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Stop Motion Toy War

McCain attacks Obama over Iran comments

choggie says...

Irishman, they can't help it...between poor parental imprints, public schools, and flavor-of-the-week morality, Americans have been groomed for the last 30 or so years to obey the impulses implanted....they will sign on to Obama's form of watered-down Marxism until after the election, when he ladles it on thick as molasses inna fridgy....witness the beginning of the middle of the end....not about them not voting, it's about them "hoping in change" because the words sound good...same phenom in a way, of women voting for JFK because he was handsome-we're fucked!!

Baby Feeding Distaster!

Ducks Best Friend

Ducks Best Friend

Baby throwing in India

Baby Toss 2008!

choggie says...

EIA for sure-uhhhh, kids are resilient but c'mon man???...this is more about the adult's bullshit than the kids-and think of the imprint.....the child's future is shaped by such trauma-these people need their asses kicked-Fukkin'throwbacks, send em to school for crissakes......

What made you join VideoSift? (Sift Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

I joined to downvote apalling videos, which I still can´t do, and to upvote what I like, thus imprinting my taste, which doesn´t really happen. I remain because you people are funny and have avatars with hats. I mean, really.

Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

choggie says...

Funny you should mention gay and self-hate in the same sentence dag-I have only one thing against homosexuality-lots of the queers I have known, have a large carry-on full of it(as does anyone with perception issues). Others have so much more majorly fucked sensibilities it oozes, and very few are self-actualized, in the sense that they even know themselves well enough to not be either bitter-pills, mean as fuck to straights, or coping affectations ranging from flagrant exhibitionist, to social mole.....

So fuck all, captain planet, yer allowed not to like gay folks as far is goes with me-Plenty of people on this thread are poised to point out another's flaws rather than point the fucking mirror t'wards themselves....

Gay is a combo of the cards yer dealt(genetic/parental), your place in the societal matrix with regard to imprint, and an individual's particular process and perception. There are no facts, there are no models, and there is no one right or wrong attitude, unless one seeks to do unto others, as they would not have others do unto you...

"Yes Billy, even bears can be gay, it happen's all the time." No, in nature, it's the exception rather than the rule, and HELLOO!!??? Human's have a more complex brain, and a thing called, "Self-conscious Awareness."
always gonna be a moron, (or a so-called, "EXPERT") who uses the, "Animals are gay too." argument No, only humans are gay, but we can all stick things in places they we're not intended, and by all means, be my guest.

I do love transvestites......

Sharia fiasco

choggie says...

Like most tomes of information, most religious texts do contain some pretty solid truth. The biggest beef lies from this vantage point, with people's apparatus being an amalgam of imprint and poor habits, which render them incapable of deriving meaning from datum. (Duuuhhhh, some folks kin read a book and derive no real meaning from it, save the reality of subjective/selective conclusions via filtration through their corrupted hard-drives.....)

Like I have always maintained with the atheist's baby-out-with-the-bathwater tunnel realities.
The Bible, The Koran,Zoroastrian-Gnostic-Hindu-Jainist-Sufi-texts, Urantia, Crowleyan, Sikh, Shinto,Tibetan and Zen.....take yer pick, it's up to the discerning reader, to find the gold-Oh, what?? You think that universal truths are simply handed out like a fucking wine and wafer???!! Think again, monkey boy!!!

Least helpful/ Most hated comments. (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

really man, I can't stand the comment voting either, because if I really like or despise what someone had to say, I pm them, perhaps start another conversation, oh, and few folks I chit-chat with regularly, kinna just like in the real world.....

The only reason I upvote a comment, is because i am a robot like the rest of ya....gonna start ignoring those little arrows, they really do serve no purpose, save a little ego-stroking, or passive-aggressive poking.

Thanks for the clear-light there MINK....I knew I had a reason for the disgust I feel every time I up or down vote a comment.....

