newtboy says...

If you go to see Kevin Smith, you should know what you're getting into. (that goes for anything you take your children to, you should know what you're taking them to and be sure you're accepting of exposing them to it.) The parents need to have some dignity and be parents, not insert children into adult scenarios then cry 'won't someone please think of the children?!'. If it's inappropriate for children, don't take them, or, hmmmmmmm, here's a crazy thought, maybe actually parent and leave with them when you realize it's inappropriate, don't infantilize the world for the sake of the children. That makes us all children and allows none of us to grow up ever.

Edgeman2112 said:

Dude there are kids and babies (heard one) in the audience. Have some dignity.

Call the Cops - Rob Hustle ft. Liv

VoodooV says...

the point myself and others have been trying to drill into lantern's thick skull is that his claim is irrelevant. he's making a huge appeal to authority fallacy.

it's a bad case of "my dad can beat up your dad" mentality. The moment he inserted his RL into this "debate" he lost.

Even if he has been 100 percent truthful, it's all anecdotal. He's overcompensating for his small sample size again

oritteropo said:

There are approximately 780,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S., and there is just not enough police brutality (or violence against police) to go around.

I believe his claim, and probably many officers will go through their entire career without needing to use force, even if 50 officers a year are killed in the line of duty and 400 people are killed by law enforcement officers. As a simple ballpark figure, using 2011 stats, over a 30 year timeframe (would this be a typical length of a police career?), you could expect about 14,000 fatal incidents involving law enforcement officers (spread among 780,000 officers).

The world's most beautiful sustainable font

MilkmanDan says...

The tank mods are added by retailers and print shops. You're right about how the system works -- the lines run from the big tanks and are inserted through a hole drilled into the carts small reservoir.

One issue with that is that most cartridges have a software page count that is used to tell you that the ink is running low / empty after a certain number of prints. So, along with the tank install, most shops will put in an aftermarket chip or PCB that resets or bypasses that counter.

For the other question, I think that Thailand still relies on printed documents more than in the US, but it is going down. I undoubtedly have a somewhat skewed opinion on things since I am a teacher, though. I teach 18 different classes of roughly 40 kids once a week, with a worksheet or some other printout being used nearly every week -- so I probably burn 700+ pages each week through my school's copy machines. Then I teach smaller private classes at home, with maybe 100 or so pages a week on my own printer(s). I have one inkjet with those tanks installed, 2 mono lasers, and 1 color laser... So yeah, I probably am a much heavier user of printed stuff than your average person.

Fairbs said:

Who is adding the tanks to the printer? The people selling them to retailers, the retailer, or is it a DIY? I'm guessing the lines connect to the cartridges in the printer and just kind of keep them full? Or do they tap directly into where the print cartridge connect to the heads? I think it's cool. Thanks for sharing.

Another question is do people in Thailand have a need for lots of printing? I'm in the U.S. and would say that personally, my printing needs have gone down 90% say over the last 10 years. At home, I print maybe 5 pages a month.

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

newtboy says...

If you have no reason to believe they may be corrupt, then you simply haven't been paying attention.
For the action of the cop to be self defense, you must take his word as truth and ignore the witnesses (granted, they have not been consistent) and you must accept that it's the right method to attempt to manhandle a person for jaywalking (the reason for the stop in the first place) and that it's the right thing to do to escalate a confrontation from a fist fight directly to firearms, ignoring the other options made available like pepper spray, tasers, batons, and backup. If the officer was truly in fear, he only needed to shut and lock his door to be safe, how is that hard?

Your reading comprehension is terrible. He said clearly that it's NOT reasonable or condonable, but is understandable as a misguided attempt to 'lash out' at the system that keeps you down.

I saw lots of white people on TV rioting and looting too, but they don't count because they don't further your (seemingly racist) theories, right?

It seems you've ignored the majority of the protests that have been responsible, civil, and peaceful in favor of focusing on the minority of trouble makers (that insert themselves into ANY mass protest these days) and blame their actions on the entire community (while knowing that most of the rioters are not from the community but have traveled there in order to riot and loot).

