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Deep Into The Wild - Penguin Prostitution

westy says...

62 stones what a rip off , its under £5 for a shag where i live and you get extras thrown in for free , Herpies, HIV, Golarrea , Crabs Its a Lucky dip the happy meal of sex.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

bcglorf says...

When I asked for evidence I wasn't asking for a link to some website.

The examples on the website I gave you are connected to real world court cases against the CoS. You don't get to wish them away be refusing to recognize their existence.

It's just something I'm concerned with while I study actual genocides and actual torment of people making the clothes that you're wearing right now. That's not a concern for you...


Genocides abroad are my concern. I have family members that've risked their lives overseas to prevent genocides abroad. I have friends in my community who are in my community for the express purpose of escaping those genocides abroad. You can stop your ludicrous line of superiority and guilt right there, thank you very much.

yet some people...voluntarily choosing to not see their families (if it was forced you could call the cops) isn't a concern for me when placed against the backdrop of actual horror.

I understood that the first time you said it, and each time you've repeated it. Let me try and reject it more clearly for you:
Domestic problems are not an excuse to ignore foreign problems.
Foreign problems are not an excuse to ignore domestic problems.
Huge problems are not an excuse to ignore smaller problems.
Smaller problems are not an excuse to ignore larger problems.

Scientology IS a problem, and it's not just a small one. Just because genocides are a bigger problem, doesn't change the fact that Scientology is still a problem.

Scientology is a big problem. Your repeated refusal to recognize that is rightly and justifiably angering people who know and may even have personally experienced the problem.

You might as well go down to the cancer ward and tell all the children they don't really have serious problems. There are African orphans with HIV unlikely to live long enough to die from AIDS after all. If you do that and everyone gets mad at you, I'm sorry, but you do NOT get to throw up your hands say you did nothing wrong.

Christine O'Donnell's 90's MTV Anti-Masturbation Campaign

A woman with AIDS is filmed once a day for 90 days

Pprt says...

Oh the comfort of repeating conditioned sentences! How I miss those days... being knowledgeable about something simply required rehashing what a newscaster spewed or repeating what your college professor chanted incessantly.

I didn't think this was actually necessary, but apparently doing the requisite research on a particular subject is far too taxing for most people. Don't sweat it though, it's certainly not an insular problem on the Sift, although I would expect more from people who own computers and have at least some level of comfort with the internet... but I suppose it's simply a matter of intellectual due diligence.

I have watched dozens of documentaries and read countless reports and articles on the subject of AIDS in Africa and would like to present the case of Swaziland.

This kingdom is ravaged by AIDS with nearly a quarter of the population and nearly half of 25-35 year olds already infected by HIV. Swaziland has also benefited from health programs that are exemplary on the African continent.

I will refer here to an extensive survey performed by major agencies (WHO, UNICEF etc) involved in preventing the spread of the virus. It can be viewed at

Because I doubt most would actually take the time to read it, I will cite the portions which are relevant to the arguments I made, and which refute claims that Africans are victims of "misinformation" or that the preventative framework does not exists.

Knowledge of the existence of AIDS (male and female, all age groups), page 24

Knowledge that abstaining from intercourse is a preventative measure (all age groups), page 25

Knowledge that someone infected does not always display symptoms (all persons aged 15-49), page 27

The cost of a condom is about 4 cents in Swaziland, and in the 15 minutes it took me to get the above figures I learned that at least 100 million is poured into the country every year by various nations and aid agencies. If only five percent of that is used to purchase condoms we're looking at
125,000,000 units, which I will concede is not nearly enough for the levels of promiscuity seen in Africa. However, I suspect the investment in male contraceptives is a far greater figure.

I recall a video that made the top 15 here not too long ago about a young boy who made a football by using a condom... the comments lauded his ingenuity and completely ignored the misuse of what should be a valuable commodity. Talk about hypocrisy...

4yr Old Boy gets STD after Finding Used Condom in Hotel

mentality says...


wait... can you even get herpes without skin contact? Maybe the common HSV 1, which you can get when your aunty kisses you near your mouth, but I wouldn't be worried about genital herpes. HIV is a worry though. Yikes! But it wouldn't give him blisters... There aren't any test results in yet so there could be nothing to worry about at all. News stations are very good at exploiting the misfortunes of others.

Herpes is transmitted through secretions and HSV-1 can cause both oral and genital herpes.

4yr Old Boy gets STD after Finding Used Condom in Hotel

Fusionaut says...

wait... can you even get herpes without skin contact? Maybe the common HSV 1, which you can get when your aunty kisses you near your mouth, but I wouldn't be worried about genital herpes. HIV is a worry though. Yikes! But it wouldn't give him blisters... There aren't any test results in yet so there could be nothing to worry about at all. News stations are very good at exploiting the misfortunes of others.

Interesting first sift...

And what gives, @westy? You DID spell every word right!

Penn & Teller on the Anti-Vaccination Movement

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Yogi:

Soooo Vaccinations are perfect? I don't buy it....even penicillin is coming back to bite us in the ass.
EDIT: I should point out that I never got vaccinations and I'm healthy as a horse...a horse thats very healthy.

Vaccines are not perfect, but they do the job of keeping 20-40% of our kids from ending up as dead or crippled for life.. (...on second thought, vaccines are perfect.)

Penicillin is "biting us in the ass" because the viruses bacteria it kills (you know the viruses bacteria that kills us if we dont kill them) develops resistance, or more accurately, the descendants of a tiny percentage of them that are immune to penicillin become more numerous down the generations. This is not an ideal situation for us humans, but penicillin is the best we've got. The one weakness of penicillin is that when we use it too much, viruses bacteria evolve to become resistant.

