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Minnesota State Lawmaker Asks Perfect Question about Gays

shinyblurry says...

God loves everyone, you included, and He does want you around. He doesn't create people He doesn't love. This video completely misses the point on both sides of the issue. The issue that God has with homosexuals is the same issue that He has with any human being. Every single one of us has sinned and have fallen short..and there is no one good, not one. I myself am personally disgusted by all of the prejudice that Christians show homosexuals. It is not what Christ taught, at all. Christ taught us to love one another, and to show that love always. If a Christian treats you like that, they are not following what He said.

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
As a gay atheist, it doesn't matter a jot to me whether or not the desert god Yahweh "wants me around" or not.
I don't believe we were created by a god in the first place, and since it also supposedly created HIV, snakes, ebola, Uwe Boll, river blindness, periods, earthquakes and asbestos, I don't think an argument based on that god's idea of "good" and "bad" is built on solid ground. So while I appreciate what this guy's trying to do, this argument doesn't move me much.

Minnesota State Lawmaker Asks Perfect Question about Gays

FlowersInHisHair says...

As a gay atheist, it doesn't matter a jot to me whether or not the desert god Yahweh "wants me around" or not.

I don't believe we were created by a god in the first place, and since it also supposedly created HIV, snakes, ebola, Uwe Boll, river blindness, periods, earthquakes and asbestos, I don't think an argument based on that god's idea of "good" and "bad" is built on solid ground. So while I appreciate what this guy's trying to do, this argument doesn't move me much.

Matthu (Member Profile)

residue says...

settle down man, I don't even find anything particularly offensive in his post... It was just totally random that he seemed to be responding to something that was never said.

in response to some of the rest of your message, anonymity on the internet isn't a reasonable excuse to be an asshole and his comment reeked of "troll fishin'". There are some good sift talks on the topic if you're interested in some thoughtful discussion (with a fair amount of name calling mixed in as usual

In reply to this comment by Matthu:
>> ^residue:

suddenly: anti-theism
I don't see any previous comments that would have prompted your inane "response"
>> ^honkeytonk73:
We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.

Seriously. What a fucking asshole. Spreading his secular propaganda around here when clearly no one asked for it. What kind of a person would show up somewhere uninvited and preach religious truths. On top of it, this is a friggin' INTERNET FORUM. Blatantly inappropriate.

This is fucking serious business. I mean, goddamn man, you should know better. If you're going to spread the truth as you see it, do it right. Show up at a 3rd world village in Africa and tell them if they take measures to bring the HIV rate down from 25% their babies will be born without genitalia.

Shocking Accident That You're Definitely Not Ready For

Matthu says...

>> ^residue:

suddenly: anti-theism
I don't see any previous comments that would have prompted your inane "response"
>> ^honkeytonk73:
We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.

Seriously. What a fucking asshole. Spreading his secular propaganda around here when clearly no one asked for it. What kind of a person would show up somewhere uninvited and preach religious truths. On top of it, this is a friggin' INTERNET FORUM. Blatantly inappropriate.

This is fucking serious business. I mean, goddamn man, you should know better. If you're going to spread the truth as you see it, do it right. Show up at a 3rd world village in Africa and tell them if they take measures to bring the HIV rate down from 25% their babies will be born without genitalia.

Alternative Medicine Medic...

criticalthud says...

and the answer is: because i work in the field, somewhere in the middle of alt treatment and mainstream treatment. i'm quite mainstream in many parts of the world, alt in others. it's really pretty stupid.
i work mostly with fairly severe spinal issues. i'm particularly fond of somatic theory, from a structural perspective, and i practice and teach manual therapy utilizing a neurological approach focusing on rotational distortion. On the whole, what is often dismissed as alternative in treatment turns out to be the most innovative, that pushes mainstream treatments into new and more effective territory. "Touching" a person was pretty out of style in the accepted medical practice until late, -- PT's are actually starting to get a clue.

i'm quite aware of the fluff that is out there, the weird, the barbaric, the hippy dippy, the downright stupid. both the alt side of things, as you might define it, and the mainstream side of things, often fall into these categories. There are however, powerful lobbies that make one form of treatment more acceptable than others.... Big pharma is insanely powerful, and insanely profitable... we're drugging our kids for fucks sake.
and lets put it this way, the profit margin is very small in what i do. it's just too time consuming and labor intensive.

And while the business side of things has thoroughly poisoned mainstream medicine, there tends to be more, but not necessarily all, of "alt" providers, who purposely shy away from it. we'd all be better off in a socialist medicine system that was not for profit. In every socialist system, some form of what i do is commonplace, mainstream, accepted science...goddamn common sense.
anyhoo..., would you like some figures on iatrogenic death?

