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TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

Why didn't Lincoln buy the slaves before the war starts?

In his own words: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” ~Lincoln
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.” ~Lincoln

He went to war to prevent secession, not to free the slaves. He was not looking for peaceful solutions to end slavery. And yes, most taxes the Federal government collected at the time came from the South. Coincidence?

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

A Minority View by Walter Williams:
"The Emancipation Proclamation was not a universal declaration. It detailed where slaves were freed, only in those states “in rebellion against the United States.” Slaves remained slaves in states not in rebellion — such as Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. The hypocrisy of the Emancipation Proclamation came in for heavy criticism. Lincoln’s own secretary of state, William Seward, said, “We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free.”"

And in Lincoln's own words:
“I view the matter (Emancipation Proclamation) as a practical war measure, to be decided upon according to the advantages or disadvantages it may offer to the suppression of the rebellion.” He also wrote: “I will also concede that emancipation would help us in Europe, and convince them that we are incited by something more than ambition.”

The idea of buying the slaves possibly did not take root because Lincoln didn't really care about freeing the slaves, he cared about preserving the union, in his own words, and buying the slaves would not stop secession at that point.

Mormons Declare War on Masturbation

walle says...

Oh...and no shorts or flip-flops on campus.

"Standard #1: Shorts and Flip Flops

The most frequent question I get about the Honor Code at BYU–Idaho is our standard on shorts and flip-flops. We ask you not to wear shorts or capris on campus, including when you are walking to and from the Hart Building or the fields to work out. The same thing is true of flip-flops. They may be appropriate in other places, but not on campus."

Why are girls crazy? and motion induced blindness

Chris Hayes takes on Obama's addiction to oil (Keystone XL)

ChaosEngine says...

Everything you've written is wrong.
What happened to the last ice age
The effect of the sun

And you're damn right consensus is not science. So when you and your idiot denier mates all gang together to see who can shout the loudest, it doesn't make a goddamn gram of difference to the science.

Meanwhile, science is peer review. Note that word "peer". That means that the science is reviewed by other experts in the field. Not by you, me, fox news, greenpeace or the koch brothers. And the people who understand the science? They all agree with it.

lantern53 said:

There used to be glaciers covering most of the US, what happened to them? fossil fuel use?
Temperatures are a function of the sun more than anything else. Remember, consensus is not science.

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

SDGundamX says...

Sorry, I'm unclear why you are comparing killing a few hundred dolphins a year to killing the buffalo (which were slaughtered by the millions). I already said the international community should intervene if there was any threat to the continuation of the species by the hunting and no such threat has been shown. And livestock raising is as much of an ecological threat (see this U.N. report) if not more so than overfishing, seeing as it is directly tied to global warming.

I'm curious where you got the facts on Japanese cuisine? I'm also curious what you think the Japanese people should eat if not fish? Before replying, please read this incredibly well-researched essay about the state of food consumption and production in Japan. You'll also want to read this article about the state of maritime fishing which shows that Japan is not nearly as much of a culprit as you seem to be implying--many countries around the world rely on maritime fishing to feed their people--and that by properly managing fishing hauls sustainability can indeed be maintained. In Japan's case especially, because the population (and hence demand for food) will continue to decrease over the next 50 years.

I suspect you are not basing your opinions about Japan off of the evidence. Perhaps you read the articles about blue-fin tuna consumption (Japanese consume 80% of all blue-fin tuna caught and stocks are hitting dangerously low levels), in which case you definitely have an argument against consuming that particular fish but it seems a bit odd to extend that argument to say Japanese people should not be eating fish or that they somehow don't care about the environment.

Sagemind said:

My complaint is the over fishing of the waters, not just in their areas, but in International waters as well. Everyone else has agreed to slow or stop certain types of fishing but the Japanese just walk in and scoop everything up , with a "more for us attitude."

And fishing / killing animals that were bread for food stocks is much different than killing wild animals en mass, intelligent or otherwise. Remember the Buffalo? I would be just as put off if Canadians, rounded up hundreds of Caribou into herds and outright slaughtered them as well, humanly, inhumanly or otherwise.

I believe the Japanese have not solved the "feed it's population" problem, because it relies to much on the over fishing of the oceans. They are having to travel further and further out to catch enough fish to feed their population. So, it's unfortunate, but a slowly spiraling population is not all bad in an over populated area that cannot sustain that population.

I love that they use so much from the sea, I love Japanese food. I just wish they would have a better consideration for the environment. The oceans, although filled with food, is not a viable and sustainable source for food in the long run. They can't even begin to monitor the ecological damage they are doing.

Silicon Valley fights to keep its tax loopholes

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

Trancecoach says...


