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Jon Stewart's "Rosewater" Trailer

dannym3141 says...

Another video popped up with Kristen Stewart in it about camp x-ray after watching this one. The context might have been wrong, but i can understand why @billpayer said that - it's a terrible, terrible thing of which he speaks and it can feel frustrating when you care about those things but it seems to you like most forms of mainstream media only tell a certain side.

It is frustrating, and i doubt many people disagree with you that it's a monumental injustice, but the other side of the story does get told.. and i think the noticeable weighting is indicative of what the majority of people "want" to hear/believe rather than a calculated move to revise history (i.e. more cinema tickets will be sold by a movie in which a westerner overcomes perceived terrorism than one in which a light is shone on the possible human rights violations and illegal internment of innocent victims of the west's war on terror).

I was surprised by the 'kstew' trailer, looked ....intelligent and thoughtful?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

Barbar says...

Comparing by industry and level of education is not sufficient to really see what is going on, unfortunately. Two people could work in the same industry, in completely different jobs. Two people could have bachelor's degrees, in completely different fields. As it happens these are two of the major contributors to the gap. I've seen it both in my life, and in this study, from just a few years ago. It concludes that the gap is between 5 and 7% for equivalent employees. That means people with similar credentials performing similar jobs. Here is the study

Here are the reasons for the discrepancies, as they see them, in no particular order:
- More men than women tend to get educations in fields that pay more (ie. engineering vs teaching).
- More women work at part time jobs, which tend to have lower wages.
- More women tend to take parental leave.
- Women tend to place more value in the non-monetary dimension of a job than men (benefits, location, etc).

Sure, people shouldn't be punished for their gender. On the surface everyone would obviously agree with that statement I believe. If you dig a bit deeper though it's not so clear. Imagine it from the side of the employer. You have two candidates for a job, one that is statistically more likely to leave work for one or more extended periods. Each time that happens, it will cost you X$ to fill the void left. Divide that cost over the average term of employment, and you have a pretty strong case for a wage gap. Now, imagine that the decision was made for the company to ignore this cost, and simply swallow it. Assuming that they don't just increase their payroll budget to float it, we'll see wages for other people, completely unrelated to the issue cut so as to make room for it. Is that injustice more to your taste? It's worth mentioning that it would provide a clear quantifiable justification for hiring men over women.

ChaosEngine said:

First, that's simply not ture. The pay gap is nowhere near 90% either by industry or by l
evel of education.

Second even if it was 99% that's still unacceptable. "Rational reason" or no, people shouldn't be penalised for their gender. It's not reasonable to ask a parent of either gender to work long overtime.

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

chingalera says...

Yeah, yeah, think of the the ones who are groomed generation after generation to become the carbon-copy cunt adults who keep this little game of hate going? Can you say, 'Fucked from birth??" How about you concentrate your efforts on eradicating shit-think programming? You talking about the ineffectual 'we' or just the gaggle of bleeding-hearts who come to cackle and rant about the world's injustices on a back-alley video-blog??

Deprogram half the motherfuckers on planet now and watch the game change in one generation.

"we just".....meh.
How 'boutcha sell that shit to your local broadcast affiliate's audience?!

mentality said:

I'd pay to see your face if you started lofting rockets in your neighbor's direction and he came over to your house and murdered your children, lol

Oh, and you are mistaken. No one said we don't care about Hamas spending money on rockets. We just care about dozens of dead children more.

Israel bombs and kills children on beach, NBC pulls reporter

chingalera says...

Oh and, thank you billpayer for your dutiful parroting of newsspeak and the grave tone and expectorate labels in your tags and description of these dire 'world' events-Please, keep us all abreast of the world's injustices so that we may better understand the dynamics of chaos.


chingalera says...

So what the comments so far here resemble may be perhaps an example of a sense of doubt based-upon a lifetime of a steady diet of a formulaic and programmed expectation of how reporting should be rendered in order to feed a denial of common-sense equity, and civil liberties being shat upon, then digested, and fed back disguised as a healthy sustenance?

Perhaps if Brian Williams raps it out you can all continue to swallow cheeseburgers after voting in the next major election of cunts who'll straighten-out the foul injustice of unprofessional journalism...

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

Lilithia says...

If my rant above gave the impression that I did not like the show or that I questioned the overall quality of the show, this is not what I intended to say. What I wrote was just my immediate reaction to the scene and although I know that there will be more deaths like this to come, I don't actually plan to stop watching the show (although there were about 2 hours during which I was almost certain I would). I wouldn't want to watch a show in which everything is always great and the good guys (if there are any) always win and the bad guys always lose and everybody lives happily ever after. I believe, however, that the events of the story could be a bit more balanced, because even in real life the likable/nice/honorable guys (if there are any) don't always lose. Of course not completely balanced, just interspersed with some slightly more hopeful events every once in a while. There are ways to write a story in which these guys lose without having every single one of them die a horrible death, and other creative ways to depict the world's injustice. I really hope that every death serves the overall purpose of the story and isn't just for the sake of killing every character that becomes too likable or popular.

