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Why I REALLY am quitting social media -- Essena ONeill

Pro-lifers not so pro-life after all?

Jinx says...

Idk man. I'm out looking in too, but my list of problems guns are a good solution for stops pretty short after "killing something you want dead". I mean, cars and knives can do that pretty good too, but I've not seen many getting to work or chopping vegetables with their automatic. Well, unless its an automatic transmission car, which I gather are quite popular state side. Gun, automatic gun I meant. Also I guess technically the vegetable chopping thing is _possible_ with a firearm. I digress.

When used as self defence I think they might sometimes have uses if you are prepared and have it ready. My problem is that the only person who knows for sure that they are going to be in a gun point robbery/rape/[insert crime] situation on any given day is the guy doing the robbing/raping/[insert crime]ing. I mean, is the aim to get the point where every man woman and child is so strapped to the nines that mutually assured destruction is guaranteed? Excuse me from taking it the logical extreme, but I don't think it's entirely fallacious.

They are fun? I've shot some guns. It was fun. I didn't need to own them mind. Hunting aint for me, but evidently some people enjoy it...but I guess I'm not sure how strident I would be in defence of my hobby if it involved the use of a machine that has been streamlined by war to be the most efficient man-portable tool for taking life that we can conceive.

So yeah, I certainly think your right that is more to gun violence than gun ownership. Clearly there are countries with relatively high levels of gun ownership with comparatively little gun violence. (altho the US still has almost twice as many guns per person than the next yah). I just struggle to understand exactly what reason there is for having quite so many of them given that everybody else seems to be doing mostly ok without them. What exactly are these problems the Americans should be using their guns as a solution for? Can knives and cars, which according to gun advocates are at least as lethal, perhaps be leveraged in creative ways to be the solution to the problems for which apparently only guns can currently solve?

harlequinn said:

Unless you have data supporting your claims, blanket assigning attributes to "the right" isn't good.

From an outside view (I'm not American) the issue isn't guns. It's that Americans see using guns as a solution to problems that they probably shouldn't be a solution for.

This partly stems from historical and cultural factors but also high poverty rates, a mediocre health care system, a mediocre mental health care system, etc.

FYI, there is evidence that IUDs stop the implantation of the blastocyst - just a google search away.

Side note: there are some things America gets so right. Like various freedoms enshrined in your constitution. And how the country tends to self-correct towards liberty (over the long run).

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Migrants and Refugees

newtboy says...

Point 1. I do agree, the inability of many migrants to assimilate to their new homeland, and to expect the new land to change to suit them, is an not limited to Muslims, but one they certainly share.
Point 2. I would say 'asylum' does not exist if one must wait 5 years to even APPLY for it, and during that time must not work. That's ridiculous, just like saying they're running from asylum to asylum. They are moving to where they believe they might be able to eat, and maybe live outside a small, overcrowded cage. If honest, working refugee camps were to be erected in Turkey on the borders, funded by the EU and others, most of the refugees would go no farther...but that hasn't least not in any working way for the numbers coming.
I won't assume there's much 'insertion' of non-refugee migrants in the masses, they would have to travel across numerous closed borders and through numerous wars just to join the group...I don't think that's happening. Maybe a few that crossed the Mediterranean to Greece, but that's not many if any.
Point 3. Yes, the numbers are overwhelming. That does seem to be a good incentive for the EU and America (and the other Arab nations), and eventually Russia to do more to stabilize Syria, however, and also a good incentive for them to create systems to deal with these people while treating them as people.
Obviously, though, the only permanent solution is to stop them from being forced out of their homeland. No?

vil said:

3 things, I may have mixed them a bit......

What Sex Looks Like from the Inside

worthwords says...

yeah obviously but said gel had to be inserted into said rectum.
it's basically a high tech deficating proctogram

Think of the practicalities of being in a tight tube of an MRI scanner and being asked to shit out some jelly with the clanking noise of the MRI not masking the farting/deficating sound. Just remember the amazing staff involved in obtaining such images.

messenger said:

Maybe because poop doesn't show up on an MRI?

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Front Page (Sift Talk Post)

notarobot says...

