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eric3579 (Member Profile)

Reactions to Meteorologist That Was Told To Cover Up On Air

gorillaman says...

Isn't the implication of this comment that it would be acceptable to order her to cover up if she was wearing something that WE found inappropriate? It seems to me that a lot of the people who'll join the outrage on this one would behave exactly the same if their personal foibles were tweaked.

No, amidst the usual directionless YT rambling, Ananana said it right: I'll wear what I want and fuck you if you don't like it.

newtboy said:

Who the hell thought that was inappropriate? Why? Because it showed shoulders? There was no cleavage, no midriff, no upper thigh, no ass hanging out...what could they possibly be complaining about?

The Doors ~ The End (Uncensored)

shang says...

this is the censored version, not the uncensored.

at 7:18 in this version he says "Father. Yes son. I want to kill you. Mother.....I want *SCREAM*"

the real uncensored version you can find searching youtube for Doors The end Live.

in the uncensored version recorded in a live performance he says "Father. Yes son. I want to kill you...Mother.... I want to fuck you!"

someone mislabeled this video on youtube, cause this is the radio censored version.

I Wanna F*ck You (Van Kooten en De Bie)

I Wanna F*ck You (Van Kooten en De Bie)

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I Wanna F*ck You (Van Kooten en De Bie)

I Wanna F*ck You (Van Kooten en De Bie)

Then I See His Penis Out!

peggedbea says...

"cool women" put up with being groped and having someone rub their genitals into their back? fucking really?????

i guess "super awesome cool women" let you rape them all you want too. i guess only "cool" bitches know that men are desperate and have a right to sexual gratification on their terms, and to publicly contradict that makes you an attention seeking banshee. fuck you.

i've also worked in the medical field for a long time and have had several men expose themselves to me, almost all of them not in their right minds at the time. and i passed it off as a patient care issue, i'm not going to press charges on an old man with Alzheimer's, out of his gord on medication, attempting to masturbate in front of me while i do my job. but random creep rubbing his dick on my back on a train is totally different.

>> ^coolhund:

Other women would have laughed at him or ignored it since even the police wont stop them from doing it. Cool women that is. But I guess theres always some unworldly banshee that has to crave for attention.
My mother worked as a nurse and you wouldnt believe how many men say something like "touch my penis", "I want to fuck you now", "please suck my cock", or suddenly stand naked with a boner in front of nurses, etc. None of them ever get physical. Women should actually know how desperate men are, unless they have huge problems with men.

Then I See His Penis Out!

coolhund says...

Other women would have laughed at him or ignored it since even the police wont stop them from doing it. Cool women that is. But I guess theres always some unworldly banshee that has to crave for attention.

My mother worked as a nurse and you wouldnt believe how many men say something like "touch my penis", "I want to fuck you now", "please suck my cock", or suddenly stand naked with a boner in front of nurses, etc. None of them ever get physical. Women should actually know how desperate men are, unless they have huge problems with men.

"We Have Had Enough Of Police Brutality We Will Fight Back."

Lawdeedaw says...

"I did not post this because I condone his actions in any way, but hopefully cops will start thinking twice from now on before they start beating on people, etc. which there seems to be a lot of going on these days."

No, cops wont start thinking differently. You hope something good happens from this horrible action... Perhaps I infer to much---like you did when you thought I called you stupid. For that I will apologize, because I was, apparently, not clear enough. I don't even ask that of you friend Duckman, I just want the fuck you taken back. Harsh for a misunderstanding...

Remember, we should never hope that something good comes from tragedy. We should hope good happens from good. Sadly, it takes a plane to crash, 120 people to die horribly, and 1 to live to say, "What a miracle."

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Things have already been/are being done to stop police brutality, from cameras, to permanent records, to zero-tolerance. Also, police are now being charged with cases of abuse.
I find it funny that there is hardly any outrage when a father smashes his baby's skull, yet he is in authority even higher than the police. He is the father. It is far worse abuse, but it is just a freak rage episode and dissapears in a matter of days (After he is arrested.) But police? Even one minor incident? It creates a way of life for people that last forever.
When I see a cop, I tell my daughters that he/she is a man/woman you can run to if you get lost. Most parents joke, "I'm going to have you arrested by that man!" Yes, it's joking, but the culture does its damage even subtly. Kids fear cops... This discrimination is everywhere you look...
Either way, "I did not post this because I condone his actions in any way, but hopefully cops will start thinking twice from now on before they start beating on people, etc. which there seems to be a lot of going on these days," this was an incredibly stupid post. Should we rape women because they dress slutty---so they won't dress slutty anymore? The comparison is equally ludicrous because both are missing a vital point. YOU CANNOT SHOOT YOUR WAY TO PEACE ANYMORE THAN YOU CAN RAPE YOUR WAY TO CONSERVATIVE.
You wanna change something? Get out there and become an activist to change the laws governing the law. Make it a felony or worse for a cop to abuse a civilian. Or, better, hug a cop and tell him what a great job he is doing when he is being nice.

