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Huge chunks of ice fall from 1600 foot TV tower

5 year old bags 445 pound bear

Farhad2000 says...

I read this story and it just felt all kinds of wrong, I mean his dad actually teared when his son killed a bear with a rifle, you give a long range weapon to anyone and they can kill a bear...

Had he tracked, stalked and impaled the bear with a hunting spear I would have been impressed.

James Roe (Member Profile)

Webcargo saves asses

Baby porcupine has hiccups!

Beef Curtains Served With Man Sandwich and Cream Pie

malakai says...

Boar with sword i reckon would be Pork Sword. I like "Impaled by the pork sword" but not sure it refers to that!

Ball in the corner pocket i think would be more like "round the pink to pot the brown" or "round the pink into the stink"

The red paint i know what it's talking about, but i dont know what the exact phrase is they use. I call it "blood sports".

"Quickest way to the bell end is up the dirt track" Guessing that refers to the geesh (however you spell it)

The Watch one i'm trying to figure out, same with the poodle one.

I do like this video though!

Most Evil Men in History: Vlad the Impaler

firefly says...

Thanks Sc!
Part 1 deals mainly with the introduction and Vlad's family background
Part 2 details Vlad's gruesome torture and impaling methods, (including the execution of a Polish noble) and describes the battle details against the Turks
Part 3 describes Vlad's end

Two Trains Hit Head On

derbyducks says...

The train with video camera on board ran the red signal on account of the signal going back to red as the train approached it... as the engineer was not expecting the signal to go back in front of his train it takes time to react and.. (as we see...) for the train to stop..

The reason signal was at red was because the other train (the train this train collides with) ran a red signal and because of this that will automatically put the first signal we see back to red to prevent an accident... unfortunately the first train did not stop in time and appears to clip the leading locomotive of the second stationary train...

(it's very difficult to stop a train.. when the engineer has done all he can.. he's just along for the ride... having no control of the train.. he's basically deciding when is the best time jump clear... hoping that he does not impale himself on any lineside equipment or wrap himself round a signal post..)

the train with the video camera on board had the right of way.. hence the position of the switch and the signal before the switch... the second train caused the accident...

I hope this clears up any misunderstanding...


When Magic Tricks Go Wrong

Worst Movie Scene in the History of Mankind

Fletch says...

Title is same as original on YouTube. I'm sure there are worse scenes out there. Here's the original description accompanying the video on YouTube:

This is real acting. Not to mention courageous writing. This writer doesn't bog his actors down with false eloquence, he knows that when people love each other the way these two obviously do, our vocabulary breaks down, and we're often reduced to yelling "get out, get out" repeatedly. And none of us likes to be touched when we're in such a state. "Don't touch me, don't touch me" grows in power with each successive utterance, until it reaches maximum density, becoming a black hole of primal emotions.

Note the symbolism. The boyfriend is wearing a red shirt, taunting his woman, who has been reduced to a raging bull, using her horns (the left horn is "get out" and the other horn is "don't touch me") to impale him into a figurative sort of death, his leaving the apartment representing his departure from her world into the afterlife. This is sensational writing.

And right before this scene, we see Emmanuelle standing before the world's 4th largest Jesus statue, not really praying so much as just rambling to herself in her perfect English voice. Did the spirit of Jesus help her? Was she infused with his Jewish wisdom? Think about it, what were Jesus' last word? Considering that he was crucified, it's not unreasonable to imagine that his last words might have been "don't touch me, don't touch me," the exact words Emmanuelle says. With a lesser talent, you just dismiss such connections, but with a director such as this, anything is possible.

Studies have shown that the colors yellow and red make people eat more. That's why every fast food company uses these colors in their logos, signs, and interiors. This director manipulates us in the same way, adorning his two leads with these colors, making us hungry for more of these kind of scenes that make similar scenes in movies such as A Streetcar Named Desire look like an infomercial by comparison.

My only minor gripe is that I felt this scene could have been longer.

Anime Sequence from Kill Bill


choggie says...

....another embarrasing moment for caucasions everywhere(second time today I felt impaled to say this.

What is it with white folks talkin' like urban, gang-bangers??? Don't they know they will suffer much more embarrassment looking back than sayyyyy, a bad yearbook hairdoo?

Tornado Forms Live On Local TV Station in Oklahoma

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