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Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

choggie says...

"hate crime" ....inflammatory rhetoric, meaningless phraseology,...newspeak

what you are talking about are a particular monkey's filter, and their ability to process information, and express their damaged imprints, and how this relates to perceived acceptable, societal norms.

People are fucking idiots, if you give them the room-not just Christains, not just gays, everybody's process is defiled. Everyone's opinion, is on equal footing in this thread....only those who chose to find what is laughable in such masturbation, came out ok-

When one is able to understand the motivations behind perspectives, they may then perhaps have a valid opinion based on objective observation-

Sexism Strength and Dominance:Masculinity in Disney Films

Kreegath says...

I didn't like this video and would downvote if I could, simply for the fact that they bring up stereotypical gender roles as something Disney tries to imprint in children (which I actually can agree with to some point).
However, my gripe with the creator of this video is when he shows us the scenes from "Beauty and the Beast" where Gaston shows his worst behaviour. This is what I have a problem with, as Gaston obviously is the bad guy and is clearly depicted as such even to the extent that small children can understand it. His advances also fails quite miserably, and in a humorously manner, which would also reinforce the lesson that acting like a man's man and treating women like objects (which is exactly like he does) is bad, especially when you take into consideration the mutually respecting relationship between Belle and the Beast.

EDIT: And the Mulan bit just made me laugh out loud. She quickly learns that masculinity is primarily defined by strength and physical prowess, does she? Never mind the pathetic try to imply that masculinity equals sexism, does the commenter actually try to say that Mulan somehow teach children to fall into the classical gender roles? Seriously, that's the dumbest thing I've heard this millennium.

The only thing that I can imagine the creator of this video would find completely PC would be 90 minutes of those little ghost creatures from Princess Mononoke. However, we couldn't possibly have the word "princess" in the title as it would subconsciously force all girls watching it into becoming subordinate to boys.

wow it works! (Blog Entry by smibbo)

Laid or Loved

Thylan says...

^ In Frank Herberts Heretics of Dune (book 5), he explores this idea in an interesting way. The idea is that the "Honoured Matres" (adepts of a female cult) are trained to have such minutely precise vaginal muscle control, that they can induce a sexual experience in men that is so overwhelmingly powerful that they become "imprinted". As such, they are completely at the mercy of the adept who has imprinted them as the experience is like an incredibly addictive drug. A factor which is very important, is that it takes the adepts voluntary and conscious control to convey the sexual experience, and thus the experience cannot be obtained by force. Thus, the adepts can "enslave" a man to desires he cannot control, and which can only be met by her choice, allowing her to manipulate him completely for the rest of his life.

The main male character, has been secretly equipped to provide a woman with an equally intense experience, and so "imprint" her. When an adept is sent to imprint him, so that he can be bent to the cults cause, he in turn imprints her and they achieve balance. Both need what only the other can provide. The power balance is equal, and the utter manipulation of one over the other is countered. Its been around 15 years since i read it, but im pretty sure the adept is forced by this imprinting to break from her cult and so he is protected from their machinations.

Oh, and I think they are both meant to have had the most incredible sex ever imaginable too. bonus.

Baby finally making me feel insane (occasionally) (Blog Entry by smibbo)

choggie says...

here's one from a man w 2 boys
If the child is not whining from discomfort, pain, etc., she is playing you for what she can get outta are plugging in the imprints right now, in these early pre-3 years, and what you plug in will be the blueprint for life-

whining should never be rewarded with cajoling, attempts to comfort, as a means to keep you happy-this is a job, that most parents fail miserably at in the U.S.....reward the child with attention when whining, and set yourself up for the next round of testing by yer youngster....this will never stop-success for you mum, is when you continually set the bar higher-let the baby know, that good attention comes with her proper actions, and bad attention with improper(whining).....set the little minx off alone in the room to whine, and ignore it, is the best advice you can get.

Just because they can't form words and sentences, does not mean they are stupid....on the contrary, they know how to play you, and will continually try to find new and improved ways.....It all starts and ends, when they are but teensy...and by age 7, the age of reason, they are who they are.......Capisce???

Maybe another time. (Blog Entry by persephone)

raven says...

Tasers are illegal to private citizens in Michigan unless they are a "registered bail agent, private investigator, or properly trained aircraft pilot or crew" (that's straight from the TASER website)... and after seeing several of the videos posted here on the fatal side effects of the TASER, I think this is prudent. However, after there were several rapes in my city last spring I did initially ask my father to get me a taser, but that's not possible, so I've settled with the highest concentration pepper spray available. Both self defense mechanisms are of course secondary to a good pair of shoes you can run in, and I never leave the house alone wearing a pair I cannot do that in... call me paranoid, but I think that the women who wear high heels every day only decrease their chances of getting themselves out of a potentially dangerous situation... not to mention destroying their back and feet, but whatever, yet another case of the cultural imprinting of a beauty ideal I guess.