WTF are you talking about? I'm "incredibly stupid" because I don't condone his actions, but hope this incident helps other cops to think before they react in a way that will not only cost them their jobs, but more than likely ruin their careers for life? Or in this case cost them their life because of some fucked up vigilante?
You know what? Your entire rant is "incredibly stupid". Fuck you. And the horse you rode in on.

No, I said the idea that punishing certain groups of people (Cops or anyone else for that matter,) with violence will not make them resolve to be better people. That opinion is stupid. You are not stupid yourself. However, we are all entitled to assine opinions (Me included,) that make no sense whatsoever. It is just, when confronted, we must admit they make no sense and move on...
Duckman you get my respect, just not this opinion. Take back the fuck me part at least...
I just want to point out you cannot rape a woman into decency anymore than shooting a cop into decency.

When you can show me exactly where I said ANYTHING about shooting people being a great way to solve problems, I'll take it back. Until then, it stands. I was pretty sure I made myself clear on where I stood on the issue with my first sentence.

Korea fails at being subtle

Mandtis says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I know you'll all just call me gay, but this reached some other kind of uncanny valley with me. This made me feel almost disgusted and put off with the "i just want to fuck you" and her thrusting her pelvis around. It was almost like i was thinking about the amount of people she was announcing that to and the ocean of semen she was swishing around every time she moved her hips. Euch. Total turn off.
Oh, in before "i'll go to her uncanny valley!"

Thanks a lot, I had nothing better to think of than "oceans of semen"...

Korea fails at being subtle

dannym3141 says...

I know you'll all just call me gay, but this reached some other kind of uncanny valley with me. This made me feel almost disgusted and put off with the "i just want to fuck you" and her thrusting her pelvis around. It was almost like i was thinking about the amount of people she was announcing that to and the ocean of semen she was swishing around every time she moved her hips. Euch. Total turn off.

Oh, in before "i'll go to her uncanny valley!"

Korea fails at being subtle

mentality says...

>> ^Kerotan:
>> No ever said it was less subtle than those, but for generic pop, this is pretty bad.

"haha, yeah. Working in your second language it's easy to go from hip to completely inappropriate. " - Gabe_b

My post was in response to the view that working in a foreign language allows you to be less subtle with your lyrics. Popular songs, like Akon - "I Wanna Fuck You" have no trouble being just as vulgar and inappropriate using the audience's native language. In fact, saying "I want to fuck you" in english in Korea is more subtle, as it may not carry the same level of negative connotations to a Korean.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

rottenseed says...

Is my sandwich ready?>> ^peggedbea:
there is no feminist conspiracy, i promise. and its not a matter of "getting off on it" it's a matter of broad generalizations about the way people are enculturated and things that are social occurrences. they just are.
and if you ask, you offer to pay. it's the same rule when i ask my female friends out to lunch; i ask, i offer to pay.
i have a really good friend, we met like 9 years ago and dated briefly. he even did the "open the car door thing" and i thought it was way over the top and he was trying way too hard, but something about it seemed oddly sincere so i didn't bust his balls for it right away. but 9 years later and all romantic interest crushed dead, he still opens my car doors and usually pays when go out, even for my kids, except for the times he's been unemployed and i paid for everything, or in cases where i get to the check first (which i try to do a lot). no one is getting off on it, no one is trying to get laid, it's just the way he shows respect and appreciation and love. i'm glad i never called him out for what i thought was a douchebag move, because he wasn't saying "i want to manipulate you into fucking me" he was actually saying "i respect and appreciate you" (but yeah, in most cases if you go so far as too open my car door, i might think you're trying too hard and be annoyed by it)
the point is these things are cultural symbols. they exist. opening a door for someone doesn't have to mean "i want to fuck you" or "you're a pitiful weak female and can't do this for yourself". it's just body language and it usually means "i acknowledge you're going through this door next and respect you enough as human to not let it slam in your face" and if you're so socially detached and cynical that you don't understand that, then no, i probably don't want to date you. but all things become subjective, of course. i usually like shy nerds, and i am usually friends with them first, and then i usually just tell them. but it's not like i've never been asked out first, and i pay attention to body language and signals and social cues. because they exist and say a lot about a person. and maybe it's because i was raised by men, or raised in the south, but courtesy and respect and general politeness are important. and our culture says these things show respect and courtesy. we don't go along telling people we respect them verbally, we open doors and want to share meals and help our neighbors.
and as far as blankfist's encounter with these bitches, some people are shameful and rude. some women are pampered spoiled bitches who think its okay to let his presence on the sidewalk go ignored. and that's wrong.