I disabled beta because I could not easily find a way to access the playlists menu, which I still use. I eventually found it hiding waaay up in the corner next to the tiny favourite <3, and the tiny video length time, and tiny view count.
I don't know why these elements are separate from other information like channels and tags. It makes no sense to me to separate them.

The top bar should be for things that are standard across the sift. Putting video specific information up there breaks the hierarchy.

On the front page each video does not have uniform space. If a video is Long, the tag is inserted there, creating more space between the Long video and the next when scrolling down. Short/Long/NSFW tags shouldn't mess with formatting like this.

Penn & Teller: Fool Us // Kostya Kimlat Makes Penn Mad

rancor says...

I think you have to be right. That's the only opportunity, and you can see it's slightly fishy as they're being slotted into his right hand. He also makes sure to go through the whole deck instead of stopping once the chosen cards are inserted. Good catch.

EDIT: Of course it helps to see the trick multiple times...

Fishing For Drones

LiquidDrift says...

Drones are already getting annoying and will soon be a scourge. You think people with selfie-sticks are annoying? How about a 2 foot buzzing machine in your eyeline while you're trying to *insert any peaceful or enjoyable event*. I've already seen them at concerts and fireworks and they definitely take away from the show. Good shot Mr. Fisherman, good shot.

Robot Butler

Key and Peele: A Cappella Club

Whoopi Goldberg Defends 10 Surprising Things

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

ulysses1904 says...

I would share the knee-jerk outrage right on cue if it was the same cop in both situations. How do you know the first cop wouldn't treat the black man the same way, by walking up and talking to him? How do you know the second cop wouldn't pull his gun on the white guy in the first scene? How do you know whether there wasn't a report of a robbery in the vicinity of the 2nd scene? The first video apparently was taken in Oregon, I can’t tell what county is displayed on the police cars in the 2nd video, much less what state they are in. So I must assume there are logistical reasons why the creators of this video would not have been in the position to insert the black man into the original scenario, for it to actually qualify as a “social experiment”. I know these comments wouldn't easily fit on a picket sign, so that must mean I'm for racism (he said sarcastically).

New Method For Making Wood Corners For Drawers Or Boxes

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

bobknight33 says...

I'm no troll. I like this site It truly bubbles up some truly good videos.
Like the 8-year-old-girl-shows-off-her-impressive-boxing-combination

Truly impressive.

Sure I have to hold my nose when posting of ...
Pro gay
Anti GOD
pro murder ie abortion
Blacks are guiltless in everything
Cops are evil
$15/hr for burger flippers
insert leftist cause here...
Etc, Etc

But I do have the right to point all you falsehoods in these matters. I don't always do since it just wasting my time.

I was right on the gentle giant in saying the cop was correct in his actions and was vindicated by the ultra left DOJ.

Hands up don't shoot was a made up lie.

But that does not matter to the left. All you see is a white cop killing a 16 yr old black boy.

Troll - I don't think so. Conservative- you bet I am.

newtboy said:

So, you realize that if that's right, you guys are nothing more than hard core angry right wingers that spend all their free time whining on and trolling a "Leftist site", eh? There's just no way around that, is there?

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

lucky760 says...

@newtboy - I'm blown away at how certain you are it's all fake. I suggest you do what I did: Instead of using paper on your screen, just take a screenshot and insert into an image editor and inspect things there.

I cut the three tiles out and pasted them side-by-side and they are in fact the same color:

I dragged straight lines on the checkerboard before and after the dots were added, and it has only straight lines.

I copied/pasted the blue tabletop, rotated it and it fit perfectly on the other one:

Nothing was fudged in the video. It just shows how powerfully your brain is latching onto what it believes it is seeing.

It's like that dress photo from a few weeks ago. "Is it white and gold or purple and black?!" Many people were hardcore in one direction or the other.

The only one that left me confused is the pills. 1) He said they were red and blue, but they were yellow and turquoise. 2) They had holes in the pills allowing the background color through; it was only there that they looked colored, otherwise they were just gray. I suspect they were just trying to shoe-horn in a red pill blue pill Matrix reference.

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