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Cake: War Pigs - Sock Puppets

Cheney in 1994 - Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Structure says...

He doesn't just say "I'd prefer not to invade Iraq", he gives reasons why you should never invade Iraq. He clearly understood the political situation in that region and knew victory was not possible. But Iraq has the 2nd largest oil reserves on earth and there'd be alot less questions about what Haliburton is doing if it's in the middle of a chaotic mess of a war.
Even a traditional war would help hide theft but those don't last long with modern military technology. And the moment there's peacetime, questions are asked and clear-headed investigations are started.

MSNBC Uncovers Skull and Bones Society

Farhad2000 says...

Constitutional_Patriot : This video has been posted before on this website before it vanished off Youtube, most people actually know about this already. Even then, the American people don't really seem to care about Skull & Bones because it's always been explained away as some kind of frat house in Yale by the media, and paid attention to as much as the collusion between big oil, Enron, KBR, Haliburton with the administration which is a far bigger issue in my view.

Rotty : You are nothing but a militaristic chicken hawk who trolls this website making incendiary comments that have no basis in reality or logic. You are the one that requires serious reprogramming.

Most Under-Reported News Story of 2006 - 655,000 Iraqis Dead

Farhad2000 says...

Military escalation would only be viewed as an expansion of the forces, you do forget that while here in the west we put up with rhetoric, Iraqis are the ones who see massive military bases established in the Iraqi green zones. It would only drive more people into militias and various insurgent forces, the American presence creates this, there is a common enemy to attack by all sides.

From our perspective it looks like we are helping them out, but you forget that Iraqis were welcoming coalition forces in 1991, only to see them stop, pull back impose sanctions and empower Saddam to the point that you had to be in support of him or face certain death. Saddam is gone, the Americans are sticking around, Haliburton is making billions, while we are losing valuable voluntary troops. What's more sickening is that military presence is now little based on honor or duty, but economic reasons, going to small cities and communities to people who have nothing and hunting them down to recruit them into the army. Blackwater and other PMCs run around Iraq with no Army R.O.E. oversight or rules, they can take up any offensive position against Iraqis, the rules of the army don't apply to them.

More forces, more bullish positions would only strengthen and create the very Islamic army against the west. The only reason the American goverment will never pullout or do anything on it's own within this administration would be admitting defeat in their eyes, working multilaterally seems like such a horrible idea. However the fast pace of global economic interlinking must force the American people to reconsider their position, there is a chance now for a possible turnaround, but it will not happen, it takes a certain man to try and recover what has happened and that man is not in the White house. Nor has any candidate really proven themselves so much either.

BBC reported WTC7 Collapse while it was still standing!!

NordlichReiter says...

Alright, I'm not one on stupid conspiracy.

But the speculation is started by the US crusade against the middle east benefiting haliburton.

Follow my logic here:

1) Terrorist Attack - world trade centers blow!
2) Smoking gun tape arises.
3) tali ban accused, harboring terrorists.
4) Attack Afghanistan. (Coalition Troops are still there)
5) Win! Now we attack Iraq in the ongoing war on Terror.
6) No WMDs - Habeas Corpus Destroyed.
7) Troops keep dying in the middle of a civil war.
Spending more money, and loosing controll.
9) Sending more Troops over to "help", (more like putting gas on a fire)
10) Mission Accompolished? Missions accompolished means major troop movement in a place are over, and they can begin to come home!

Last but not Least: All these bullshit excuses. I think that this situation is FUBAR, and SNAFU. It is all a complete Lie! Conspiracy or not, it smells pretty fishy to me.

Colin Powell Resigns, after lying to the UN about false Intelligence, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld says that WMDs are North South East, and west of Tikrit. HOLY crap he just said the cardinal directions. Forgive me but any one who doesn't believe that there is something else going on here is completely hypnotized by prime time television.

My feeling is: There house of cards is built on a foundation of lies, and its about to start raining fiery truth. The lies cannot last another term.

Video by Private Military Contractors in Iraq

Farhad2000 says...