>> ^imstellar28:
What else can "getting out of a ladies way" be if not chivalry? Chivalry was killed in the mainstream when feminists started complaining about it. It still exists in small circles where and when it can be used as a tool for sexual conquest (as it always was)..i.e. when a guy is after a girl who gets off on "a guy who opens doors for me or picks up the check or has good manners"
The problem in this situation is these women think all men want to court them at all times...hence the pompous sense of entitlement and selfish attitude they project towards men. I'd put them in the same group as the feminists who complain about guys opening doors for them - the "people I don't want to date" group.
>> ^peggedbea:
what remains of it, for the most part, is part of the courting ritual.
i'm sorry you have bitchy, attractive, spoiled neighbors. but chivalry and feminism aren't the issue.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

there is no feminist conspiracy, i promise. and its not a matter of "getting off on it" it's a matter of broad generalizations about the way people are enculturated and things that are social occurrences. they just are.

and if you ask, you offer to pay. it's the same rule when i ask my female friends out to lunch; i ask, i offer to pay.

i have a really good friend, we met like 9 years ago and dated briefly. he even did the "open the car door thing" and i thought it was way over the top and he was trying way too hard, but something about it seemed oddly sincere so i didn't bust his balls for it right away. but 9 years later and all romantic interest crushed dead, he still opens my car doors and usually pays when go out, even for my kids, except for the times he's been unemployed and i paid for everything, or in cases where i get to the check first (which i try to do a lot). no one is getting off on it, no one is trying to get laid, it's just the way he shows respect and appreciation and love. i'm glad i never called him out for what i thought was a douchebag move, because he wasn't saying "i want to manipulate you into fucking me" he was actually saying "i respect and appreciate you" (but yeah, in most cases if you go so far as too open my car door, i might think you're trying too hard and be annoyed by it)

the point is these things are cultural symbols. they exist. opening a door for someone doesn't have to mean "i want to fuck you" or "you're a pitiful weak female and can't do this for yourself". it's just body language and it usually means "i acknowledge you're going through this door next and respect you enough as human to not let it slam in your face" and if you're so socially detached and cynical that you don't understand that, then no, i probably don't want to date you. but all things become subjective, of course. i usually like shy nerds, and i am usually friends with them first, and then i usually just tell them. but it's not like i've never been asked out first, and i pay attention to body language and signals and social cues. because they exist and say a lot about a person. and maybe it's because i was raised by men, or raised in the south, but courtesy and respect and general politeness are important. and our culture says these things show respect and courtesy. we don't go along telling people we respect them verbally, we open doors and want to share meals and help our neighbors.

and as far as blankfist's encounter with these bitches, some people are shameful and rude. some women are pampered spoiled bitches who think its okay to let his presence on the sidewalk go ignored. and that's wrong.

>> ^imstellar28:
What else can "getting out of a ladies way" be if not chivalry? Chivalry was killed in the mainstream when feminists started complaining about it. It still exists in small circles where and when it can be used as a tool for sexual conquest (as it always was)..i.e. when a guy is after a girl who gets off on "a guy who opens doors for me or picks up the check or has good manners"
The problem in this situation is these women think all men want to court them at all times...hence the pompous sense of entitlement and selfish attitude they project towards men. I'd put them in the same group as the feminists who complain about guys opening doors for them - the "people I don't want to date" group.
>> ^peggedbea:
what remains of it, for the most part, is part of the courting ritual.
i'm sorry you have bitchy, attractive, spoiled neighbors. but chivalry and feminism aren't the issue.

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