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Vin Diesel Swallows Helium, Hilarity Ensues

Trancecoach says...

exactly, they're both talking as if this was recently discovered and that kids haven't been inhaling the helium out of birthday balloons since they learned how to talk!

Vin has surely come a long way since multi facial, that's for sure!

>> ^garmachi:

I like how he reacts as though he's never seen this done before.

Vin Diesel Swallows Helium, Hilarity Ensues

BoneRemake says...

to completely bust your balls, you should in my own opinion, change the title to INHALES helium, he is not eating it, he does not swallow it, he breaths it, in hhaaaaaaalllesss it.

'jes sayin

(wonders if jigga even notices)

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

Asmo says...

>> ^cito:

yea this is tame compared to most I see in rl here.
I've seen kids acting out in grocery store get snatched up and spanked with their mother's shoe in middle of aisle, and everyone else sighs a THANK YOU for it after the hellion finally calms down.
corporal punishment is a good thing, and I support it 100%, now constantly yelling and time outs and screaming doesn't work and never will. That's why a good paddling or belt to the bum will solve an unruly child.

This is not just corporal punishment. Hot sauce in the mouth for over a minute (you can see the volume of liquid when the child spits) and then doused in a who knows how cold shower... I can imagine that breathing through your nose with that in your mouth would be agony (depending on how hot the sauce is) and if you should accidentally inhale some?

And as others have said, just because there is worse out there doesn't make this justified or acceptable.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Matthu says...

>> ^Gamble:

No one has ever died from pot? Sorry, stopped watching right there.

Hi Gamble, you seem genuine. Let me add what I can.

I'm going to call bullshit on that French study.

It says, "French researchers studied all drivers involved in fatal car crashes over a two-year period and found 7% tested positive for marijuana, including nearly 3% who tested positive for a combination of marijuana and alcohol."

This study is from before 2005, I don't believe roadside marijuana tests existed back then, as they aren't used much even now. That means they did tests that determined the person smoked weed in the past few weeks. And so 7% of those people tested positive for having smoked marijuana in the past few weeks? Whopp-dee-doo. From The National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

Among adults aged 26 or older, 6.3 percent were current illicit drug users in 2009. In this age group, 4.6 percent used marijuana, and 2.1 percent used prescription-type drugs nonmedically. Less than 1 percent used cocaine (0.6 percent), hallucinogens (0.2 percent), heroin (0.1 percent), and inhalants (0.1 percent). The only statistically significant changes between 2008 and 2009 in the rates of past month use among adults in this age group involved nonmedical use of stimulants (which increased from 0.2 to 0.4 percent) and methamphetamine use (which rose from 0.1 to 0.2 percent). In addition to these increases between 2008 and 2009, the rate of current marijuana use among adults aged 26 or older was higher in 2009 (4.6 percent) than in 2002 (4.0 percent).
( )

So obviously among those 4.6% marijuana users aged 26+ there are a lot of drivers who would test positive for drug use in the past few weeks.

It also says, "The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased."

So they took blood tests? That doesn't determine if you're stoned. Marijuana stays in your blood for a long time. If you smoked yesterday at 2 P.M. you would still definitely have marijuana in your system. But you definitely wouldn't be stoned at all.

Lastly my own personal experience: I drive stoned all the time. But before you harangue me for being a danger to society let me tell you that I know when I am in control and when I'm not. I am a responsible driver and there have been very few occasions when I've smoked a joint and needed to rest before driving. It's happened a couple of times where I've been somewhere, smoked a big joint and then needed to leave. I get to my car and shit is still spinning and overwhelming a bit. It's these times when I take 10-15 minutes to let the initial effects wear off and adjust to and get serious about my surroundings.

Alcohol is far far worse, for me anyways... I've driven tipsy once or twice, and it's just not to be done. It's different, everything's just a big fucking joke when you're drunk. I had to keep reminding myself to be careful and not just let go and enjoy the ride lol. When stoned, I'm vigilant.

Lastly, I would like to mention that I feel weed affects me quite strongly. I've smoked a ton of weed in my day, and compared to me friends, I still get pretty darn high. Especially if I've gone even a week without smoking.

Anyways, tl;dr Marijuana is a relatively safe drug and the prohibition against it is highly suspicious.

House M.D. "Can you show me how your inhaler works?"

