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This Man Loves His Food

Microsoft Makes Fun of Apple

Bus Driver Assaults Passenger In Lincoln, Nebraska. - (NSFW)

MrFisk says...

I take this bus to work three times a week. This driver, who always seem perturbed, was never outwardly mean to me. Usually, I like to sit in one of the back two-seaters near the side exit. The three-seater the guy was pummeled on can be flipped to make room for the handicapped and elderly, so I tend to avoid that section. According to the article, he was dropped off just before 88 and O Street, which is a stone's throw from my school. I'm surprised nobody else is on the bus, especially since it's raining.

Never EVER Give Up!!

braindonut says...

Very impressive. If I were in his situation, I'm pretty sure I'd just play video games all day. That said, in this particular situation, I feel like it could come off as a bit condescending to say something like "Wow, I'm amazed he can do this despite his handicap!"

Workers paint disabled parking space around car and tow it

Senate Subcommittee Propaganda Campaign 101

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I know you believe you are a brave awakened cassandra, privy to secret truths that others are not capable of understanding, but from outside this bubble, the image is less flattering.

I'm up to date on most of the major conspiracy theories, so it's not that I don't understand them or that I'm brainwashed by TV (I don't have TV service), it's just that I flat out reject them as unprovable foolishness.

I find conspiracy culture to be extremely lame, in the same way that I find Scientology and Magic Mormon Underpants to be lame, and have no problems saying so. When you accuse others of being unaware, gullible, mentally handicapped, unintelligent or lacking in reason, you do so from a very vulnerable position, because these are the same terms people use to describe conspiracy theorists.

In short, throwing stones from within a cathedral of glass is not without risk.

Porsche 962 on the Streets of Japan

Big bulldogs play tether ball

"Text" or "Texted" ? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

messenger says...

"The living language is like a cowpath: it is the creation of the cows themselves, who, having created it, follow it or depart from it according to their whims or their needs. From daily use, the path undergoes change. A cow is under no obligation to stay in the narrow path she helped make, following the contour of the land, but she often profits by staying with it and she would be handicapped if she didn't know where it was or where it led to." --E.B. White

Little known fact: many irregular verbs started out as regular ones, and over time changed to irregular. One example is "drive." It used to be drive/drived/drived. Then, in what was to become Canada and the U.S., people started saying drive/drove/driven. English who visited the colonies were so distressed at this that they raised alarms about the deterioration of the language. One included, "What's next? 'dive/dove/diven'?" At the time, "dive" was also a fully regular "~ed" verb, and in time, it too changed to "dive/dove", but not "diven". Is our language now in a fallen state?

In a population, young people, typically, are the language innovators. Almost all permanent change to language comes originally from teenagers. So now some young people are saying "text/text/text". Looking at other verbs which follow the pattern --cut/cut/cut, cost/cost/cost, put/put/put, hit/hit/hit-- it seems there's a pattern: they all end in "t". Seems like the language is continuing to evolve in the same way it always has. Whether this language innovation will stick has yet to be seen.

But language will change from the way you learned to speak it. There is no doubt about that. You can accept it, or you can get stressed, but it's happening.

Amazing two legged dog walks upright

Dissatisfied Customer Wrecks The Place

Robotic support brings freedom to paraplegics - Tek RMD

shveddy says...

It's a nice little bandaid, but it isn't a solution. It misses the point - which is the fact that being a paraplegic is sheer hell and an living out of an exoskeleton is demeaning. I'd rather see this money go into stem cell research.

When able bodied people see this kind of stuff they think "oh neat, looks like handicapped people are getting along just fine" and then go on with their day (I know this because I thought this way before I got hurt). Not walking isn't the half of it and something needs to be done to get the hundreds of thousands of (often young) sufferers better, not just mobile.

Finland's Revolutionary Education System -- TYT

Porksandwich says...

>> ^tymebendit:

How would it be cheaper?
They're paying the teachers more (upper middle class), providing free meals, free school supplies, and more personal attention to those in need.
Maybe it would cost less to the society in the long run, but I think the initial cost of the system would have to be higher. It would have to be a serious commitment by whoever wants to try it.
>> ^CreamK:
>> ^tymebendit:
i wish we can try the finnish system.
pick a state, or a city, and try it for 10-15 years.
everyone says out current system is terrible and not working.
how much worse could it be than our current one?
it will cost a bit more than our current system, but probably not that much more...

Actually, Finnish system is cheaper than US and by a large margin... Schools that don't have to make profit are much more cost efficient..

The meals you are served at school are typically cheaper than the equivalent meal you would get at a cafeteria anywhere else, they are subsidized or cost mitigated at some point. Plus they provide meals to many kids already free of charge.

School supplies, a school would be able to buy supplies on the whole cheaper than an individual parent x however many students.

And the US schools already provide smaller classes and special buses and/or vans to get handicapped children to and from school. Plus they provide bussing to private schools in my area, I am not sure if they do that at a nominal fee or do it as part of their mandate to provide transportation to these kids.

On top of these things, schools also have sports programs which are astronomically expensive since they require maintaining tracks, fields, and stadiums within the budget of the school. They also pay teachers to be coaches or have an separate coach, all transportation to and from "away" games, uniforms, equipment and the additional parking and safety requirements needed to have games on their premises.

The local school district to me, when they have to make cuts, they never threaten to cut sports. It's always threatening to cut building maintenance, teachers salaries, and buses. Yet sports have no impact on education or the future of about 75% of the kids going through those schools, it's usually a very small group of kids who get to even benefit from the sports programs the school offers but they maintain a stadium, a baseball field, soccer field, football field. Provide uniforms for volleyball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis, and all the other equipment for male and female teams when applicable. I remember it being a big deal with the debate club of 5-10 people who used a small room after school to do their practices got shirts and they otherwise have no additional cost but a few lights and an hour of a teachers time once or twice a week plus debates against other schools...I dont even think they got transportation provided they were expected to be driven to these places by their parents.

US schools spend money on things not related directly to increasing knowledge and education instead preferring to spend major sums of their budgets on sports related costs. Then you have the extra costs associated with special needs kids, because it keeps them from standardized testing to have these kids separated from the regular kids. And yet the kids who are the bright but don't learn well in the traditional classroom get labeled as special needs or "difficult" and are essentially screwed unless their parents go above and beyond to provide them what they need. This is not a system that is designed with cost in mind, whether it be money or the cost of unknowable "future" issues either on personal levels for each student neglected or as a society as a whole as we become about only teaching subjects one way and only one way.

And this is ignoring college education costs and just looking at High School and below. College is astronomically expensive and yet again, they spend loads of money on sports programs but they MIGHT make some fraction of that cost back via ticket sales and such at a generic University and might actually be a profit center in big name University's like OSU.

Apple iPad Keynote in 3 Minutes (of Adjectives)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

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