Emily's Abortion Video

chingalera says...

Assuming the 'negative outcome' scenario, also the nature of human consciousness (so simply and patently codified), what 'preparation' beyond one's will would prepare a human for a planet made hostile to humanity BY humanity?

Life itself is an injustice according to the parameters we are willing to accept as just or fair or equitable. So Emily here decides to film her abortion procedure for her own benefit, her own ego, a journalistic form of self-therapy perhaps? I would challenge any American white woman's spoken motivations for ending a pregnancy and find by peeling the layers of the onion away in about 10 minutes of Q&A that that little piece of meat growing inside of her needs to go because it's gonna be an inconvenience to her lifestyle, a challenge to her own limited consciousness of the nature of life and the universe.

Swat that little nuisance before it lands on my food, for crissakes.

charliem said:

A human is to humanity, as an elephant is to elephanty.....a collection of cells contained with a womb, not yet born, not yet given rise to conciousness, the ability to think cognicent ideas, the ability to understand, language, comprehension, maths, compassion, empathy, society etc...this is what dictates humanity, not just the species by which the genome belongs.

The ability to participate.

These fetuses are not human, not yet. They are still developing.

Their brains have not developed enough to even breathe, let alone have cognitive thinking.

This is no more 'murder' than killing a common house fly is 'murder'.

To let it continue to grow, to force a woman to term given negative outcomes for both the child, the parent, and society in general as a result of not being ready or prepared, either due to finance or social circumstance, all in the name of your religious or political beliefs, is such a massive irony filled injustice on our society....and its a shame that you cant see it.

Emily's Abortion Video

charliem says...

A human is to humanity, as an elephant is to elephanty.....a collection of cells contained with a womb, not yet born, not yet given rise to conciousness, the ability to think cognicent ideas, the ability to understand, language, comprehension, maths, compassion, empathy, society etc...this is what dictates humanity, not just the species by which the genome belongs.

The ability to participate.

These fetuses are not human, not yet. They are still developing.

Their brains have not developed enough to even breathe, let alone have cognitive thinking.

This is no more 'murder' than killing a common house fly is 'murder'.

To let it continue to grow, to force a woman to term given negative outcomes for both the child, the parent, and society in general as a result of not being ready or prepared, either due to finance or social circumstance, all in the name of your religious or political beliefs, is such a massive irony filled injustice on our society....and its a shame that you cant see it.

lantern53 said:

How do you know this, that there is no consciousness?

A fetus doesn't remotely resemble humanity? An elephant fetus sure resembles an elephant. A dolphin fetus sure resembles a dolphin.

I don't believe you are thinking through your statements.

What It's Like to Study Law at Cambridge

artician says...

I've always loathed law, because I see legal practice specifically and directly responsible for so much injustice, but this helps me understand why some people appreciate it.

Mass Incarceration in the US - Vlogbrothers

Lawdeedaw says...

Your wrong @eric3579. There is no protection for the wealthy--it only looks good to them but everyone is less safe for these policies.

But I must correct one injustice (among a few others) that John was wrong on. Most, and by most I mean most, solitary confinement of inmates does have both appeals policies inside the jail/prison and Judaical recourse. It is not foolproof, but lawsuits have vindicated many people. As such, this forced policies in place when confining an inmate.

Not to mention that many prisoners are mentally unstable as is--just like many homeless are. I am not saying to punish them. The medications they receive in prisons and in jails really are helpful in keeping them functioning in general population these days and should be the first reliance. They really do go above and beyond in many jails/prisons. However, someone who would rip out his own eyeball or shove a pencil up his penis, someone known to be violent, or even those severely handicapped and who would be abused, they must be protected. This guy doesn't point out this--instead it's generalized as ALL torture.

Imagine your son being raped in prison violently by someone with mental illness, just because he couldn't be justified as a danger for his entire stay... Happens every day, and so do the lawsuits. It's an impossible balance really.

And indefinite is a misnomer. 30 days is a common number of maximum days a person can be held in solitary for disciplinary infractions. While this doesn't seem like a lot of time, I understand it's a LIFETIME to spend alone in a room that is abysmal. However, it is definitely not indefinite.

Additionally, the total ratio of inmates incarcerated in general population versus is about 5%. That's pretty small considering the totality of circumstances and general population inmates whose crimes are serious in nature.

As someone who has studied this issue indepth for the last 7-8 years I can say the jail/prison system is a failure on multiple aspects. It causes more crime. It hurts people who would be better served elsewhere. It is racially biased. In most cases there is no way out. However, in the dawning of the age of cameras, much has changed for the better. The fact that guards are charged with crimes for obvious abuse is one. The fact that solitary confinement is now working well is another. Prison populations are expanding less and less.

We should expand upon the good, instead of focus on the bad.

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

budzos says...