Baby Preacher (w/ subtitles)

I Guess This is Why I Don't Cave

Esoog says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Here's some more nightmare fuel for you (it might even be the same cave, but I'm not sure):
This stuff is scary enough dry, but they flood so often. Last few years I've heard a bunch of stories in Ireland of people getting caught in these places as they fill up with water....

About 15 years ago when i was fresh out of high school and didnt consider consequences, like death and such, I went with some friends to a cave just outside of Ocala, Florida. After being in there for hours (we started in around midnight, and came out around 5am), we decided to take the 'short cut' out. The short cut involved going through a hole just like this one.

A hole where I actually had to dig some sand away just to fit through it. When I inhaled too much, I was totally pinned in. I had to stay calm, and take half breaths or I was stuck. It was THE scariest position Ive ever been in. Needless to say, I will never go caving again without an expert. And even then I will think real hard about it.

I Guess This is Why I Don't Cave

Ryjkyj says...

Oh, c'mon, it's easy guys.

If you get stuck, all you have to do is exhale all the air in your lungs to reduce the diameter of your chest, and then hope the spot you slide into is big enough to inhale a little bit. WHAT'S SO SCARY ABOUT THAT?

The Mandelbulb: first 'true' 3D image of famous fractal

berticus says...

>> ^cybrbeast:

This is definitely going into my watch when tripping folder

One of my fondest hallucination memories: sitting under a tall tree in a park late at night, the only sound was that almost magical white noise rushing through leaves, and I was at the peak of an LSD trip, having just inhaled some nitrous oxide. I lay down and looked up, and the canopy of the tree was silhouetted against the sky. The entire view turned into a 3-dimensional animated fractal set for a good minute or so.

Words probably can't convey the amalgamation of sensory experience that made that moment so exhilarating, but a part of this video triggered that memory quite strongly for me. Makes me want to trip again (it's been a long time).

The chewing gum and helium experiment

jimnms says...

^ ^ ^ It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is fake. If you saw the episode where they saw how many balloons it took to lift a kid, there's no way a person could inhale helium, blow a bubble and have it support them like that.

Pulse Jet Combustion

MaxWilder says...

As I understand it, fire requires fuel, oxygen, and heat (or an ignition source). My guess is that the patterns of flame appearing in the jar have to do with the movements of air (which contains about 21% oxygen) into and out of the jar's limited opening.

Also, while we do exhale CO2, a normal inhalation/exhalation cycle does not nearly use up all of the oxygen in that air. It still contains approximately 15% oxygen, which is why CPR works. So if they had used up all of the oxygen in the jar, a breath into it would reintroduce oxygen much more quickly than a normal air current would.

Cheech Marin Smokes Anderson Cooper

rottenseed says...

It could only show those 2 things if the assumption that Jeopardy required you to be smart. Knowledge and intelligence are not necessarily inclusive.>> ^Stormsinger:
I have absolutely no doubt that Cheech inhaled. Nor do I have any doubt that Anderson is a bright guy, that's been clearly demonstrated. I think this simply goes to show two things. 1) Pot doesn't cause much in the way of long-term impairments. And 2) Cheech is not only damned smart, he's one hell of a good sport. Because the assumptions made, and the questions asked were quite deeply insulting.

Cheech Marin Smokes Anderson Cooper

Cheech Marin Smokes Anderson Cooper

Stormsinger says...

I have absolutely no doubt that Cheech inhaled. Nor do I have any doubt that Anderson is a bright guy, that's been clearly demonstrated. I think this simply goes to show two things. 1) Pot doesn't cause much in the way of long-term impairments. And 2) Cheech is not only damned smart, he's one hell of a good sport. Because the assumptions made, and the questions asked were quite deeply insulting.

What smoking has become - the IT Crowd

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^demon_ix:
Oh, no no. You guys totally misunderstood my point.
I was commenting on the silliness of going outside for a cigarette break, an activity which consists of inhaling burned up tobacco leaves processed with tar and all sorts of yummy stuff, and counting "breathing fresh air" as one of the upsides.
What you're actually doing is inhaling the exact opposite of fresh air, and the reason you have to go out is so that you don't contaminate the atmosphere for the rest of us

I don't know how to make myself clearer. I have trouble explaining this to my girlfriend too, but I must reiterate: "fresh" air is not the same as clean air. I do know it sounds silly but even though you are breathing in pollutants, you can still smell and taste and enjoy the "fresh" quality of outside air.

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