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Aliens - Ultimate Badasses

Aliens - Ultimate Badasses

d00kie says...

although they don't have the most fearsome weapons known to man:

a plank of wood with a nail in it and,
a 13 year old child screaming down a headset on xbox live so loud it'll make your ears bleed...

Bloomberg Confirms Swine Flu at School

Unveiling The Sixth Sense - TED Talk

dan00108 says...

Do you guys really consider this to be a sixth sense device? It looks to me like a projector, cellphone and camera strapped together around your neck. And walking around making weird gestures are in the same category to me as talking to a bluetooth wireless headset, and could probably get you killed.

Ultimate Home Theater: 13,000 Watts, 130dB, $1 Million Price

cybrbeast says...

Completely retarded...
Even if you have the money, why spend it on this? Just buy a good headset, which can give binaural sound, something this room will never do.

This company just exists because the richest people want to have the most expensive things.

Sega Love Trainer

gwiz665 says...

Speak to youtube, they are hosting it. *promote

>> ^yokohama:
We have recently received complaints of a competitor illegally using images and video from in order to promote "Love Trainer".
Please remove the copyrighted trademarks and video content including audio containing: "Sega Toys", "Itami", "Dr. Itami", "FiTrainer."
We do not feel this is a legitimate product and we have received many inquiries about it from viewers of your site. We are contacting all sites that have written about Love Trainer and will take legal action if required.
Let me know when you will be able to comply with our request.

Sega Love Trainer

14479 says...

We have recently received complaints of a competitor illegally using images and video from in order to promote "Love Trainer".

Please remove the copyrighted trademarks and video content including audio containing: "Sega Toys", "Itami", "Dr. Itami", "FiTrainer."

We do not feel this is a legitimate product and we have received many inquiries about it from viewers of your site. We are contacting all sites that have written about Love Trainer and will take legal action if required.

Let me know when you will be able to comply with our request.

New 5.1 Surround Headset by Psyko Labs

Lowen says...

These are a good idea, I have a conventional 5.1 headset.

Having all 8 (because headphones need to have two center and subwoofers) surround sound speakers directly in the left and right works great, but for obvious reasons can't be much more directional than stereo sound.

Hopefully this improved design will eventually become a standard and not cost too much.

You're Gonna Love My Nuts!

So what's your rig? (Videogames Talk Post)

paul4dirt says...

1mostly on my asus laptop
not a great one either (the specs are ok but i wouldnt know em)

2the pc i got myself in 2006.
Asus A8N-SLI with the 3500 amd venice (+Arctic Freezer 64 Pro, fcourse, i wont do without overclocking) + 4 gigs of the fastest overclockable ram i could find, 6800gs vidcard, a couple harddisks (2 external), a lovely black case, samsung monitor, the pretty gaming keyboard with the blue lights in it from errr whatsitcalled (was great when i was in my WoW-period, a year ago), and my personal fav, a steelsound headset. ofcourse some pretty blue lights and fans with lighting, blue + black = lovely. eat that, mac.

oh and ofcourse the spyder calibration thing. can't do without if you do lots of photo editing.

Cell phones can't pop popcorn (Viral Talk Post)

Popcorn popped by 4 cellphones

doogle says...

According to an article on Wired, a headset company has fessed up to creating this *viral video.

Bluetooth headset retailer Cardo Systems has claimed ownership of the hot viral videos that show people appearing to pop popcorn with their cellphones.

In a video posted to YouTube on Wednesday titled "Cellphone Popcorn Mystery Resolved," (embedded, right) an advert for the company's line of headsets follows the grainy footage of friends aiming phones at uncooked corn that's been tallying millions of views on YouTube.

"The videos are spreading like wildfire, and becoming something of an urban legend," said Kathryn Rhodes, the national marketing manager at Cardo Systems in a phone interview Thursday. "[The viral-marketing campaign] been really successful at capturing the attention of all different kinds of users."

We've been duped. Well, most. Some?

Xbox Live (Blog Entry by uhohzombies)

swampgirl says...

Our house shares an account "SWAMPBOT". My husband is on it most of the time playing Gears of Wars and Call of Duty 4. I sometimes play Guitar Hero 3 online.

My 9 year old son just might embarrass you on Halo 3 though. He's pretty good.

...and too leave a note saying you're from VS. If you can't communicate w/ the headset it's because I'm around and not my husband when my son wants to play. You fellas can have such potty mouths

System Shock 1 Intro Cinematic

shuac says...

I used to play this game with one of those ubergeeky VFX1 headsets from Forte. It was incredibly goofy-looking but it worked pretty well. When you tilted your head down, you saw the Citadel station floor. If you panned right, you looked right. It was an amazing way to play this game. That was back in 1995 so I can only imagine they've come out with something better.

ATTIGO: Touchscreen turntable DJing

MINK says...

that's bollocks. file under "awweeeesum!!!!! (for 5 minutes)".

there's only 2 methods that have caught on enough so that you don't have to take the kit to the club with you: CDJs and turntables.

Then there's the final scratch / serrato guys who come along and annoy everybody by plugging in loads of cables to their laptop, which then crashes or runs out of battery (seen that happen to grooverider).

This system in comparison is expensive, heavy, fragile, large, and never gonna catch on. Added to that, a touchscreen is neither tactile enough nor fast enough. Perhaps the guy demonstrating this is just a shit DJ, but I expect he is being restricted by the performance of the system. Already there is a sense of "detachment" when playing CD instead of vinyl, and this system here just takes that detachment to a whole new level. In music, a delay of more than about 5ms can be noticeable and ruin your flow.

There is no benefit for the DJ here, just cool tech. (the large waveform display is not much more useful than the small display on serrato anyway, and anybody serious about scratching the record would use real vinyl or one of those technics CDJs with the real motor in it), and the audience can't even see your "kewl" screens, and they don't give a shit anyway...
most people don't even realise that DJs actually change the speed of records to blend them together. They don't realise, because they never tried to find out, because they don't give a shit.

So this looks to me like one of those "kewl" things that might eventually become the future, but only after several technological limitations are lifted. E.g if i could roll these two screens up and stick them in a small backpack, then we might start talking. but of course, if these things were light, they would move around the table when you touch them. Hmmmm.

But remember... most venues don't have space on their table for this shit, so you end up being restricted by a very basic and primitive limit. If you design your show around this technology you won't be able to play in a large percentage of venues. The main reason CDJs became standard was because they are small, cheap, and CDs are very very very universal. And CDs aren't heavy.

Sell this technosplurge to Bjork or something. Get Microsoft to buy you out because you are "youth" or whatever. Wait 20 years and you won't even need a screen, it will all be about waving your hands in the air or just "thinking" about the mix while wearing a braintooth headset. anyway by then live music will have killed the DJ. mark my words.

But lets face it, the music I just heard in this video was bullshit, not even in rhythm. Sort that out first, yeah? Music > tech.

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