Pulpit-speaking equals, eh rottenseed? Interesting concept. Preacher is also a member of the church, eh?....some folks were imprinted to be obnoxious...we can't help it.

Bullying PSA

calvados says...

^winkler: Aw, none of my perps ever became celebrities AFAIK

I can totally relate to being all freaked out when the time came to fight back, btw. I knew I was about to do it and I've probably never pumped as much adrenaline at as that moment. I was walking down the hallway towards them all tense and wooden and I felt something like fear although I don't know if it was -- I mean I wasn't afraid of getting hit (haha, nope, too accustomed to that), or of sending them to hospital because I was sure I wouldn't do that much damage, or getting punished. Maybe I was just freaking out because I knew that everything was about to change and that I was about to be the one to make it happen.

It wasn't even as if I never knew how to scrap; the first time I can ever remember getting pushed around (Patrick M., Grade 3, recess, it was winter) I was startled but I pushed back and then he was on the ground and I was sitting on him. I socked him a few times in the chest, too, although he was wearing a fat parka which I'm sure absorbed almost all of my punches, and then I let him up. I was bewildered and angered by the incident, and he didn't touch me again. So that was the first time it ever happened, but then I went home after school, Mom asked how my day was, I told her in detail about the scrap, and she was all "You did WHAT?! Don't you ever, EVER hit somebody ever again!!"

I got more than one talking-to like that in the future, including the time that she said I'd be crossing her+Dad+God if I ever hit back. That kind of thing sticks with you when you're a kid, especially a God-fearing kid who really wants to be good and obedient to his folks -- and maybe that's part of what felt like fear when I was walking up to my perps, knowing I was about to give them a dose; there was part of me that felt like I was about to do wrong. The imprint was a deep one.

Now, of course, I'm pretty sure that God did not prefer me to eat knuckle sandwiches for a couple years rather than return fire promptly. Parents and future parents: once again, be careful what you say to your kids.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

gwiz665 says...

"Punching Scott Adams in the groin seems to be the point of the entire game."
I thought the gameplay consisted mainly of second life vs. you own balls. I certainly feel like there's a foot-imprint on my scrotum after trying it, but then I was spoiled be highclass games such as pong and ms. pacman.

Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

choggie says...

Look hard for that 70%, most self-proclaimed Christians, have not the first clue of their own spirituality.....

Fielding the question from a mob-rules standpoint, the issue of gay marriage put to U.S. states had the majority voting a resounding NO. The majority in societies throughout history that we know of, the same, if it was EVER put to a vote. Anything goes, yes, in societies headed the way of decay, and ruin, which...HELLO, anyone take a good look lately, at the retrograde paradigm?

The demographics of gay to straight, are one of many barometers we as a societal species have to gauge our so-called progress or digress. Does the reader perhaps notice, that we do not buy the bill of goods, that imprints, parents, and sensibilities, have nothing to do with someone's sexuality?? It is not solely the crap-shoot of genetics that determines a person's predilections-environment plays a major role.

Marriage? Religions decide. The construct has it's roots and origins is a matter of "This establishment reserves the right to refuse", and the homosexual who wants a piece of it, must whine, scream, kick, that much harder-Who said life was easy?

Besides, the argument of what benefits are unavailable to gay couples as opposed to a married couple, is weak-Insurance? Another construct in which people believe what they are told they need to avail themselves of. Tax breaks? Get creative. There are more holes in that system, more easily maneuverable than any, poor me, convince the world that what I demand I deserve-said it before, and will say it again, "Fuck gay marriage." No stranger here to dysfunctional, ego-addicted brats, gay or straight.

Sexism Strength and Dominance:Masculinity in Disney Films

Kreegath says...

It does appear to want to tell us that Disney tries to imprint a very certain kind of appearance and behavior in children, which is much like a conspiracy theory.
It only mentions Disney and does so specifically, misusing dialogue and scenes from various movies and taking them out of context in order to make a predetermined point. This is what I see in this clip.

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