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A real BoneRfied TIT job.

TheGenk says...

Let me chime into this discussion about, let's call it broadly body-modification so it can include piercings, tatoos, surgeries and so on.

My stance is quite simple: If a person, for whatever reason, wants to modify his or her own body, then they should be allowed to do so. It is their body and thus their decision and no one elses. If a person provides said service they can do so as long as they do not harm the person they provide this service to(harm is a bit fuzzy, I know).

In the case of this video, I see no reason why the woman should not be allowed to get the surgery done and why the doctor should not be allowed to perform it. Even though, I, personally, consider her chest more attractive without the added silicone.

It may surprise people to hear such a viewpoint from a guy without any piercings or tatoos (or implants), but that is just because I consider things like that childs play. Those are only aesthetical modifications and I want ones that upgrade bodily functions. If I could get legs that would allow me to jump 10m hight I would get them.

I think @NinjaInHeat's point of view is very close to mine and would agree with me, but I don't quite understand where you @bareboards2 differ, so please elaborate.

A real BoneRfied TIT job.

hpqp says...

Hey, don't give the TSA any ideas, they're gropey enough already.

>> ^marinara:

i bet terrorists are going to smuggle liquid explosives in perfectly shaped breasts now.
seriously. if they confiscate our bottled water, they should confiscate our breast implants

A real BoneRfied TIT job.

A real BoneRfied TIT job.

A real BoneRfied TIT job.

berticus says...

"Breast enhancement surgery benefits women who are unhappy with the size, shape, or form of their breasts. Often times, breast size impacts a womans security with herself and her body. By recontouring the shape, with the help of saline or silicone implants, these women regain their confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to feel sexy, desirable, and good about themselves."

*sigh* I hate our fuckin' species.

Radio Tower collapses in the Netherlands

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^therealblankman:

If you look closely you can see the streams of molten metal from the previously implanted explosives and thermite. Also note that the tower collapses faster than the force of gravity, leading to the inescapable conclusion that evil space aliens created a singularity that sucked the antennae into oblivion.

Operation Martian Freedom to begin within 3 months

Radio Tower collapses in the Netherlands

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^therealblankman:

If you look closely you can see the streams of molten metal from the previously implanted explosives and thermite. Also note that the tower collapses faster than the force of gravity, leading to the inescapable conclusion that evil space aliens created a singularity that sucked the antennae into oblivion.

Nice. years from now when they are still trying to say the 7/15 tower collapse accident. We can point to this post and say, "This is were it all began. No fire has ever brought down a tower! The Aliens must be found and made to tell the Truth. We found carbon in the rubble. Proof that a plasma nuclear milk cow was used."

Radio Tower collapses in the Netherlands

therealblankman says...

If you look closely you can see the streams of molten metal from the previously implanted explosives and thermite. Also note that the tower collapses faster than the force of gravity, leading to the inescapable conclusion that evil space aliens created a singularity that sucked the antennae into oblivion.

Chelsea Charms has the world's biggest breasts (interview)

EMPIRE says...

Any surgeon who consents to do this to a person, should lose their medical license on the spot.
This is unbelievably stupid, and she is obviously an idiot/sick-in-the-head, and these gigantic implants have very serious health risks.

Abortions Currently Not Legally Available in Kansas

bcglorf says...

^Human vs. Human being is just playing on semantics.

My point is the entire debate revolves around what point you consider a fetus to be human in the sense as having the same rights and freedoms as the rest of us. For ease I'll try and refer to that as human being here.

From what you've said it seems before the 2nd trimester, you don't consider the fetus a human being. Is it one from the 2nd trimester on? If so, does it have the same rights and freedoms as other human beings starting then? This would ultimately mean terminating it is covered by laws on murder.

As for basing it on brain development, I dislike that as a reason for it being too fuzzy. There is NO clear line to say right there is the point where the ability for consciousness and feeling pain has developed. We just really don't have a good clear definition of consciousness, let alone the brain development required to achieve it. I still stand that implantation in the womb is the only really clear and firm line to be drawn.

Attractive Bikini-Girl skipping in slow-motion...

Cops Continue to Harass Emily Good

Jerykk says...

Enforcing the law is not an abuse of power. If your car is parked more than 12 inches away from the curb, you're breaking the law. It doesn't matter if it's 12.5 inches or 20 inches. The law's the law. As for selective enforcement, I'm not really sure how else you can enforce the law. There are a finite number of cops and each one can only monitor a very limited area at any given time. They can't monitor everything and everyone unless the government installs optical implants into everyone's head and uses a highly advanced AI to monitor the feeds and filter out criminal activities. Until that happens, the police will have to pick and choose. Is it wrong that they chose to monitor this particular neighborhood? No, not really. It might be inconvenient for those who like to break the law but them's the breaks.

Bottom line is that the cars wouldn't have been ticketed if they had obeyed the law. If you think the law is fundamentally unjust and should never be enforced, write to your favorite politician and voice your opinion. But don't complain when laws are enforced.

The Wangover - part II

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I had this weird conspiracy theory moment - that maybe Weiner was forced to do this stupid thing, because some nefarious organization had some other kind of control over him. (he's an old Soviet mole, implanted subdermal explosives in his wife - something like that).

But then I thought, no - probably just uncontrolled horniness.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

What the fuck were you thinking, Wiener? Are you insane?

E3 2011: Prey 2 - Holy goddamn, Blade Runner, anyone?

NinjaInHeat says...

I see, so after you capture the bounty it gets teleported into the spirit realm and you have to follow it and fight some alien spirits using your spirit auto-cannon and spirit nano-implants. I mean, it's either that or that they decided to dump that whole Navajo-rambo thing they had going on, which seems highly unlikely seeing as it worked so well the first time around.

RELAX, enjoy a 9-minute long ass shaking contest

laura says...

...that would be : "Não se preocupa com minhas mãos, estou simplesmente conduzindo uma investigação científica. Cala boca, vc sabe que gosta."

>> ^UsesProzac:
This needs to be verified. For science. I will volunteer for this dangerous but important mission. Laura, how do I say, "Don't mind my hands, I am simply performing a scientific inquiry." in Portuguese?
>> ^laura:
#21 has butt implants for sure.

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