In the first Gulf war the ratio of military troops to on private military contractors was 100 to 1, in the current Iraqi conflict that number is 10 to 1 and getting smaller as the government subsides sizable chunks of the military machine to PMCs. PMCs are also hired for a variety of other tasks, such as escort of VIPs, escort of supply trucks, and additional force components in large scale engagements. For the administration this is a win win situation, some of these companies have direct links to people in power (Haliburton with Kellog Brown and Root), and replacing US army people with paid individuals is great, since this is a force reduction and thus the same high recruitment numbers don't need to be met. However PMC contractors get paid more then the military soldiers, so there is a large problem about soldiers who do far more dangerous tasks for less and thus leave service to go to a PMC. Some of you might remember the events a while back regarding the American PMCs who were killed and hung up on a bridge, evidence shows that it could have been prevented had the requisite rear gunner been present, however there was no one available that day so the convoy left without a rear gunner.

However there is an inherent problem with this, the PMCs do no fall under the military's arch of judicial power or information exchange for that matter. Following the military's ROE is at best optional. Coordinating tasks on the ground becomes an issue, especially with a dynamic battlescape such as Iraq. Further more abuses by PMC troops are not handled, the individual is usually simply shipped out of the country, and can return for another assignment or contract within 6 months. PMCs are notorious in their tactics, close approaching vehicles are indiscriminately shot at (as shown in the video, proper enforcement of warn, shoot 10m off, shoot vehicle, shoot target are not adhered to).

Hearts and minds and this, is clearly a serious clash of strategic objectives. There is more here.

I like the video, it's striking when something entertains and horrifies at the same time.

Video of Limbaugh mocking Fox & Fox's ad for a Republican

oohahh says...

Wallace wrote (trimmed for brevity):

There is a difference between "stem cell research" and "embryonic stem cell research." [...] Literally nothing has been accomplished with stem cells from aborted feti. [...]
In the news yesterday (31 Oct 2006) UK and US scientists announced they've grown liver from baby stem cells. If that's not pretty freaking amazing, I don't know what is. Mind you, they didn't use embryonic stem cells, but then they didn't use adult cells either.

The fact is, there's a wellspring of research that's being performed in countries around the world... but not America. America is falling behind. I'm sure our biopharm industry is delighted to hear that all of the new patents won't be theirs.

Seems like America exports brains and boobs to the world. That is, we can't produce commodities cheaper, so we develop smarter tech; bio, nano and/or we send culture (e.g. movie, tv, books, and porn) abroad. If America is forced to compete solely with boobs instead of brains, we're at a huge disadvantage.

Fact is, the majority of Americans stand in favor of it. What a shame. This administration with its anti-intellectuallism is crippling every bit of our economy... Well, everybody but Haliburton.

Policeman Pepper Spray Teen For Short Change

Fletch says...

ren: "woooh sounds kinky, i bet i can't join ;(
do you have membership cards and ID badges?"

So far all we have is a secret handshake and just one official sponsor... Haliburton. Membership cards are coming as soon as we can get the embedded RFID's coded.

Policeman Pepper Spray Teen For Short Change

Farhad2000 says...

Near? It's already there.

The definition of Fascism is; radical political ideology that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism. A philosophy or system of government that is marked by stringent social and economic control, a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator, and often a policy of belligerent nationalism.

Patriot Act, Wire Taps, Tax cuts to the rich, pork barrell politics, KBR and Haliburton, Exxon, Mobile, BP and other oil companies... belligerent nationalism... neo-con?

Convoy in Iraq that made a wrong turn and got ambushed

The U.S. Defense Budget, Explained with OREO Cookies

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This is an awesome demonstration and shows how ridiculous our spending on contracts to Haliburton, TRW et al really is.

We need serious regime change in the US- get rid of the lobbyists, give us real campaign reform, and damn it after you do the world hunger one, please, please give NASA a few oreos. I want my Mars base.

Fox News takes Rep. Wexler from the Colbert Report out of context ("I enjoy cocaine because...")

James Roe says...

Charon, Check this out... I'm a huge liberal, I don't watch any of the news channels you just mentioned. However, the fact that other than fox they lean to the left is pretty clearly false.

All of our major media outlets bear responsiblity for not concentrating on any one of the numerous illegal activities perpetrated on the united states by our president. They all bear responsibillity for letting the ridiculous comments of the swift boat veterans gain tracation, and for not questioning the build up to the iraqi war.

As for the democrats being more corrupt than the republicans, can i just say Delay, Abramoff, Haliburton, etc....

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