You may not have said that people lack self-control, but the article you posted indicated as much; that when it comes to food portions, people have difficulty curbing their appetites, and it's simply not true -- and it's seems like a facile excuse for not taking responsibility for oneself.

No one I know who actually wants to lose weight "eats less and exercises" (and I would add "eat healthfully" to that, as well). In fact, I don't know anyone who eats healthfully and exercises regularly and appropriately who is "overweight." (If you know anyone, feel free to put them in touch with me.)

I don't want to get all technical here, but obviously someone who has moldy intestines, "leaky gut," fatty liver, and the resulting blood sugar imbalances may have a difficult time losing weight. And, by no means do I think eating McDonald's is a good idea for any health-conscious person, but individuals need to take some responsibility for educating themselves about their own health. This isn't McDonalds' responsibility.

And yeah, the low fat craze was a bad idea (as I frequently pointed out to many in the 90's), but that's what you get when you trust certain "authorities" to tell you what to do and how to live (especially when it comes from the government and its cronies at the AMA).

If you eat healthfully, your body will tell you when to eat and when to stop. Only a messed up metabolism encourages overeating. For example, the insulin-adrenailne roller-coaster will, of course, have an effect on a person's capacities for immediate self-control. This is why people who binge tend to do so on sweets, wheat, and other no-so-great "foods." Do you know anyone who binges on broccoli? I do not.

So I agree that you need knowledge of what to eat, and this is something that often varies from person to person as we all have different biochemistries, but there are common elements to what more likely agrees with most everyone's health.

(Disclaimer: I am not giving medical advice here, as I have not been licensed by the medical "authorities" to misinform you, but in case you want to know more about the reasons for obesity, I encourage you to check this out for more information:

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

RedSky says...


It wasn't a clinical study, I think the point was merely to show that it was possible for a overweight, borderline obese man to eat only MCD menu items, be satiated and maintain the calorific deficit needed to gradually lose weight, provided basic exercise was maintained.

I don't think the point was to stress that changing to MCD made his diet better (in that case adding exercise is obviously cheating), just to show that it is possible to lose weight and eat MCD.

Taking this as a reference for calorie burned:

45 mins walking is about 300 calories burned. Considering that teaching is primarily a pretty sedentary job (outside of class), that's only freeing up an extra 15% of your roughly daily intake needs of 2000 calories.

Not huge. I think the main takeaway here is, junk food or not, if your goal is losing weight (ignoring long term health complications), then it's all about portion control.


As above, I think this is the main issue. I usually want half the portion that take away food outlets offer. Pricing structure then distorts the cost of the smallest size to make the larger 'value meal' much more attractive. One reason why I tend to prefer sashimi eat outs.

Joe Rogan: What is life?

Eric Whitacre: Virtual Choir Live

oritteropo says...

Water Night

Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night,
night with eyes of water in the field asleep
is in your eyes, a horse that trembles,
is in your eyes of secret water.

Eyes of shadow-water,
eyes of well-water,
eyes of dream-water.

Silence and solitude,
two little animals moon-led,
drink in your eyes,
drink in those waters.

If you open your eyes,
night opens, doors of musk,
the secret kingdom of the water opens
flowing from the center of night.

And if you close your eyes,
a river fills you from within,
flows forward, darkens you:
night brings its wetness to beaches in your soul.

Octavio Paz, 1914-1998
(Adapted by Eric Whitacre, Translation by Muriel Rukeyser)

Based on the extremely cool Agua nocturna.

Top Gear: Fox hunt (Clarkson as the fox)

Life Size Lego Car Powered by Air

oritteropo says...

I don't actually know, but I assume there is a cylinder of compressed air somewhere running the engine... this doesn't really make it useless, although the practicality of air cars in general is... well... usually limited:

Shepppard said:

I'd really like to know what "Powered by air" means?

Is it pressurized air? if it is, then the engine is totally useless, and is only there for show because the compressed air is doing all the work.

Or is the engine somehow pushing air through it in a pneumatic system to move the car, but that would likely require a form of electricity to do, thus making it not powered by air, but moved with air.

5 Gun Myths We Believe b/c of Movies

Drachen_Jager says...

Not with a 3 lug silencer.

Not without their drawbacks, but they can be installed with a quarter turn.

You can buy one here to mount to your silencer for $150

newtboy said:

What they missed is the idea that you can install a 'silencer' with 3/4 turn in 1/4 of a second. A real 'silencer' that's removable (really called a suppressor, because that's what they do) will have fine machine threads and need 5-10 full turns to be seated. Most movie 'silencers' would fly off with the first shot, silencing nothing and probably damaging the gun.

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