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A Deaf Woman Who Can Finally Hear Meets Ellen

Hishe: How Jurassic Park Should Have Ended

holymackerel013 says...

>> ^Payback:

Upvote for the pilot of the helo at the end even though I'm not gonna say who it is, cuz, that would be like, a spoiler.

Dumb question, but it's a LOST reference right? "LOLZ!.....she's advanced to some future language!" had me cracking up. Thanks for cluing me onto the "hold on to your butts!" reference; I had no idea what that was all about until I watched a video about cochlear implants and then a video from Jurassic Park that included said "butts" reference.

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

gwiz665 says...

Sweet. Everything is better at 11.
>> ^bamdrew:

Here's the link you lazy bastards.
Not a cochlear implant; its a little bone wobbler for people with screwed up eardrums/bones/muscles in their middle ear.
She probably had mostly working components, and heard stuff very faintly. Now its turned up to 11.
>> ^gwiz665:
This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
body arguably brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

>> ^Lann:
Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.
I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:
Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

bamdrew says...

Here's the link you lazy bastards.

Not a cochlear implant; its a little bone wobbler for people with screwed up eardrums/bones/muscles in their middle ear.

She probably had mostly working components, and heard stuff very faintly. Now its turned up to 11.

>> ^gwiz665:

This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
body arguably brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

>> ^Lann:

Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.
I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:
Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'hearing, deaf, happy, sound, implant' to 'hearing, impaired, deaf, happy, sound, implant' - edited by calvados

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

rottenseed says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^rottenseed:
Did your new robot legs come in yet? Those will be SWEET!>> ^ant:
Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

No. When is it supposed to come in? I didn't know it was coming to me as a free gift/present.

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

ant jokingly says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Did your new robot legs come in yet? Those will be SWEET!>> ^ant:
Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

No. When is it supposed to come in? I didn't know it was coming to me as a free gift/present.

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

rottenseed says...

Did your new robot legs come in yet? Those will be SWEET!>> ^ant:

Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

gwiz665 says...

This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
*body arguably * brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

WaterDweller says...

From the YT comments: “I had an implant put in 8 weeks ago called The Esteem Implant by Envoy Medical. I was born deaf and have worn hearing aids from the age of 2, but hearing aids only help so much. I have gotten by this long in life by reading lips. This was taken as they were activating the implant.”

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

ant says...

Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

Future of Motion Control Gaming

mizila says...

>> ^westy:

probably the future of gaming but not using a projector , it would use augmented reality on vr glasses/contacts/headset , the tek already exists just need better vr glasses really.
saying that thought it was a realy good video clip I do however feel he missed an opportunity to do something that was likely/realistic.
visually i thought it was pretty cool and easy for people to understand and i'm sure that's what his main proities were

Yeah, I had basically that exact idea bout 10 years ago. Then I realized you can't just 'invent' things that use technology that doesn't exist yet.

Augmented reality glasses are going to be a huge deal when they finally get it right. And then it's just a couple of years until they start implanting that shit in your eye and we all have personalized HUD's

Then next thing you know you can't tell what's real if 'they' don't want you to. Like people going all Laughing Man from Ghost in the Shell.

A real BoneRfied TIT job.

NinjaInHeat jokingly says...

We don't. At first she was all "damn, that shit's nasty yo, like, illegally nasty yo", and I was like "it ain't illegally nasty yo" and she was all like "tru dat, tru dat, but nasty yo" then I was all "word, some nasty shit yo".

But to be fair I'm only siding with the doctor to make myself feel comfortable with the extensive surgical aesthetic modifications I'm considering for my genitalia.

>> ^TheGenk:

Let me chime into this discussion about, let's call it broadly body-modification so it can include piercings, tatoos, surgeries and so on.
My stance is quite simple: If a person, for whatever reason, wants to modify his or her own body, then they should be allowed to do so. It is their body and thus their decision and no one elses. If a person provides said service they can do so as long as they do not harm the person they provide this service to(harm is a bit fuzzy, I know).
In the case of this video, I see no reason why the woman should not be allowed to get the surgery done and why the doctor should not be allowed to perform it. Even though, I, personally, consider her chest more attractive without the added silicone.
It may surprise people to hear such a viewpoint from a guy without any piercings or tatoos (or implants), but that is just because I consider things like that childs play. Those are only aesthetical modifications and I want ones that upgrade bodily functions. If I could get legs that would allow me to jump 10m hight I would get them.
I think @NinjaInHeat's point of view is very close to mine and would agree with me, but I don't quite understand where you @bareboards2 differ, so please elaborate.

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