I worked in an acupuncture clinic for a bit, mostly treating cancer and HIV. The acupuncture was most effective for treating nausea, pain, and other symptoms that came with the chemo.
In china it is combined with herbs to treat the cancer. I don't know the success rates. i know they take their acupuncture very seriously, and very scientifically... and western docs are starting to wake up to it.
For chronic pain issues (back, neck, pain) etc...i probably bat somewhere in 80-90%. That destroys mainstream. I'm an anomaly, but i shouldn't be. more talented people should be in this field. and being able to spot and work with spinal issues at young ages would save billions of dollars in lost labor, workers comp, SSI, medical expenses, drugs...a shit ton of pain and suffering.

foresight. preventative medicine.

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I'm arguing because you seem to think "alternative medicine" is superior to medicine. What point are you trying to make about chemotherapy, exactly? In many cases it's a very effective treatment. Do you know what the success rate of, say, acupuncture is for treating cancer? How about therapeutic touch? Or chakra realignment? Or ground turtle shell? Or homeopathy? Or vitamin megadosing? Or evening primrose oil supplements? Or magnetic wristbands? Nil. Nothing. No demonstrable effect. And there's a reason for that. There is no alternative to medicine. There's medicine, and there's "crap that doesn't work".
You're right that the major difference between scientific medicine and "alternative medicine" is the degree that it is run purely as profit generating business. Except that you have it completely the wrong way round. "Alternative medicine" has no chance of curing you, and costs money. Medicine has a chance of curing you, using products and medicines backed up by science, and costs money. I know which I'd rather go for. "Western medicine" (as you call it, though you should note that the practice of science-based medicine isn't limited to the Western world, thank goodness) is interested in cures because the effective interventions are the ones that get used, thereby generating income. It's only in the field of "alternative medicine" that "crap that doesn't work" can be sold for a profit without anyone ever questioning it. If a medical intervention or treatment doesn't work, the scientific method roots it out eventually, but tellingly there is no such self-regulatory framework in place when it comes to "alternative medicine", and the practitioners don't care.
Put it this way: if it were true that science-based medicine didn't "know their ass from a hole in the ground" when it comes to chronic pain then what the hell would make you think that the pseudoscientific bullshitfest that is "alternative medicine" would stand a chance at solving the problem?
>> ^criticalthud:
alright there. not really getting the gist of the statement, are you?
you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
do you know what the success rate of chemo is for curing cancer? pretty much the same as not having it
back surgery? the same
there's plenty of crap out there, and no "medicine" is immune from it. the one major difference between what is labeled as alt and what isn't is the degree that it is run purely as profit generating business. Do you get it? western medicine isn't necessarily interested in cures. doctors might be, but the biz side of it ain't. it's quick fix, in and out, write the latest scrip that has been peddled to you by big pharma, and do the treatments and tests that you are allowed to do by the insurance company.
western medicine doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to chronic pain, because treating something that typically has it's roots in the structure of the body isn't profitable.

WTF Jim Beam

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Sagemind:

... But totally sanitary as the Whiskey kills any germs or viruses present!


Viruses can live through alcohol. The simpler they are, as they're "dead" anyway, the easier it becomes for them to not be targeted by alcohol. Some have protective protein or other type of layers on their outer layer (or shell, whatever). Those are the ones that die; like influenza (I'm unsure if it kills ALL types of influenza), HIV, and I think Herpes simplex. However, other viruses like Herpes A (correct me if I screwed that up anybody, this is by rote memory) don't die. Viruses are just "lines of code" were as bacteria has structure, relies on it's environment and is just as susceptible to it's own "diseases" that come in the form of proteins, enzymes, or molecules (like alcohol). Alcohol can pass the outer layer of the cell walls and screw things up, plus it can cause water to get absorbed (I'm not sure if it would "pop" the bacteria, I think it just destroys the cell's integrity).

For all we know there ARE bacteria out there that can survive, but they'd have to be specifically setup in a way that the intrusion of the alcohol doesn't disrupt cell functions. For all we know they could evolve a surface that has a function that deals with alcohol. Of course, some have to survive in the first place or by random evolution hit the jackpot pertaining to alcohol; their structure is their major limitation in protection (one cell and dirt simple) . I also love how silver does it's thing to bacteria. Yes this is semi-off topic, but I live for science. *monocle smile* (do we have an emoticon, yet?)

I'm more scared of prions.
(of Mad Cow disease fame; really scary scenarios are possible if we get a full-on human version)

Failure to Act: Reagan's Refusal to Address AIDS Epidemic

quantumushroom says...

U.S. taxpayers are not responsible for solving the world's health problems. HIV and AIDS are not among the ten leading causes of mortality in the U.S., yet receive considerable amounts of federal research dollars. Compared to the number of lives that cancer and heart disease claim each year, HIV/AIDS research received a disproportionate amount of federal funding. The federal government should reduce AIDS research funding and divert money to research programs fighting more pressing diseases such as heart disease and cancer, which claim hundreds of thousands more American lives annually. Furthermore, unlike many other diseases, a majority of HIV/AIDS cases can be avoided by abstaining from promiscuous sexual contact and intravenous drug use.

