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Ouch Ouch Ouch

EDD (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

You don't have to be sick to laugh...but it helps ;)

Morons on Fox News debate Mass Effect -- "SeXbox"

choggie says...

Ugggggh, casualties of public schools, children without any skills beyond providing food and shelter for their copulatory additions to the population, and everyone sitting at the edge of the vortice, waiting to jump in head-first-
"FOX BAD" (duh), Video games gooood!" (meh!) Read a fucking chemistry textbook, or memorize the countries of the world, kiddies!! Oh, better yet, get off yer ass and burn some calories, and get some sun fer crissakes, ya pasty little monkeys!

What a circlejerk of Horror here on this thread....carry on!!

Haifa Wehbe "Yah Hyat Albi"

choggie says...

yeah, a woman parading around looking sexy has little to do with sexuality, huh???.....(guess we were put off, eh)

Hey Farhad?? Don't Lebanese hotties usually end up looking like their grandmas??
(always get a gander at mom and granny before diving in head you some idea of your personal destiny, innit??

choggie (Member Profile)

qruel says...

you continue to confuse, belwilder and confound me. While I couldn't agree more with you when you state "knowledge being the ultimate power for freedom, or a weapon of control."

But if that is the case, then why do you persistently berate me for trying to provide "knowledge" to those of faith ? A recent study indicated that 80% of people don't know the details about their faith (what they believe) in regards to the bible.

I mainly spout for those who are on the fence and aren't aware of the "details". People sell religion as the "truth", but when one looks behind the curtain they realize it is smoke and mirrors. Don't get pissed at me for wanting to help bpeople see behind the curtain.

you say

"some simply avoid issues like these, conflict at any cost being foreign or uncomfortable.....the folks that dive head-first into issues with gusto are seekers of truth and meaning......"

I would put myself in the seekers of truth category. so again, why the constant need to harass me ?

you also say

"the tone may seem scolding, but sometimes effective"

scolding ? your immature name calling does not fall under "scolding". I appreciate your comments much more when you leave out the ad hom attacks. you have enough knowledge in your head about the issues to contribute really quality comments without reverting to nasty and uncalled for comments about my character.


In reply to this comment by choggie:
Great example, using that Tesla article, to use to explain my conviction, that most likely, technologies exist, and have existed for some time now, that would render the use of petroleum for power, ancient history the day after tomorrow.

Tesla would not play the money game, so they kept him around, under virtual lock and key, until he was gone-why would they want to give the world free energy? That would fuck up the contrived economic monster they feed......this is why when folks talk about solar power and wind power and alternative fuels, recycling, etc., it isa goddamn diversion from the real issue, which is, knowledge is power, and we are being controlled and herded.

Free energy from the ether, is available, real, and present. We simply are kept in the dark, black, pool of oily control.

Fuck solar power and hybrid cars....I want real energy!!! The energy they keep from us-the knowledge that would kill their game, has always been the stuff of lock and key.....same mechanism that kept slaves form learning to read in America......knowledge being the ultimate power for freedom, or a weapon of control.

Bush Vetos the SChip Bill: Healthcare for poor kids = bad

K0MMIE says...

people who voted against this post cause cancer with stupid... oops! was that said out loud? And by out loud I mean typed methodically via keyboard? Whats this clicky buttong "submit new comment" do? Oh well lets dive in head first and find out.

How to pull a van uphill by yourself with ordinary rope.

You jumped a WHAT over HOW many people?

MINK says...


mainly for the quick editing showing the buildup.

and because it reminded me of some advice from my father:
"Never do stupid things head first. Break your legs, not your neck."

110' High Dive

Ultimate Fighter Get's Knocked out and Gains the Win.

rembar says...

You mean a double-KO kind of situation? Actually, Boom, I can think of twice in the UFC. Hughes vs. Newton 1, Newton locked in a triangle choke from guard but didn't break Hughes's posture, so Hughes picked him up and slammed him. Newton was knocked out immediately, but Hughes also went sorta limp, either because he dropped head-first into the slam or because he'd gotten choked out, although Hughes kept going and was awarded the controversial win. There was also a TUF fight where one guy took a wicked body shot, doubled over, then straightened up to connect with a wild haymaker for the KO, and then collapsed himself. Although I can't think of another situation in the UFC particularly where both guys went down at exactly the same moment.

Double-KO slams aren't all that rare in MMA, particularly. I've seen them a few times in amateur events, and a bunch of times (not really KOs, maybe, but both guys getting totally stunned) in hard sparring and smoker matches with guys who were never taught how to perform a proper shot.

The standard double-leg takedown that is practiced in MMA is the wrestling, not judo, variety. Notice in the video how Yamamoto makes his penetration step with his lead leg, drives in to his knee, then brings his rear leg past that to pop up to his feet again, driving sideways with his head while blocking his opponent's far leg with his knee. This allows him to pick the guy up sideways, so his opponent can't pull his head down if he gets a guillotine-style headlock. This is called "turning the corner" in grappling, and it's drilled into fighters' heads from day one.

If you don't turn the corner on a double-leg and instead drive in judo-style, and your opponent gets that guillotine control, you'll end up dropping both your and your opponent's weight onto the top of your head as you hit the mat. It's a beginner's mistake, though, and I can't really figure out what Maynard was thinking.

How to patch drywall

firefly says...

example: my oldest son decided it would be neat to slide down the basement stairs in a sleeping bag...on a boogie board. He went a little faster than he thought he would and stopped himself with his shoe. Good thing he didn't go head-first, or I'd have him featured on EIA!

Samantha Bee and Al Jazeera on the Daily Show

alliedsaint says...

hey buggytobenot: samantha bee is hilarious.
maybe you should start running head first into a wall, over and over again. you might be happier that way.
from what people tell me you were the biggest stupidest crack-consuming whore in high school.
here's something offensive: miserable gutless sociopaths like you.

PS3 vs. Wii

lucky760 says...

The argument either way is ever useless. It'd be easier to argue "Tastes great!" versus "Less filling!" The bottom line is some are into one kind of crap and others are into the PS3.
It's funny to imagine what that fat chick felt being compared to that cute, peppy chicky. Perhaps dove head-first into a tub of Ben & Jerry's after the shoot?

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