This is an illustration of why I find it so offensive when people tell me I should respect soldiers for protecting my freedom. With a lot of exceptions, people become soldiers for lack of any better option, and find themselves forced to make small contributions to massive atrocities/injustices.

Fox News - Noah's Ark Was Found, So Missing Plane Will Be

chingalera says...

Roommate called 3 days ago what will most-likely be ultimately be determined:
Pilot (zealot for his jailed psyche-ward buddy Anwar Ibrahim and the injustices suffered under some dick government's court system) took the plane up to 45K ft and depressurized the cabin, killed everyone on-board before disappearing the plane and himself.

What happens if you reverse sex roles in advertising?

JustSaying says...

You poor man you, maybe you should join a christian support group for the discriminated. Or better, tell someone at FoxNews about the injustice you have to suffer.
Quick, name all jobs where women get paid more than men and then start naming all (yes, all of them) where men get paid more.
The only ones where women make more I can name involve sex. They do because men (like me) are pigs and, unlike women, are willing to spend huge amounts of money on it. That's why models get a lot of cash, men like to look at their well formed, half or more naked bodies.
And before I forget...
Never bed a man who won't bed self-respecting women - he's weak.

Thumper said:

I don't see what is so ridiculous about this. Except that poor ol women have positioned themselves to capitalize with selling their bodies. To be fair - the hot ones did this, and they've been doing it since the beginning. I would love to live in a world where men could sell their bodies and sexiness. Oh, wait, we do. It's just women get more of the pie then men do. This pisses me off, is the modeling industry just so sexually biased that we men can't get a fair shake? Never bed a feminist - it's gross.

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

JAPR says...

Once again, your main argument seems to be "shit works okay, why should we bother trying to do better?" I cannot accept such a lazy attitude towards suffering that you and I help perpetrate. Yes, there is a lot less suffering, but when that is tied more to technology and healthcare and less to the actual way of life that we lead (amusing how somehow our fancy modern lives are incredibly stressful for anybody in the lower and lower-middle class; and even MORE stressful for those in the countries from whom we source our cheap goods and services), and not to actively reducing abuse against our fellow men, we're being complicit in the abuses.

You have to do more than just hope it'll fix itself. That has never done anything for us.

Although, on the other hand, with humans being how they are, YOU don't have to do anything. When you have seen enough information/had enough experiences to realize the injustice of our system for yourself, you won't really have a choice in the matter, because you will want of your own accord to see a better world. Just maybe try to take a closer look at things, you know?

Also, thanks for having a civil conversation about it despite our disagreements (and I apologize if I've been a bit over-the-top with my dickishness anywhere along the way so far). I think that so long as everyone in a discussion is willing to really listen to the points another is trying to make, we can all learn something (though I'm sure you and I have both heard variations of each others' arguments before, we've not seen it played out in quite this way, surely).

A10anis said:

That would have been a worthy diatribe in, say, the middle ages or even up to the early 20th century. But now? Now we have access to unparalleled knowledge, an abundance of consumer goods and better health care than ever in history. Yes it is far from equal to all. Yes it has room for improvement. But we are getting there.

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

poolcleaner says...

All I have are my experiences. Before I discovered the torturing effects of what is called "The Loop" (a period of time before and after being moved to court for arraignment and the period leading up to being housed in a jail cell) I perceived justice as possible. After I was wrongly put through this system, I have discovered that Justice is possible but not probable; or rather, your probably of justice increases with the amount of money you're willing to put into the justice system when it comes knocking.

I did not have money to put up, so I was put through a near 24 hours of waiting, moving from holding pin to holding pin to holding pin, with only concrete and the beleaguered advice of my new peer -- the criminal -- as my companion. Robbed of your sense of time and perception of beginning to end. When will it be over? How long have I been here? What is the purpose of these events? Am I guilty? Am I in jail? Who are these hardened criminals surrounding me? Am I a criminal now as well?

I was a boy with a bright future and I've struggled to reintegrate myself into society ever since. No one gets it. Depression and a sense of constant injustice are my companion. I wasn't an alcoholic before these events and I never did drugs, but afterwards I have struggled with alcoholism, depression, suicide attempts, all of my personal relationships failed until recently (and still it is a struggle to care about... anyone or anything), drug abuse, and I'm only barely past my yearly, near monthly visit to jail or the drunk tank.

Honestly, I know personal responsibility is important, but I was a fucking clueless child put into a den of thieves. I learned their ways and my nihilistic conclusions are the only bit of optimism that seem apparent in any system. Chaos; anarchy -- my only desires.

But this understanding of the the defects in any and all systems is what has given me an edge in my workplace where we invent new systems every day. That gives me hope, but it is a hope based on the purposeful destruction of systems. I'm good at it. And it protects the powers that employ me.

All forms of government and religion; rules and regulations; city planning and software design -- ALL of it easily manipulated and quick to topple -- like my innocence and sense of JUSTICE...

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