As the one's in 'charge', is it not the police that have the responsibility to display 'responsible behavior'? I thought it was your position that behavior works on a trickle down system, where the behavior of the top is emulated all the way down...does that not make this the police chief's fault?

lantern53 said:

Because I have no reason to believe they are corrupt. The action of the cop, to me, appears to be self-defense, not an act of corruption.

Burning down businesses where you live doesn't do anyone any good, does it? But to you it's perfectly reasonable, is that right? It's a natural act brought on by oppression.

Did all of the black people riot? No, seems to me only the young ones, mostly male. That is on them. Don't blame the cops. If you don't like how the cops police, then vote in your own representatives, fire the chief, protest at the police department, be vocal at the town council...but leave your molotov cocktails at home.

How about some responsible behavior?

Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

SquidCap says...

The only problem i have with GM food is that the cultivation process on foods we eat now has happened over decades and millenia. GM allow shortcuts and we have no idea how those shortcuts affect nature. Or us when new substances are being inserted like pesticide resistance. When it happens slowly, there is more time to notice the downsides of those new traits. Other than that, it just the same process that happens in nature, we are the animals that eat the plant and are essential to it's propagation, nature doesn't care how.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

billpayer says...

I love Tyson. But totally disagree with him on this...
Yes farm animals are 'engineered' but they are engineered via NATURE and NATURAL SELECTION over THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Putting Jellyfish glow dna into mice is fucked up and would NEVER happen in NATURE.

Bee's anyone ?

Human's, Animals, Plants, we all share essentially the same cells.
So something that is designed to kill insects, if ingested by us, may fuck us up.

Also, WHY DO IT ? GM yields are not that astronomic.

Most of the food we grown is WASTED. Let's fix that first.

Fully customizable smart phone & 3D printed case

Sagemind says...

Imagine the components that could be made though.

From Cameras to speakers. this style of device could be the next wave towards a true tri-corder device.
One device that transforms to the niche of every user. fully customizable hardware.

The best part is the consumer can upgrade the parts they care about the most. One person may remove the camera, the next will insert a 50megapixel zoom lens camera. It's up to the developing community to devise the components but the entire concept is sound!
Think of a musician, maybe they could snap in a mini keyboard, or an advanced Mic, or maybe some Bose speakers.
A doctor could snap in a mini scanner or blood testing device.
An engineer could have tools that he may need or there could be tools aimed at any job or hohby out there.

Fully customizable.....

Vibrator w/ Camera & Japanese English. What could go wrong?

newtboy says...

"and attention, that must be inserted at the bottom"
I love at the end how the woman pushes it away then takes it from the guy as if to say 'get that f*#king thing away from me you jerk!'.

Making cocaine in Colombia

chingalera says...

Here's a maverick idea.....

Replace the state-sanctioned tool of pubic school indoctrination/de-education with an 'actual' education miraculously providing a generation with the cognitive framework for problem-solving. Instill in the youth a tangible, effective foundation of critical-thinking skills instead of constantly drilling them with reinforcement of controlled behavior within a fascist police-state-society and preparatory for insertion into the workforce or civil-servitude. At the same time, legalize ALL controlled substances decriminalizing the individual's innate right as a human to do what the fuck they will.

Cocaine is no worse than hundreds of drugs or foods or habit-forming activities for that matter, control is the problem. A corner on the market by the cunts who are running the planet off a precipice for personal gain is the 'actual' problem.

Don't blame the substance, blame the abuse of power and a fiendish addiction to control. Drugs have done as much to create the world we enjoy today as the discovery of fire and using it to cook food. A few assholes want to tell you what the fuck to do with fire and spend billions to train monkeys to back them up....Fuck these enemies of humanity.

mxxcon said:

Or if people had sufficient cognitive ability to understand why it's not a good idea to consume it even if it was legal.

New Super Vehicle US Navy

The Ingenuity of British Electrical Outlets

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