This is similar to why HIV patients, for instance are given medicines in "waves". One month on medication, and two months off, and so on, because during the course of medical treatment, the virus evovles resistance, and when its stopped, the non-resistant strains take over again, and you can start medicating again., this way you can keep the virus level down to a minimum.

Vaccines are a completely different matter. Vaccines work by triggering our immune system towards specific attacks, which means that they dont attack an evolving virus, but they prepare our bodies for attacks against them. Polio, for instance does not evolve to circumvent this protection, because it is denied access to evolve in the first place with mass-vaccination.

EDIT: correction on the bacteria/virus confusion. Thanks GeeSussFreek

Quick Science Sift #10: Infection and replication of HIV

Politician Tweets About "Stupid Scientology"

Zyrxil says...

>> ^bcglorf:
If neither of those are true, and you don't believe the local churches are practicing or advocating executions for heresy, then I'd ask how your question has ANYTHING at all to do with what I said?

"Scientology gets to be treated like other religions when it starts to act like one."

Scientology is exactly acting like one. It simply hasn't had enough time to update its public image marketing with enough Mother Teresas or Pope John Paul IIs. Give them time, they're young. Another century and the only controversies they'll have will be in countries you don't care about, like preaching against birth control, denying the HIV to AIDS connection, or the systematic protecting of child molesters at the highest levels.

Israeli Woman Finds Out BF Is Arabic, Sues Him For Rape

raverman says...

So we're treating sex as a legal contract then... exchanged reciprocal sex on condition of knowledge of each other. But that conditional knowledge must related to the exchange. If he had HIV or had lied about using a condom, then maybe this is a discussion. But how can his race be a related condition for the sexual contract?

Unless the law is validating that racial prejudice is an acceptable condition for contact between two people.
i.e. It's legally acceptable to feel hate and betrayal based on race.

Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'philadelphia, oscar, academy award, aids, 90s, 1993' to 'philadelphia, oscar, academy award, HIV, AIDS, 90s, 1990s, 1993' - edited by calvados

How to make a Soccer Ball out of a Condom

dannym3141 says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^dannym3141:
What the fuck are you people talking about AIDS epidemics for? I saw a pretty heartwarming video about people finding a way to enjoy themselves and have fun in a country where there may be precious little else to have fun doing.
What you saw was a dirty african. Probably got AIDS. Right? Yeah, he probably went and gave AIDS to a little girl as well after he played his dirty condom football. Right?
Fuck you guys. Seriously. This is the worst kind of xenophobia. The kind where you don't even realise how xenophobic it is. You see an african, you see AIDS, you see having unprotected sex and spreading disease.

Ahem...first of all Africa is not a country. Secondly some countries in the African continent have up to a 25% HIV rate. Yea that was the first thing on my mind too...I mean it could've been "wow no wonder why people from Kenya are so fast, they like to play soccer". But it wasn' was AIDS...oh and overpopulating an area with little resources. I thought about how stupid that is too. It's ok to call people from African countries stupid. Just as long as it isn't because they're black.

First of all, where did i say africa was a country? I know africa isn't a country, i didn't call africa a country. If i had stated any country inside africa then i would be a) guessing and b) badly imitating the xenophobic generalisation as shown above.

Anyway. If the first thing you honestly saw was an irresponsible AIDS riddled african using his last condom on football rather than sex instead of a guy trying to have some fun where there's not a lot of fun going round, then i credit your honesty but i'm horrified.

Is it so hard to see a person? Am i alone?

How to make a Soccer Ball out of a Condom

rottenseed says...

>> ^dannym3141:

What the fuck are you people talking about AIDS epidemics for? I saw a pretty heartwarming video about people finding a way to enjoy themselves and have fun in a country where there may be precious little else to have fun doing.
What you saw was a dirty african. Probably got AIDS. Right? Yeah, he probably went and gave AIDS to a little girl as well after he played his dirty condom football. Right?
Fuck you guys. Seriously. This is the worst kind of xenophobia. The kind where you don't even realise how xenophobic it is. You see an african, you see AIDS, you see having unprotected sex and spreading disease.

*Ahem...first of all Africa is not a country. Secondly some countries in the African continent have up to a 25% HIV rate. Yea that was the first thing on my mind too...I mean it could've been "wow no wonder why people from Kenya are so fast, they like to play soccer". But it wasn' was AIDS...oh and overpopulating an area with little resources. I thought about how stupid that is too. It's ok to call people from African countries stupid. Just as long as it isn't because they're black.

Preacher Ridicules Breast Exams

laura says...

yeah...and the general attitude towards AIDS in Africa is that if you acknowledge that HIV exists, you will get it. (Even though education campaigns and condom use have measurably reduced the number of deaths from AIDS.)

Stephen Fry - HIV & Me

westy says...

>> ^rasch187:
^ The first part of this documentary focuses a lot on the gay communities in England. You would know this if you had watched it of course.

I did watch it all the way through and yes it has stuff on gay comunity in england and san Fransisco but there is nothing particularly gay about this.

maby you should think before you write

i wrote "I wouldn't necessarily put this in the gay category. its relivent to everyone and it dosent particualy focus on gayness."

Its pritty clear what i ment ( IT DOSE NOT PARTICULARLY FOCUS ON GAY NESS) im sure if you counted minutes of the documentary that were about gay stuff specifically it would be less than 1/5th the total .

I don't really care i was merely saying that its not exactly the most gay of things. i don't really have a problem with it going in the gay channel.

But it would help if you botherd to comprehend what sum one put in a comment rather than presume something. (why would sum-one say something regarding the overall nature of something having not watched it ? )

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