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The Most Terrifying Video Game Ever

laura (Member Profile)

A "give Steve Jobs your money" tribute video.

dag says...

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That, I think, is the fatal flaw with this series. PC is the loveable underdog. Mac - is douchey, sarcastic hipster. Entertaining, but frames the argument poorly.

In my subjective experience- Mac users tend to be the nerdy misfits in the office. Windows is the gum-chewing sales and marketing guy with the shiny suit and bluetooth headset.

>> ^chtierna:

Which character is more lovable? The funny and crazy PC guy or the obnoxious Mac twat? Also, did you know that these days Steve Jobs lives on a diet of 100% raw human meat? His cult followers fight for the chance to offer their fat and bloated bodies to him.

Standing Cat is watching you

deadgoon says...

I'm waiting for the OMG cat, standing cat, dog banging a cat mashup. I'll set it up: Standing cat sees the dog grab the cat first. Standing cat then calls OMG cat from his bluetooth headset. OMG cat then does his thing while standing cat fills him in.


Kids try to shoot down R/C plane with Fireworks

ReverendTed says...

>> ^Asmo:
Rofl, I love the big dives to get out of the way of the 'bombing' runs. X D
They might be remembering that he was launching "Saturn Missle" fireworks from it on the 4th of July.
If you go to the linked website, what's really amazing about the setup is that he's got that camera rigged to a video headset so he gets a first person perspective as he's flying.

Airport Wants to See You Naked

cheesemoo says...

spoco, I'm guessing it uses terahertz radiation, which lies between the radio and infrared bands. The power levels involved are probably in the 1-10 watt range, and terahertz radiation isn't ionizing like X-rays, so I'd say the risk involved is probably rather low, even after multiple exposures. Rather on the level of talking on a cell phone or wearing a Bluetooth headset.

Instant Karma

The Future? - Nokia Mixed Reality

Zero Punctuation - Wii Sports Resort

westy says...


"The whole point of videogames is to relax after a day of doing what it is that you do during the day. "
I don't think a game has to be relaxing/passive to be enjoyable.

Just depends what typ of game you want to play , its wrong to stipulate that all games have to be passave , in the same way it would be wrong to stipulate that all games have to be active . I find playing DDR , rock band doing some races in LFS/R factor with a g25 wheel quite relaxing but very active.

unfortunately The real problem with the Wii is that it dosenot provid a good mix and allot of the games on wii are inapropreatly active (Ie games that are more enjoyable when played in a passive control fashion) and also don't work with the controls particularly well. ( as the wii mote is actually a pretty shitty interface if you want to use a degree of skill/fine movements not spaz out )

Unfortunately We are going to have to put up with this shit for a good number of years.

Whats nice to see is that we have stuff like the novent falcon for the pc , and FFB wheels like the G25 these sorts of devices enable real emersoin and feed back from games, And fingers crossed within the next 5-10 years O.LED might get to the price point where we can finally have full 360 headsets that r comfortable and cheep to use.

An 11-year old plays Contra for the first time

PC Game Gun

shuac says...

>> ^entr0py:
This video along with Johnny Lee's awesome Wii hacks make me think that hardware companies could easily come up with really amazing stuff if they wanted to. And what do we get? The xbox camera/mic and the ps3 wagglesticks.
Just curious, did any of you try virtual reality around 16 years ago when it was newish and being hyped in the media? It's an amazing experience, I still haven't seen anything that compares to it to this day.
The setup I tried had a full helmet with two stereoscopic screens which surrounds the field of view, has built in speakers, and blocks out external light and sound. As well as independent motion tracking of the head and hands. It ran a simple but intuitive FPS, which was also the first true 3D (no sprites) FPS I had ever seen. Compared to that I always have to laugh when people talk about today's games as being "immersive"

You might be talking about the Forte VFX1 Headset, which was by far the geekiest gadget since the Nintendo Power Glove. I played the original System Shock on it and it was great.

Looking forward to the new iPhone 3GS (Blog Entry by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

The iPhone deal breakers for me are, first and foremost, the "you can run anything you want as long as we say it's ok" approach to apps. This idea among so many manufacturers that when you buy their product, it does not become yours needs to stop. Hiring a bunch of nuns to decide what software I can use on my phone is inexcusable.

That they totally butchered their bluetooth implementation so it only supports headsets (no file transfer, contact sharing, etc) annoyed me too.

After considering the iPhone last year, I went for the Blackberry Bold. (I'm also a fan of having a keyboard I can actually feel.) It was definitely the best choice at the time, though I suspect my next phone will be android-based.

Fuck you, Tom Cruise. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

concernedcitizen says...

Most likely that person in black with the headset piece was a Scientologist.

They've been known to illegally pose as security or police to get things done and to suppress critics and protesters of scientology. The thing is, Scientology believes they're superior to us normal "wogs" as they call us. So its common that you and everyone there were treated like subhumans by, possibly not even museum security, but by scientologists posing as museum security. I'd get in contact with the museum as fast as possible about this. If the Museum doesn't do anything, go to the media because what happened here was definitely illegal.

The reason Mr. Cruise is here is because him and Katie Holmes are visiting the memorial day celebration at the mall while their scientology buddies will be there to exploit the celebration in order to get people to join scientology.

protip: Scientology does not care about about our veterans, only exploiting events and laws to gain more members and suppress the free speech of their critics.

Pimped-out douchemobile catches on fire

Whats that in our left wing engine???

Lodurr says...

The container must have been sitting out in the taxiway when it got ingested. There's no way that this wouldn't get noticed during pushback, because besides the rampers, most international flights on pushback have a mechanic watching or on the headset, and specifically the Japanese flights always have a group of airline employees on the tarmac to bow or wave to the flight after it leaves the gate.

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