As for glasses, I personally do not think I necessarily look better without them, and believe me, I would never date a guy who didn't appreciate me in them. But, my own empirical evidence suggests that the general public feels otherwise (pervasive cultural attitude I guess), as I almost never get a second look with them on. But whatever, its all personal preference, as I myself prefer a guy with glasses.

Maybe another time. (Blog Entry by persephone)

Thylan says...

^ Yeah, but when you tell them that, they wont necessarily go back to wearing them and not bumping into walls. Cultural imprinting on beauty ideals can be too strong.

The I-35 Highway is .. God's Highway?

choggie says...

Living in the biblebelt m'self, these folks they are interviewing, are the worst kinds of zealots-firstly, most of the folks from full-gospel churches (church of god, pentecostal, and offshoots of "where do we put all the bi-polar and developmentally disabled Christains...(as they are, a stubborn tarnish on the good name of Hay-zeus) are whackjobs with issues. If they we're not devout about Jesus, they'd need sports or drugs or some other sort of reprieve from their inner dialog..... fundamentalism, cult of personality, same difference-it is a group activity for burn-outs or imprint-afflicted, be they followers of programming from Kim Jung Il, from some imam, or blows to the head. Any tunnel reality is!! Ya hear that ya rabid stamp collectors and Trekkie freaks???!!! YER SICK!!! Get out more, interact with birds and bugs or something...AAAUAUAAUGAHHH!

met like 3 Christians in my whole life, that's cause' the real ones don't go around doing shit like this-

"Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward....
"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

God says, "Shut the fuck up!"

The Official MycroftHolmz Roast! (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

Thanks to everyone who participated , with the exception of those of you who contributed the scatological references, as a substitute for the creativity endowed to you by your parents, experience, or repressed psychological damage during a key imprint stage in your life, that being potty training.

KOMMIE, you have issues, which you should probably share with only your most intimate acquaintances, your teddy and your friends at

Is being gay a choice?

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

choggie says...

mmmmm, when hetros marry, one of them might get swollen and shoot out another human-the symbolic union and ceremony homosexuals want to use as a next peak to conquer.....why does it mean so much, is it the tax breaks? most homosexuals, it seems, since most religion frowns upon their lifestyle, are atheists, and the collective push to undermine a generally religion-inspired event, looks like more spoiled, neglected, or otherwise anemically imprinted child's way of kicking and and screaming....unprecedented acceptance is not here yet, perhaps because societies have not reached the point of total chaos or anarchy.... A yardstick of civilization's demise-Gay marriage??? Get a room. There is a reason other than bible-thumping that the majority of people on the planet, are in agreement on the subject.....religion is not necessarily the most influential culprit-blame the collective unconscious maybe....

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

choggie says...

Genetic predisposition and imprint-environment-process notwithstanding, evidence favors all sides-perception, and awareness is the key-look at people that could go either way with their interaction with the world, and use it to transcend all this bullshit, this is where the human race belongs- So, labels and opinions mean what???

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

berticus says...

@MarineGunrock: Could you explain for me (I am genuinely interested) what "I don't agree with homosexuality" means? I take it to mean that you think it is immoral, and if that is the case - why?

@choggie: There's no consensus, so you can't say definitively that people *aren't* born with their sexuality (whatever it may be). The best guess we have now is a complex interaction of biology, cognition and environment. There is plenty of evidence for biological factors (prenatal hormones, twin studies, physiological differences etc). Can you explain what you mean by "imprinting"?

choggie (Member Profile)

thinker246 says...

Yeah, because my friend chose to be gay when he had feelings for his male classmates at the age of 7? As if he could even understand it. Just because you can't tell homosexuality by skin color, that doesn't mean people are not born gay.

As a side note, when did you choose to become a heterosexual? And why exactly did you choose that lifestyle?

In reply to this comment by choggie:
"Substitute the word "homosexual" with the word "Negro"

Tired of idgits making this comparison....
born black, not gay.....sorry kids, imprints are a motherfucker....

What's in your sexuality?? It ain't melanin or the lack thereof-

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

choggie says...

"Substitute the word "homosexual" with the word "Negro"

Tired of idgits making this comparison....
born black, not gay.....sorry kids, imprints are a motherfucker....

What's in your sexuality?? It ain't melanin or the lack thereof-

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