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Peter O'Toole ~ R. I. P. ~ 1932–2013

TDS: Minimum wage hike and the Pope denouncing Trickle Down

xxovercastxx says...

This is where my thoughts immediately went -- maybe $15/hr sounds so high because we're so far behind the inflation curve -- but I wasn't sure, so I pulled up this list of historic minimum wages and this inflation calculator and started doing some conversions.

1950: $0.75 = $7.30 today
1960: $1.00 = $7.81 today
1970: $1.60 = $9.74 today
> 1978: $2.65 = $9.80 today -- @enoch: How are you getting $22?
1980: $3.10 = $9.28 today
1990: $3.80 = $6.92 today
2000: $5.15 = $7.03 today
2010: $7.25 - $7.71 today

@Yogi is probably right; These people are probably asking for $15 and hoping for $10 (and $10 seems reasonable based on historic rates above).

Cranking up minimum wage much higher than that might be treating the symptoms rather than the sickness. Entry level jobs not paying enough is not the root cause; the root cause is that people are trapped in entry level careers. By all means, bump minimum wage up to $10, maybe $12 an hour, but then start taking action so that, when inflation catches up to those rates, there's more job mobility.

VoodooV said:

This is what happens when employers refuse to raise wages to match inflation.

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

When the old world crashes into new...

Dial Up Modem Handshake Sound - Spectrogram

RFlagg says...

The handshake includes the baud rate of the modem being called (well both really, but it starts on the one being called). I know the sound changed depending on which modem I used (I don't recall if it changed much from which BBS I called, as it was too long ago to remember that much detail).

The initial sequence is this (as best as I understand it):

1) The calling modem waits for an answer, the called modem (Answer) will send a carrier telling the calling modem it is ready and the calling modem sends a carrier back. Note, sometimes the Answer may send a few just in case the Caller doesn't understand the first one for some reason. In theory that should prevent a Caller from sending signals to voice line, in practice the Caller gets impatient and tries to start the call itself...

2) The Answer will send all the rates it knows. The Caller will respond in kind. They agree which rate to use, and line quality might make for even odder rates...

Here's a link to describe it, look at Once again: Making a connection,

coolhund said:

Since when was the handshake ever affected by the modems baudrate? That would have made it impossible for different modems to connect to each other.

India has successfully launched a rocket to Mars

The process of building steam locomotives in 1935

Mesmerizing Timelapse of Chicago

Volume UP....the sound of a golf ball hitting skull

Scrapple - Food Straight From Heaven

6-Year Old Girl with Schizophrenia

Would The World Be A Better Place Without Hitler?

rex84 says...

A great question. Can't vouch for the accuracy on this page, but it presents some interesting facts re: that and other topics related to a Nazi atomic bomb.

radx said:

A disturbing idea for sure.

I know it's just a very visual illustration of how history might not change for the better if key elements are changed, but just to expand on his little thought experiment...

They wouldn't have had access to the neccessary raw material, would they? Pretty much every sort of metal alloy was in short supply even during the late '30s. The occupation of Narvik brought some relief, but still, a nuclear weapons program requires some pretty exotic material that you can't get at Tesco.

Tipping Servers $200

AVGN Episode 113: Tiger Electronic Games

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