Around the globe, 2.6 million people died of AIDS in 1999.

It is estimated that 16,000 people are newly infected with HIV each day throughout the world.

In 1997, 16,516 Americans died of AIDS.

In 1997, heart disease claimed 726,974 lives.

Between 650,000 and 900,000 Americans are currently infected with HIV.

For fiscal year 1999, the federal budget allocated $6 billion to AIDS research and education.

The National Cancer Institute's 1999 operating budget was $2.9 billion.

Besmirching one of America's greatest presidents is easier than exalting the clueless idiot in the Oval Office now.

TDS - Kambiz Hosseini & Saman Arbabi Extended Interview

Man Cured Of HIV By Stem Cell Treatment

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^TheGenk:

We all know that that didn't cure him. What cured him was accepting jesus christ as his savior.
But what this shows is that one day we will be able to take the genes for HIV-resistance and insert them into your stemcells or stemcells being transplanted to you(or any resistances we find or would be nice to have).

You also wiped out the existing white blood cells with chemo, which makes this a special case of was it the stem cells alone, or was the chemo needed as well. Chemo therapy has high risks as well, you can die from a simple infection in this depressed imuno-state. Like the lady said, it was more a proof of concept than a solution in itself.

Man Cured Of HIV By Stem Cell Treatment

TheGenk says...

We all know that that didn't cure him. What cured him was accepting jesus christ as his savior.

But what this shows is that one day we will be able to take the genes for HIV-resistance and insert them into your stemcells or stemcells being transplanted to you(or any resistances we find or would be nice to have).

Japanese Condom Fairy

The Ad Fox News Doesn't Want You To See

quantumushroom says...

So there's no problems with government housing since gays can't marry and married couples receive top consideration for housing? The VA won't get any added medical costs/burdens from treating HIV-infected soldiers? No sexual harassment case explosion? Complaints when an incompetent gay officer doesn't make promotion?

Mistrust is inherent in this gay deal. Just like that fking MUSLIM vermin that shot up Fort Hood, in the official reports all negative results that expose faults will be hidden and downplayed.

It's possible that openly-serving gays cause no additional problems. The reality is, in our PC-nightmare society, we'll never know or address the actual results, whatever they may be.

AIDS Gets Too Much Govt Money

Phreezdryd says...

You forgot the first and possibly most important line from the quoted paragraph.

"U.S. taxpayers are not responsible for solving the world's health problems."
>> ^quantumushroom:

And yet, once again, she's right.
HIV and AIDS are not among the ten leading causes of mortality in the U.S., yet receive considerable amounts of federal research dollars. Compared to the number of lives that cancer and heart disease claim each year, HIV/AIDS research received a disproportionate amount of federal funding. The federal government should reduce AIDS research funding and divert money to research programs fighting more pressing diseases such as heart disease and cancer, which claim hundreds of thousands more American lives annually. Furthermore, unlike many other diseases, a majority of HIV/AIDS cases can be avoided by abstaining from promiscuous sexual contact and intravenous drug use.

AIDS Gets Too Much Govt Money

quantumushroom says...

And yet, once again, she's right.

HIV and AIDS are not among the ten leading causes of mortality in the U.S., yet receive considerable amounts of federal research dollars. Compared to the number of lives that cancer and heart disease claim each year, HIV/AIDS research received a disproportionate amount of federal funding. The federal government should reduce AIDS research funding and divert money to research programs fighting more pressing diseases such as heart disease and cancer, which claim hundreds of thousands more American lives annually. Furthermore, unlike many other diseases, a majority of HIV/AIDS cases can be avoided by abstaining from promiscuous sexual contact and intravenous drug use.

* Around the globe, 2.6 million people died of AIDS in 1999.

* It is estimated that 16,000 people are newly infected with HIV each day throughout the world.

* In 1997, 16,516 Americans died of AIDS.

* In 1997, heart disease claimed 726,974 lives.

* Between 650,000 and 900,000 Americans are currently infected with HIV.

* For fiscal year 1999, the federal budget allocated $6 billion to AIDS research and education.

* The National Cancer Institute's 1999 operating budget was $2.9 billion.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, Newsweek, National Center for Health Statistics

You've a right to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

REAL or FAKE? A quiz

Tymbrwulf says...

Also, perverting the noble task of HIV/AIDS research and redefining it into using american money to help prostitutes in china stop drinking is absolutely disgusting. Downvote.

Source taken from the website with the video, which sourced itself here where it also says The findings could have ramifications for at-risk populations throughout the world.

The research findings, he said, will “contribute to our knowledge base regarding the role of social influence and institutional policy in alcohol and sexual risk reduction among various vulnerable and at-risk populations” around the world.

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