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Sixty Symbols - How Do 3D Glasses Work

GeeSussFreeK says...

Ya, I did notice the extra information was nice in a certain way. I remember in avatar, the simple action of walking down a corridor had more depth because of the...well, perceived depth. I like the idea of 3d, I just don't want to compromise! Short of goofy headsets, or retinal scanners, I don't think my slightly unreasonable need for fidelity can be realized. That said, has any one done any 3d glasses gaming? My card supports it, in theory, but it is ancient and I don't want it to explode.

>> ^deathcow:

I wont argue your point, but I can say for sure the extra depth information gained by using two eyes offsets the resolution loss to some degree.

Problem with that sheddy pussy?

I can read! Really!

Battlefield gamer firecracker prank

Kim Delaney Gets Booted Off Stage

Future of Motion Control Gaming

mizila says...

>> ^westy:

probably the future of gaming but not using a projector , it would use augmented reality on vr glasses/contacts/headset , the tek already exists just need better vr glasses really.
saying that thought it was a realy good video clip I do however feel he missed an opportunity to do something that was likely/realistic.
visually i thought it was pretty cool and easy for people to understand and i'm sure that's what his main proities were

Yeah, I had basically that exact idea bout 10 years ago. Then I realized you can't just 'invent' things that use technology that doesn't exist yet.

Augmented reality glasses are going to be a huge deal when they finally get it right. And then it's just a couple of years until they start implanting that shit in your eye and we all have personalized HUD's

Then next thing you know you can't tell what's real if 'they' don't want you to. Like people going all Laughing Man from Ghost in the Shell.

Future of Motion Control Gaming

westy says...

probably the future of gaming but not using a projector , it would use augmented reality on vr glasses/contacts/headset , the tek already exists just need better vr glasses really.

saying that thought it was a realy good video clip I do however feel he missed an opportunity to do something that was likely/realistic.

visually i thought it was pretty cool and easy for people to understand and i'm sure that's what his main proities were

Revving it! And Revving And Revving And Revving AND

Game of Thrones - Rock Intro mashup

Shepppard says...

>> ^westy:

The levels of the electric guitar + drums seem wrong and overall the track sounds really murky If this was remastered so the electric guitar was crisp and each component stood out with quit abit of distance between the violin and the electric guitar then it would be 100x better , To me the whole track sounds as if i'm listening to it with a pillow on my head.
Be fun to hear a amiga/c64 version of this track.

the two people who appear in this weren't in collaboration with each other. They were two separate videos (The one guy on violin, and the other on guitar) and a third party spliced them together, so I don't expect the music to be stellar.

However, the fact is that it still sounds pretty freaking epic. I have no problems with the sound quality, and my headset is currently a piece of shit.

Kinect + HMD + WiiMote = VR-FPS

westy says...

ITs ashame the wii mote , Kinnect , and vusix headset are all utter shit at acuret tracking.

maby in 10-15 years time we will have good tracking thats instant + full FOV headsets that are under £150 proper full visoin headset and proper 1-1 tracking will BLOW away whats possable and how emersive games are now . current gen games will seem as comical as what atari ST games look like now.

How to Drive a Car with only your Mind

westy says...

What a load of shit ,

2 hour job to program a macro that converts the data from epoc device into left and right in a format the automated car can then use.

the real innovation in this is the headset ( nothing to do with this students ) and the car positioning and driving system which is glazed over in this vid. and again probably little to do with this students.

the specific head set controlling stuff just feels like a lazy student project if they spent more brain power on it they could have actually done something worth while.

Cell Phones (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

One day there will be a device the size of a hearing aid, controlled by thinking, which works as a computer headset, hands-free cell phone, mp3 player, and digital radio, all in one.

They managed to control the new iPod shuffle with only 1 button, plus 2 for volume. Distinguishing between 3-4 different signals in a brain-computer interface is already old technology.

ly9171 (Member Profile)

I love Asus

The Most Terrifying Video Game Ever

Asmo says...

>> ^moodonia:

Looks great, speaking of headphones, I saw a Logitech 7.1 headset. Anyone ever tried anything similar? I might invest for this kind of game.

Corsair also have a good looking 7.1 out that I'm interested in giving a whirl, would be perfect for this game (I think I'll buy a brown pair of boxer shorts at the same time, running around in the dark with something hot on my tail always freaks me out in games...)

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